Ottawa Board of Health


Meeting #:
Champlain Room, 110 Laurier Avenue West, and by electronic participation
  • Chair Catherine Kitts, 
  • Vice-Chair Tammy DeGiovanni, 
  • Member Nwanneka Ejiofor, 
  • Member Brent Bauer, 
  • Member Marty Carr, 
  • Member Sabrina Chung, 
  • Member Laura Dudas, 
  • Member Glen Gower, 
  • Member Theresa Kavanagh, 
  • and Member Rawlson King 

Casey Whiticar, Board Secretary
(613) 807-5318

Please see the attached document for public notices and meeting information, including: availability of simultaneous interpretation and accessibility accommodations; in camera meeting procedures; processes and timelines for written and oral submissions; personal information disclaimer for correspondents and public speakers; notices regarding minutes; and remote participation details.

  • Confirmation of minutes of the meeting of June 17, 2024.

Three communication items have been received (held on file with the Board of Health Secretary).

  • BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Chair of the Board of Health Verbal Report, the Medical Officer of Health Verbal Report, and the reports titled: Update of Ottawa Public Health’s 2024-2025 Immunization Plan, 2025 Budget Planning and Considerations for Ottawa Public Health, 2025 Ottawa Board of Health Meeting Schedule, 2024 Operating and Capital Budget Q2– Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit Status Report and Appointment of Associate Medical Officer of Health – in camera – personal matters about an identifiable individual - reporting out date: upon council approval, be received and considered.

File ACS2024-OPH-BOH-0012– City-wide

  • That the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit receive this verbal report for information.

File ACS2024-OPH-MOH-0005 – City-wide

  • That the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit receive this verbal report for information.

File ACS – ACS2024-OPH-EHI-0003 - City-wide 


  • That the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa receive, for information, the 2024-2025 Immunization Plan, as outlined in this report. 

File ACS2024-OPH-BDS-0003 - City-wide 


  • ​​That the Ottawa Board of Health receive the 2025 Budget Planning and Considerations for Ottawa Public Health report for information.​ 

File - ACS2024-OPH-BOH-0013 - City -wide

  • That the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit approve the 2025 meeting schedule, as outlined in this report.


In Camera Items are not subject to public discussion or audience. Any person has a right to request an independent investigation of the propriety of dealing with matters in a closed session. A form requesting such a review may be obtained, without charge, from the City’s website or in person from the Chair of this meeting. Requests are kept confidential pending any report by the Meetings Investigator and are conducted without charge to the Requestor.

File ACS2024-OPH-MOH-0006 – City-wide

  • BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit resolve In Camera pursuant to Section 13(1)(b) of the Procedure By-law 2011-1 to consider personal matters about an identifiable individual with respect to the appointment of an associate medical officer of health. 

  • BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Chair of the Board of Health Verbal Report, the Medical Officer of Health Verbal Report, and the reports titled: Update of Ottawa Public Health’s 2024-2025 Immunization Plan, 2025 Budget Planning and Considerations for Ottawa Public Health, 2025 Ottawa Board of Health Meeting Schedule, 2024 Operating and Capital Budget Q2– Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit Status Report and Appointment of Associate Medical Officer of Health – in camera – personal matters about an identifiable individual - reporting out date: upon council approval, be received and adopted.

  • BE IT RESOLVED THAT Confirmation By-law no. 2024-3, a by-law of the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit to confirm the proceedings of the Ottawa Board of Health at its meeting of September 16, 2024, be read and passed.

Monday, November 4, 2024 - 5:00 PM