Report Recommendation(s)
That Planning and Housing Committee recommend Council:
- Authorize the City and delegate authority to the General Manager, Planning, Development and Building Services Department, to enter into a Front-Ending Agreement with Ashcroft Homes Eastboro Inc., which provide for the repayment of the design and construction associated with the Gloucester Urban Community Interim Pond 2, related sanitary sewer and oversizing of the storm sewer to a total upset limit of $30,213,280 (inclusive of construction, applicable land, contingency, engineering and project management amounts) plus applicable taxes in accordance with the Front-Ending Agreement Principles and Policy set forth in Documents 2 and 3 and with the final form and content being to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor, distributed as follows:
- Upset limit for construction and land costs for Interim Pond 2 of $15,283,166 plus applicable taxes
- Upset limit for Sanitary Sewer of $6,820,712 plus applicable taxes and
- Upset limit for Storm Sewer Oversizing of $8,109,402 plus applicable taxes.
- Authorize the financial disbursement to reimburse the design and construction costs incurred by the above pursuant to the execution of the Front-Ending Agreement to an upset limit of $30,213,280 (inclusive of construction, applicable land, contingency, engineering and project management amounts) plus applicable taxes and in accordance with the reimbursement schedule set out in said agreement.
- Authorize the financial disbursement to reimburse for the sanitary sewer based on the following scenarios:
- If Navan Road is reopened within six months and the storm sewer is in-service with all deficiencies having been addressed within six months of the commencement of work, the City will pay four per cent interest per annum from the date of the adoption of a development charge by-law that incorporates the sanitary sewer at the above cost $6,820,712 to March 31, 2027
- If Navan Road is not opened within six months or the storm sewer is not in- service within six months of the commencement of work, no interest is payable and the payment in respect of the sanitary sewer shall be $6,820,712 on March 31, 2027.
- Approval in principle for a payment of $1,853,290 per hectare ($750,000 per acre), plus applicable taxes, of land for the Ultimate Stormwater Pond 2.
- Delegate authority to the General Manager, Planning Development and Building Services to approve the temporary closure of Navan Road to facilitate the construction of the works associated with this report.
- Suspend the notice required under Subsections 29(3) and 34(1) of the Procedure By-law to consider this report at the July 10, 2024, Council meeting in order for the recommendations to be considered in a timely manner.