WHEREAS, 21 km of Enbridge pipeline is an aging infrastructure and requires maintenance; and
WHEREAS, the St. Laurent Pipeline is a critical part of Enbridge Gas’ natural gas distribution system, and directly and indirectly supplies approximately 165,000 customers in the Ottawa and Gatineau regions, including several of those customers providing critical services, like hospitals, federal facilities, social and low-income housing which count on a reliable, energy source for their daily operations; and
WHEREAS, with any significant impact or event, causing pipe failures, gas supply may be compromised, or shut off; and
WHEREAS, Enbridge has approached the Ontario Energy Board however, based on information provided by the City of Ottawa, their first application was denied; and
WHEREAS, Councillors Carr, Plante, King and Tierney, in whose wards this affects, have grave concerns as Enbridge resubmits their application to the Ontario Energy Board, that previous City-provided information may result in the same decision;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the aforementioned City detail be stricken from the record; and
THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT Ottawa City Council support the Enbridge Gas application for the maintenance of the 21 kilometers of pipeline along St. Laurent Boulevard.