WHEREAS the 2023 Draft Budget includes partial funding for the widening of the Airport Parkway with additional budget to follow in subsequent years to fully fund the project; and
WHEREAS the scope of the project includes the widening of the Airport Parkway from two to four lanes between Brookfield Road and Hunt Club Road, the construction of a new southbound off-ramp at Walkley Road and a roundabout intersection, complete street modifications to Walkley Road between the off-ramp and McCarthy Road, and a new multi-use pathway along the west side of the Parkway; and
WHEREAS the Trillium Line extension, which runs parallel to the planned Airport Parkway widening, is planned to come online in 2023; and
WHEREAS it would be beneficial to establish a strong ridership before implementing the full scope of the Airport Parkway widening project; and
WHEREAS the 2023 Budget request for the Airport Parkway is primarily for the design and construction of the Walkley off-ramp, but also includes traffic mitigation on Walkley from the off-ramp to McCarthy, a protected intersection at McCarthy, and new active transportation measures on the Walkley overpass; and
WHEREAS to allow for ridership on the expanded Trillium Line to establish, a phased implementation approach should be considered for this project; and
WHEREAS the need for the elements noted above as well as the new multi-use pathway should be designed and constructed in the first phase of this project and within the current projected timeline; and
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the funding in the Draft 2023 Budget and subsequent budgets (as needed) be applied to the Walkley off-ramp, traffic mitigation on Walkley from the off-ramp to McCarthy, a protected intersection at McCarthy, new active transportation measures on the Walkley overpass, and the new multi-use pathway along the west side of the Parkway, and that these project components move forward for Committee and Council’s consideration as currently planned, including the completion of the detailed design for the entire project; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that funding beyond the 2023 Budget, specifically for the construction of the widening of the Airport Parkway, between Brookfield Drive and Hunt Club Road, be deferred until the Transportation Master Plan (TMP) update is completed, and after the Trillium Line is operational for two years.
Committee then heard from the following public delegations:
- Ken Holmes*+
- William van Geest, Program Coordinator, Ecology Ottawa
- Nick Ward*
- Ms Cassie Smith*
- Ms Laura Shantz, Civic Engagement Coordinator, City for All Women Initiative (CAWI)
- Ms Anne Clarke++
- Ms Bessa Whitmore
Written correspondence was also received from Mr. Marc André Way*, President, Coventry Connections.
[ + Slide presentations/visuals/videos++ held on file with the Office of the City Clerk.]
[ * Individuals / groups marked with an asterisk above either provided comments in writing or by e-mail; all submissions and presentations are held on file with the Office of the City Clerk. ]
At the conclusion of Committee’s questions to the delegations and to staff, and with discussions on the Committee’s portion of the 2023 City of Draft Ottawa Operating and Capital Budgets and related matters also concluded, the Chair called for a recorded vote on the Motion related to the Airport Parkway. Motion TRC 2023 02-02 was then put before the Committee and was ‘CARRIED’ on a vote of eight ‘Yeas’ to four ‘Nays’ as follows: