WHEREAS St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church is proposing the installation of a replacement ground sign, with electronic message centre at 971 Woodroffe Avenue; and
WHEREAS St. Paul's Church has been an integral part of Canada’s Capital Region for over 60 years, providing invaluable spiritual, charitable, and communal services available to all members of the community; and
WHEREAS the ground sign previously installed at the location in 1981 was installed with a manual message centre and replaced in 2019 without the benefit of a permit; and
WHEREAS the church wishes to upgrade the existing sign and install a replacement message centre; and
WHEREAS the proposed signage does not comply with the Permanent Signs on Private Property By-law; and
WHEREAS it is recommended to allow this request beyond the general application process for minor variances found in the delegation of authority provisions of By-law 2016-326, which would result in a loss of $2,183 to the City which is the corresponding minor variance fee; and
WHEREAS Heritage staff do not object to the application.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Planning and Housing Committee recommends that Council approve, in respect of 971 Woodroffe Avenue, an exemption to Sections 103 (b) and 112 (b) (ii) of the Permanent Signs on Private Property By-law (2016-326), as amended, to allow:
- The installation of a digital message centre on a property listed on the City’s Heritage Register, and
- The installation of a digital message centre less than 45 m from a residential use in a residential zone, where it is visible from that use.