Committee of AdjustmentPanel 3Tuesday, March 04, 2025 9:00 A.m. - 10:00 A.m.Ben Franklin Place, The Chamber, Main Floor, 101 Centrepointe Drive, and by electronic participationThe hearing can be viewed on the Committee of Adjustment YouTube page. For more information, visit Simultaneous interpretation in both official languages, accessible formats and communication supports are available for any specific agenda item by calling the Committee information number at least 72 hours in advance of the hearing. Coordinator: Sarah Shuel Panel Members: Chair: Terry Otto Members: Jocelyn Chandler, Beth Henderson, Martin Vervoort, Gary DuncanCALL TO ORDER OPENING REMARKS DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES ADJOURNMENTS HEARING OF APPLICATIONS 1.2403 Conley (Ward 21- Rideau-Jock) 1.2403 Conley Notice.pdf2.2403 Conley Avis.pdf3.2403 Conley Circulation.pdf4.2403 Conley Cover Letter.pdf5.2403 Conley Plans.pdf6.2403 Conley MDS.pdf7.2403 Conley Planning Report.pdfD08-01-24/B-00173 & D08-01-25/B-00008 Consent ApplicationsApplicant(s): Minh Do and Doreen ManleyAgent: A. WielemakerTo subdivide the property into two separate parcels of land for future residential development.2.6 Basswood (Ward 6 - Stittsville) 1.6 basswood Notice.pdf2.6 basswoodAvis.pdf3.6 Basswood Circulation .pdf4.6 Basswood Cover Letter.pdf5.6 Basswood Plans .pdf6.6 Basswod TIR.pdf7.6 Basswood Planning Report.pdf2.1 D08-01-25/B-000172.2 D08-02-25/A-00018Consent & Minor Variance ApplicationsApplicant(s): Shehla Qayyum and Mohammed TariqueAgent: S. KhawajaTo subdivide the property into two separate parcels of land with reduced lot width and area for the construction of a detached dwelling.3.6122 First Line (Ward 21 - Rideau-Jock) 1.6122 First Line Notice.pdf2.6122 First Line Avis.pdf3.6122 First Line Circulation.pdf4.6122 First Line Cover Letter.pdf5.6122 First Line Plans.pdf6.6122 First Line Planning Report.pdfD08-01-25/B-00019 & D08-01-25/B-00020Consent ApplicationsApplicant: 10000824356 Ontario Inc.Agent: L. LandryTo subdivide the property into three separate parcels of land, for future development.OTHER BUSINESS ADJOURNMENT No Item Selected This item has no attachments.1.2403 Conley Notice.pdf2.2403 Conley Avis.pdf3.2403 Conley Circulation.pdf4.2403 Conley Cover Letter.pdf5.2403 Conley Plans.pdf6.2403 Conley MDS.pdf7.2403 Conley Planning Report.pdf1.6 basswood Notice.pdf2.6 basswoodAvis.pdf3.6 Basswood Circulation .pdf4.6 Basswood Cover Letter.pdf5.6 Basswood Plans .pdf6.6 Basswod TIR.pdf7.6 Basswood Planning Report.pdf1.6122 First Line Notice.pdf2.6122 First Line Avis.pdf3.6122 First Line Circulation.pdf4.6122 First Line Cover Letter.pdf5.6122 First Line Plans.pdf6.6122 First Line Planning Report.pdf