Planning and Housing Committee


Meeting #:
Champlain Room, 110 Laurier Avenue West, and by electronic participation
  • Chair: Councillor Jeff Leiper, 
  • Vice-chair: Councillor Glen Gower, 
  • Councillor Riley Brockington, 
  • Councillor Cathy Curry, 
  • Councillor Laura Dudas, 
  • Councillor Laine Johnson, 
  • Councillor Theresa Kavanagh, 
  • Councillor Clarke Kelly, 
  • Councillor Catherine Kitts, 
  • Councillor Wilson Lo, 
  • Councillor Tim Tierney, 
  • and Councillor Ariel Troster 

Notices and meeting information are attached to the agenda and minutes, including: availability of simultaneous interpretation and accessibility accommodations; in camera meeting procedures; information items not subject to discussion; personal information disclaimer for correspondents and public speakers; notices regarding minutes; and remote participation details.

Accessible formats and communication supports are available, upon request.

Except where otherwise indicated, reports requiring Council consideration will be presented to Council on Wednesday, November 13, 2024, in Planning and Housing Committee Report 37.

The deadline to register by phone to speak or submit written comments or visual presentations is 4 pm on Monday, November 4, 2024, and the deadline to register by email to speak is 8:30 am on Tuesday, November 5, 2024.

These “Summary Minutes” indicate the disposition of items and actions taken at the meeting. This document does not include all of the text that will be included in the full Minutes, such as the record of written and oral submissions. Recorded votes and dissents contained in the Summary Minutes are draft until the full Minutes of the meeting are confirmed by the Committee. The draft of the full Minutes (for confirmation) will be published with the agenda for the next regular Committee meeting and, once confirmed, will replace this document.  The Chair read the following statement at the outset of the meeting pursuant to the Planning Act:

This is a public meeting to consider the proposed Comprehensive Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments listed as Item(s) 5.1 to 5.4 and 5.6 to 5.8 on today’s Agenda.

For the item just mentioned, only those who make oral submissions today or written submissions before the amendments are adopted may appeal the matter to the Ontario Land Tribunal. In addition, the applicant may appeal the matter to the Ontario Land Tribunal if Council does not adopt an amendment within 90 days of receipt of the application for a Zoning By-law Amendment and 120 days for an Official Plan Amendment.

To submit written comments on these amendments, prior to their consideration by City Council on November 13, 2024, please email or call the Committee or Council Coordinator.

No Declarations of Interest were filed.

File No. ACS2024-PDB-PSX-0029 – Kitchissippi (15)

  • Report Recommendation(s)

    1. That Planning and Housing Committee recommend Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 for 10 Garrison Street from R1MM to R4UC[xxxx], as shown in Document 1, to permit the redevelopment of the site into a three-storey plus basement low-rise apartment building, as detailed in Document 2.
    2. That Planning and Housing Committee approve the Consultation Details Section of this report be included as part of the ‘brief explanation’ in the Summary of Written and Oral Public Submissions, to be prepared by the Office of the City Clerk and submitted to Council in the report titled, “Summary of Oral and Written Public Submissions for Items Subject to the Planning Act ‘Explanation Requirements’ at the City Council Meeting of November 13, 2024,” subject to submissions received between the publication of this report and the time of Council’s decision.

File No. ACS2024-PDB-PSX-0034– Kitchissippi (15)

  • Report Recommendation(s)

    1. That Planning and Housing Committee recommend Council:
      1. Approve an amendment to the Official Plan, Volume 2A - Urban Secondary Plans, Richmond Road / Westboro Secondary Plan, for 335 and 339 Roosevelt Avenue, 344 Winston Avenue, and 379 and 389 Wilmont Avenue, in order to permit a 13 and a 14-storey high rise apartment, as detailed in Document 2. 
      2. Approve an amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 for 335 and 339 Roosevelt Avenue, 344 Winston Avenue, and 379 and 389 Wilmont Avenue to permit a 13 and a 14-storey high rise apartment, and land for a new public park, as detailed in Documents 3 and 4. 
    2. That Planning and Housing Committee approve the Consultation Details Section of this report be included as part of the ‘brief explanation’ in the Summary of Written and Oral Public Submissions, to be prepared by the Office of the City Clerk and submitted to Council in the report titled, “Summary of Oral and Written Public Submissions for Items Subject to the Planning Act ‘Explanation Requirements’ at the City Council Meeting of November 13, 2024,” subject to submissions received between the publication of this report and the time of Council’s decision.

File No. ACS2024-PDB-PS-0098 – Kitchissippi (15)

  • Report Recommendation(s)

    That Planning and Housing Committee:

    1. Recommend Council approve an amendment to the Official Plan, Volume 2a, Richmond Road / Westboro Secondary Plan, for 424 Churchill Avenue North, as shown in Document 1, for increased buildings heights as detailed in Document 2.
    2. Recommend Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 for 424 Churchill Avenue North, as shown in Document 1, to permit an eight-storey residential building, as detailed in Document 3.
    3. Approve the Consultation Details Section of this report be included as part of the ‘brief explanation’ in the Summary of Written and Oral Public Submissions, to be prepared by the Office of the City Clerk and submitted to Council in the report titled, “Summary of Oral and Written Public Submissions for Items Subject to the Planning Act ‘Explanation Requirements’ at the City Council Meeting of November 13, 2024,” subject to submissions received between the publication of this report and the time of Council’s decision.

File No. ACS2024-PDB-PSX-0027 - Orléans East-Cumberland (1)

  • Report Recommendation(s)

    1. That Planning and Housing Committee recommend Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 for 1280 Trim Road, as shown in Document 1, to permit a commercial development, as detailed in Document 2.
    2. That Planning and Housing Committee approve the Consultation Details Section of this report be included as part of the ‘brief explanation’ in the Summary of Written and Oral Public Submissions, to be prepared by the Office of the City Clerk and submitted to Council in the report titled, “Summary of Oral and Written Public Submissions for Items Subject to the Planning Act ‘Explanation Requirements’ at the City Council Meeting of November 13, 2024,” subject to submissions received between the publication of this report and the time of Council’s decision.

File No. ACS2024-PDB-PS-0029 – City-wide

This Report will be submitted to the Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee on November 7, 2024.

  • Report Recommendation(s)

    That Planning and Housing Committee recommend Council approve the amendments to Site Plan Control By-law 2014-256 as shown in Document 1.


File No. ACS2024-PDB-PS-0107 – City-wide

This Report will be submitted to the Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee on November 7, 2024.

  • Report Recommendation(s)

    That Planning and Housing Committee and Agricultural and Rural Affairs recommend Council:

    1. Approve the amendments to the Official Plan of the City of Ottawa, attached as Document 1 to this report and proposed to be effective on January 1, 2025;
    2. Approve the amendments to the Planning Fees By-law, attached as Document 2 to this report and proposed to be effective on January 1, 2025;
    3. Approve the amendments to the Delegated Authority By-law, attached as Document 3 to this report and proposed to be effective on January 1, 2025;
    4. Approve the amendments to the Public Notification and Consultation Policy, attached as Document 4 to this report and proposed to be effective on January 1, 2025; and
    5. That Planning and Housing and Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee approve the Consultation Details Section of this report be included as part of the ‘brief explanation’ in the Summary of Written and Oral Public Submissions, to be prepared by the Office of the City Clerk and submitted to Council in the report titled, “Summary of Oral and Written Public Submissions for Items Subject to the Planning Act ‘Explanation Requirements’ at the City Council Meeting of November 13th, 2024 subject to submissions received between the publication of this report and the time of Council’s decision.

File No. ACS2024-PDB-PS-0088 – Bay (7)

Direction to Staff:

Councillor Kavanagh

That staff be directed to work with the National Capital Commission (NCC) to explore opportunities for active or passive recreation space on the NCC’s greenspace that is accessible to the Woodpark community after the completion of the western expansion of the O-Train, located approximately north of the future development area east of Lincoln Fields Station and west of Edgeworth Avenue.

  • Report Recommendation(s)

    That Planning and Housing Committee recommend Council:

    1. Approve an amendment to Volume 2A of the Official Plan to add the Lincoln Fields Secondary Plan, including Schedule A – Designation Plan, Schedule B – Maximum Building Heights, and Schedule C – Mobility and Connectivity, as detailed in Documents 1, 2, 3, and 4.
    2. Approve an amendment to Volume 1 of the Official Plan to change the Hub designation boundary for the Hub designation surrounding Lincoln Fields Station on Schedule B2 – Inner Urban Transect to reflect the Hub boundary in Document 2.
    3. Approve amendments to Zoning By-law 2008-250 to:
      1. Create a new MC18 subzone, an urban exception, and two new schedules that modify performance standards of the MC Zone related to minimum and maximum building heights, tower step backs, active frontage requirements, and a minimum requirement for non-residential uses at-grade along select streets, as detailed in Documents 5, 8 and 9.
      2. Re-zone 2525 Carling Avenue from AM, AM10[2193], and AM10[2194] to MC18[XXX1]-h SYYY1, as detailed in Document 6.
      3. Amend zoning schedule 402 to increase the minimum interior and rear yard setback requirements for the tower portion of high-rise building and minimum lot sizes for 2525 Carling Avenue, as detailed in Document 7.
    4. Approve the Consultation Details Section of this report to be included as part of the ‘brief explanation’ in the Summary of Written and Oral Public Submissions, to be prepared by the Office of the City Clerk and submitted to Council in the report titled, “Summary of Oral and Written Public Submissions for Items Subject to the Planning Act ‘Explanation Requirements’ at the City Council Meeting of November 13, 2024 subject to submissions received between the publication of this report and the time of Council’s decision, as detailed in Document 10.
    Carried as amended
  • Amendment:
    Motion No. PHC2024-17-01
    Moved byG. Gower

    WHEREAS Schedule C16 of the Official Plan (Road Classification and Rights-of-Way Protection) already protects right-of-way for urban laneways, which gives the City the option to receive additional right-of-way as necessary as part of abutting development applications.

    WHEREAS a future development application is a more appropriate opportunity for the City to consider any additional right-of-way requirements for Starflower Lane than the Lincoln Fields Secondary Plan. 

    THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that policy 3.3(5) in the Lincoln Fields Secondary Plan be removed in its entirety, and policies are re-numbered accordingly.  

  • Amendment:
    Motion No. PHC2024-17-02
    Moved byT. Kavanagh

    WHEREAS the Official Plan states: “The City may require through the Zoning By-law and/or development applications to amend the Zoning By-law: Commercial and service uses on the ground floor of otherwise residential, office and institutional buildings with a strong emphasis on uses needed to contribute to 15-minute neighbourhoods;” and,

    WHEREAS requiring non-residential use for buildings contributes to vibrant and human-scale spaces; and

    THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Section 2.2 hub designation Policy 4) be amended to include the following underlined changes: "Buildings within the Hub designation that front onto Richmond Road or Carling Avenue shall contain a minimum of one non-residential use at-grade facing the street."

    For (6)L. Dudas, T. Kavanagh, T. Tierney, R. Brockington, L. Johnson, and A. Troster
    Against (3)G. Gower, J. Leiper, and W. Lo
    Carried (6 to 3)
  • Amendment:
    Motion No. PHC2024-17-03
    Moved byG. Gower

    WHEREAS the Lincoln Fields Secondary Plan proposes a maximum podium height of 2-4 storeys along Richmond Road; and

    WHEREAS there may be site-specific circumstances where a slightly taller podium may be appropriate; and

    WHEREAS policy 5.2.3(2)(c)(i) states that the podiums of high-rise buildings shall be proportionate to the width of the abutting right of way;

    THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that policy 2.3(8) in the Lincoln Fields Secondary Plan be revised as follows: “The base of a building that fronts onto Richmond Road will generally be between two and four storeys.”  

    For (7)L. Dudas, G. Gower, T. Tierney, J. Leiper, R. Brockington, L. Johnson, and W. Lo
    Against (2)T. Kavanagh, and A. Troster
    Carried (7 to 2)

File No. ACS2024-PDB-PSX-0038 – City-wide

  • Report Recommendation(s)

    1. That Planning and Housing Committee recommend Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 for 2 Pretty Street, as shown in Document 1, from L1 to R4M[xxx1] with exceptions to enable residential development, on a parcel owned by the City of Ottawa, as detailed in Document 2.
    2. That Planning and Housing Committee recommend Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 for part of 40 Beechcliffe Street as shown in Document 3, from R3Z[937] and R2M to R4M[xxx2] with exceptions to enable residential development, on a vacant parcel owned by the City of Ottawa, as detailed in Document 4.
    3. That Planning and Housing Committee recommend Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 for 261A Hinchey Avenue, as shown in Document 5, from R4UB to R4UB[xxx3] with exceptions to enable residential development, on a vacant parcel owned by the City of Ottawa, as detailed in Document 6.
    4. That Planning and Housing Committee recommend Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 for 185 Hawthorne Avenue, as shown in Document 7, from R3P to R4UB[xxx4] with exceptions to enable residential development, on a vacant parcel owned by the City of Ottawa, as detailed in Document 8.
    5. That Planning and Housing Committee recommend Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 for 2548 Cléroux Crescent, as shown in Document 9, from R2N to R4M[xxx5] with exceptions to enable residential development, on a vacant parcel owned by the City of Ottawa, as detailed in Document 10.
    6. That Planning and Housing Committee recommend Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 for 2060 Lanthier Drive, as shown in Document 11, from IG7 H(21) and IG[1608] H(21)to GM H(21) [xxx6] with exceptions to enable mixed use development, on a vacant parcel owned by the City of Ottawa, as detailed in Document 12.
    7. That Planning and Housing Committee approve the Consultation Details Section of this report be included as part of the ‘brief explanation’ in the Summary of Written and Oral Public Submissions, to be prepared by the Office of the City Clerk and submitted to Council in the report titled, “Summary of Oral and Written Public Submissions for Items Subject to the Planning Act ‘Explanation Requirements’ at the City Council Meeting of November 13 subject to submissions received between the publication of this report and the time of Council’s decision.
    Carried as amended
  • Amendment:
    Motion No. PHC2024-17-04

    Moved by Councillor Gower (on behalf of Councillor Menard)

    WHEREAS there is a housing crisis in Ottawa and non-market housing is the most effective and important solution we have to address it; and,

    WHEREAS 185 Hawthorne Avenue is an irregular shaped city-owned property located in Old Ottawa East, adjacent to the Highway 417 and off ramp; and,

    WHEREAS although the site is not considered a city park, it has always been used by the community as such; and,

    WHEREAS members of the community note that this land has been used in this way for 50 years; and,

    WHEREAS the community is understandably concerned about the loss of publicly accessible greenspace and tree canopy that would be required by a development here; and,

    WHEREAS members of the community have pointed out that this greenspace is currently used as a communal gathering space for families, children, and neighbours walking their dogs; and,

    WHEREAS the community is already concerned about the loss of greenspace in the neighbourhood that would result from the Alta Vista Transportation Corridor if it were to be built as currently planned; and,

    WHEREAS community members have also pointed out that the trees located on the property provide canopy cover and screening from the highway; and,

    WHEREAS any new building on the site will be required to meet the Ministry of Transportation (MTO) setback requirements (from property lines adjacent to the Highway 417 and off ramp); and, 

    WHEREAS due to soil contamination, the site requires remediation prior to development, which may require the removal of trees; and, 

    WHEREAS community members have also raised concerns about the lack of parking on their street and how this new development could exacerbate that issue; and, 

    WHEREAS although parking may not be required for this new development, the city could ensure that minimal street parking is lost as a result of this development;    

    THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that staff be directed to include a condition in the request for proposal requiring the successful not-for-profit housing provider retain as many trees as possible (including within the MTO setback). Where trees are not able to be retained due to site design, the owner will be required to work with a city forester to develop a replanting plan; and, 

    BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED staff include a requirement in the request for proposal for the not-for-profit to provide publicly accessible greenspace on the site; and  

    BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that efforts be made to maintain the existing curbside parking capacity wherever possible. 


There were no in camera items.

Councillor T. Tierney

Group home means a supervised residential use building in which three to ten persons, exclusive of their dependants and of any staff, live as a group in a single housekeeping establishment, and where residents require support or supervision on a daily basis, but excludes correctional facilities and shelters. (foyer de groupe) (By-law 2014-94) (By-law 2018-206)

  1. Do group homes receive tax breaks (properties are exempt from property taxation under house of refuge)?
  2. Do the group home properties get charged the VUT if empty?
  3. If a property that is currently a group home is rented, what burden of proof is required to ensure it is the same use?
  4. In the event city legal agrees with a tenants use, what ability does the community have to object or ask for review.
    (examples, Provincial Ombudsman, Local MPP, Provincial Ottawa office, private litigation against the City?)
  5. In the event a tenant is deemed not to meet the requirement, what is the immediacy of action ( closing facility, action against property owner, etc )

There was no other business.

Next Meeting

Wednesday, November 20, 2024.

The meeting adjourned at 2:34 pm.

No Item Selected