Craig Ginther, Division Manager, Service Planning (participating remotely) and Anna Basile, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, and Division Manager, Corporate Services provided a presentation (held on file with the Chief Librarian/Chief Executive Officer) regarding service planning for the Central Branch at Ādisōke and associated operational requirements. Laura George Fernandes, Portfolio Manager, Special Projects, was also in attendance to respond to questions. The following is a summary of the information presented:
- Summarized the client-centric and data-driven planning approach;
- Described the Visitor Experience Principles (seamless, intentional, inclusive, and transformational);
- Provided the Service Model;
- Highlighted Staffing Requirements (including resources for traditional and new services);
- Provided Operating Costs (Plan for funding to be secured via combination of existing funding, efficiencies, new pressures, and off-set savings upon decommissioning of the current Main branch);
- Outlined Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment (FF&E) Refinements (Strategy to address increased costs, including anticipated request via the 2025 budget process to withdraw $2M from the Library Reserve); and,
- Summarized Next Steps (Developing detailed plans for each service category, elements to be included in the 2025 draft Budget).
In response to Trustee Bradley’s question regarding the pressure from the $5M FF&E gap (increases from $11M to $16M) and whether staff will be procuring FF&E in 2025, Ms. Basile confirmed in the affirmative that procurements will occur over the course of 2025 and as such, there is an immediate need to address the funding gap.
Trustee Bradley asked for additional clarification regarding sources for the remaining $3M gap (after $2M is taken from Reserves). Ms. Basile indicated that staff have identified sources for the remaining $3M and these will be incorporated into the draft 2025 Budget.
In response to Trustee Bradley’s subsequent question regarding what funding options staff considered and ultimately did not proceed with, Ms. Basile noted that staff considered securing funding through debt, which is atypical, would require City collaboration, and would have significant operational impacts in terms of interest. She added that another option was to address the $5M funding gap entirely through the Library Reserve, and further elaborated that staff felt that a combination of sources was the best approach to not exhaust one avenue of funding.
Sonia Bebbington, Chief Librarian and CEO noted that the approach mentioned also aligns with the Ottawa Library Reserve Fund Policy (By-law no. 2019-205), in ensuring the use of reserves respect recommended thresholds and their intended purpose, which are for one-time costs.
Trustee Bradley asked when staff will be providing the information on the plans for the remaining $3M gap, and Ms. Basile noted the detailed information will be provided in the draft 2025 Budget, adding that Board authority will be required to transfer funds.
In response to Trustee Bradley’s question regarding whether the 2025 budget directions from City Council will be sufficient for OPL’s staffing requirements, Ms. Basile noted that staff are confident that they can bring forward a budget that respects the direction by City Council and which simultaneously allows the Board to achieve its requirements for the organization.
Trustee Kitts commented that she was impressed with the consultation and research invested in the service planning. She highlighted the intentionality of the visitor experience principles may be just as impressive as the building’s architecture.
In response to Trustee Kitts’ question regarding whether the budget pressures identified this evening were considering a projected 2.9% increase (2025 budget directions), Ms. Basile stated that the funding requirements presented this evening are independent of the 2025 budget directions. She noted that requirements for compensation, as well as the provision of library services and facilities have been developed independently of the budget directions. She added that staff are confident that with the draft budget this year and through the use of strategic approaches, OPL will be able to achieve funding requirements in 2025 and 2026, with the 2025 Budget remaining aligned with the direction established by Council.
Trustee Kitts asked when recruitment will begin for the positions identified, and Ms. Basile noted that all recruitment will take place in 2025, with some initiated in early 2025, and others towards Q4. Trustee Kitts inquired whether staff were confident these numbers of employees and timelines could be achieved, and Ms. Basile replied in the affirmative. She mentioned there is a lot of excitement, historically the Performance Measurement Framework average applicants per job posting turned a positive result with an upward trend, indicating a growing interest in library jobs and employment with OPL.
Trustee Crawford asked staff to continue to consider the needs of neighbourhood organizations near the Central branch, including the unique student population at the nearby Centennial School, which includes a high number of students who have a different range of abilities. Mr. Ginther noted that Main branch staff have a great relationship with the school staff and students. He said staff have explored how best to start building excitement about the Central branch Ādisōke with the students and staff at this school, in participation with the project team and the intention is to continue that engagement. Mr. Ginther noted that staff are committed to ongoing engagement with many organizations and as staff continue detailed planning for the different services in the building, the relationship and engagement with Centennial School will continue.
Trustee Crawford inquired whether the $5M cost increase was due to inflationary pressures, and Mr. Ginther replied that there were two primary reasons for the cost increase: inflation, as the trustee mentioned, as well as the fact that initial costs were determined prior to refinement of the service model. He added that staff are noting pressures of five to seven percent per year and are accounting for those pressures within the estimated increases, as well as carrying some additional contingency in the updated estimates to ensure an additional buffer.
Trustee Crawford asked staff to confirm whether funding for Ādisōke has been received to date from the province. Mr. Ginther confirmed that province has not provided funding for the project.
Vice-Chair Fisher suggested the Board formalize a direction to staff to include in the draft 2025 Budget a $2M withdrawal from the Library Reserves to fund FF&E related to the Central branch at Ādisōke. Chair Luloff concurred, and the Board unanimously consented to the following direction:
That staff be directed to include a transfer of $2M to the Library Reserve in the 2025 Operating Budget to fund furniture and equipment (FF&E) related to the Central branch of the Ottawa Public Library at Ādisōke.
Chair Luloff noted the Central branch at Ādisōke is a significant project and asked staff to provide additional information about how they are working to ensure services and priorities are balanced across the OPL system. Ms. Bebbington noted staff are mindful of needs system-wide and intend to deliver Ādisōke successfully while maintaining a balance of services and resources across the system. She noted ongoing work such as reviewing rural branch hours as an example of other projects currently undertaken to ensure responsive, city-wide services. Trustees can expect to hear more about rural branch hours at the November 5th OPL Board meeting.
Trustee Bradley asked a point of clarification regarding whether staff have the delegated authority to make the decision to withdraw the $2M from the Library Reserve. Ms. Basile stated that staff do not have the delegated of authority, as such the Board and City Council must approve the $2M withdrawal from the Library Reserve.
Further to the point of clarification, Trustee Bradley asked if the current direction to staff on the floor is adequate. Through Alexandra Yarrow, Project Manager, Board and Strategic Services, Ms. Basile confirmed in the affirmative that a direction to staff is sufficient at this time, as they build the draft 2025 Budget for tabling in November, and which the Board will then subsequently consider for approval at the December 3rd meeting.
There being no further discussion, the report was RECEIVED and CARRIED as presented.
MOTION OPL 20241008/4
That the Ottawa Public Library Board:
- Receive this report for information;
- Approve visitor experience principles for the Central branch; and,
- Approve the service model, as further described in this report.
Results: Received and Carried
Direction to staff:
That staff be directed to transfer $2M to the Library Reserve in the 2025 Operating Budget to fund furniture and equipment (FFE) related to the Central branch of the Ottawa Public Library at Ādisōke.