Planning and Housing Committee


Meeting #:
Champlain Room, 110 Laurier Avenue West, and by electronic participation
  • Chair: Councillor Jeff Leiper, 
  • Vice-chair: Councillor Glen Gower, 
  • Councillor Riley Brockington, 
  • Councillor Cathy Curry, 
  • Councillor Laura Dudas, 
  • Councillor Laine Johnson, 
  • Councillor Theresa Kavanagh, 
  • Councillor Clarke Kelly, 
  • Councillor Catherine Kitts, 
  • Councillor Wilson Lo, 
  • Councillor Tim Tierney, 
  • and Councillor Ariel Troster 

Notices and meeting information are attached to the agenda and minutes, including: availability of simultaneous interpretation and accessibility accommodations; in camera meeting procedures; information items not subject to discussion; personal information disclaimer for correspondents and public speakers; notices regarding minutes; and remote participation details.

Accessible formats and communication supports are available, upon request.

Except where otherwise indicated, reports requiring Council consideration will be presented to Council on Wednesday, July 10, 2024 in Planning and Housing Committee Report 30.

The deadline to register by phone to speak, or submit written comments or visual presentations is 4 pm on Tuesday, July 2, 2024, and the deadline to register by email to speak is 8:30 am on Wednesday, July 3, 2024.

These “Summary Minutes” indicate the disposition of items and actions taken at the meeting. This document does not include all of the text that will be included in the full Minutes, such as the record of written and oral submissions. Recorded votes and dissents contained in the Summary Minutes are draft until the full Minutes of the meeting are confirmed by the Committee. The draft of the full Minutes (for confirmation) will be published with the agenda for the next regular Committee meeting and, once confirmed, will replace this document.  The Chair read the following statement at the outset of the meeting pursuant to the Planning Act:

This is a public meeting to consider the proposed Comprehensive Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments listed as Item(s) 4.1-4.4 on today’s Agenda.

For the item just mentioned, only those who make oral submissions today or written submissions before the amendments are adopted may appeal the matter to the Ontario Land Tribunal. In addition, the applicant may appeal the matter to the Ontario Land Tribunal if Council does not adopt an amendment within 90 days of receipt of the application for a Zoning By-law Amendment and 120 days for an Official Plan Amendment.

To submit written comments on these amendments, prior to their consideration by City Council on Wednesday, July 10, 2024, please email or call the Committee or Council Coordinator.

No Declarations of Interest were filed.

ACS2024-PRE-PS-0055 - Somerset (14)

Jean-Charles Renaud, Planner III, Planning, Development and Building Services (PDBS) provided an overview of the report and answered questions from the Committee.  A copy of the slide presentation is filed with the Office of the City Clerk.

The following staff were also present and responded to questions:


  • Vivi Chi, General Manager
  • Andrew McCreight, Manager, Development Review – Central

Legal Services:

  • Tim Marc, Senior Legal Counsel-Planning, Development & Real Estate

The Applicant/Owner as represented by John Moser, GBA Group and provided an overview of the Application and responded to questions from Committee.  Jean-Luc Rivard, Brigil Construction were also present and responded to questions.  

The Committee heard from the following delegation:

  • Mary Haung, Centretown Community Association expressed concerns with density, accessibility and lack of family-sized units.  Although pleased there are no plans for underground parking under the park, it’s felt the park is not an adequate size for the amount of residents expected.

The following written submission were received by, and is filed with, the Office of the City Clerk, and distributed to Committee Members:

  • Email dated July 2, 2024 from Centretown Community Association

Following discussion and questions of staff, the Committee carried the report recommendations as presented.

  • Report recommendation(s)

    1. That Planning and Housing Committee recommend Council approve:
      1. An amendment to the Official Plan, Volume 2C, for 265 Catherine Street, to permit a mixed-use development including three high-rise towers up to 32, 34, and 36 storeys, respectively, and land for a new public park, subject to the criteria of an area specific policy, as detailed in Document 2.
      2. An amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250, as amended, for 265 Catherine Street, as shown in Document 1, to permit a mixed-use development including three high-rise towers up to 32, 34, and 36 storeys, respectively, and land for a new public park, as detailed in Document 3. 
    2. That Planning and Housing Committee approve the Consultation Details Section of this report be included as part of the ‘brief explanation’ in the Summary of Written and Oral Public Submissions, to be prepared by the Office of the City Clerk and submitted to Council in the report titled, “Summary of Oral and Written Public Submissions for Items Subject to the Planning Act ‘Explanation Requirements’ at the City Council Meeting of July 10, 2024,” subject to submissions received between the publication of this report and the time of Council’s decision.

ACS2024-PDB-PSX-0017 - Somerset (14)

The Applicant/Owner as represented by Simran Soor, Novatech was present in support, and available to answer questions.  The Applicant advised that they did not need to address the Committee if the item carried.

The following written submission were received by, and is filed with, the Office of the City Clerk, and distributed to Committee Members:

  • Email dated July 1, 2024 from Tim Lobsinger

The Committee Carried the report recommendations as presented.

  • Report recommendation(s)

    1. That Planning and Housing Committee recommend Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 for 10 Empress Avenue North, as shown in Document 1, to rezone the site from Residential Fourth Density, Subzone UD to Residential Fourth Density, Subzone UD, Urban Exception XXXX to facilitate the development of a four-storey apartment building, as detailed in Document 2.
    2. That Planning and Housing Committee approve the Consultation Details Section of this report be included as part of the ‘brief explanation’ in the Summary of Written and Oral Public Submissions, to be prepared by the Office of the City Clerk and submitted to Council in the report titled, “Summary of Oral and Written Public Submissions for Items Subject to the Planning Act ‘Explanation Requirements’ at the City Council Meeting of July 10, 2024,” subject to submissions received between the publication of this report and the time of Council’s decision.

ACS2024-PDB-PS-0084 - Orléans East-Cumberland (1)

Steve Belan, Planner II, Planning, Development and Building Services (PDBS), provided an overview of the report and answered questions from the Committee. John Sevigny, Manager, Development Review - East, was also present and responded to questions.  A copy of the slide presentation is filed with the Office of the City Clerk.

The Applicant/Owner as represented by Miguel Tremblay and Tamara Nahal, Fotenn Planning + Design and provided an overview of the Application and responded to questions from Committee.  A copy of the slide presentation is filed with the Office of the City Clerk.

The Committee heard from the following delegations:

  1. Guy Dacquay expressed concerns related to the height of the development and noted many safety concerns around traffic, aesthetics, parking and privacy.  The development will make the area less pedestrian friendly and retail on the ground floor is not likely to attract patrons as the streetscape is too busy and noisy.
  2. JP Unger noted residents concerns have not been addressed.  High-rise buildings are about maximizing profits instead of providing affordable housing and expressed concerns with slope stability.

The following written submissions were received by, and are filed with, the Office of the City Clerk, and distributed to Committee Members:

  • Email dated June 28, 2024 from Sonia Gaal
  • Email dated July 1, 2024 from Richard McNamee
  • Email dated July, 2, 2024 from J.P. Unger

Following discussion and questions of staff, the Committee carried the report recommendations as presented.

  • Report recommendation(s)

    1. That the Planning and Housing Committee recommend Council approve:
      1. An amendment to the Official Plan, Volume 2A, Orléans Corridor Secondary Plan, for 3030 St. Joseph Boulevard, as shown in Document 1, to remove Section 6.1 (58) “3030 St. Joseph Boulevard - maximum building height is 16-storeys”, as detailed in Document 2, to permit a high-rise building. 
      2. An amendment to the Zoning By-law 2008-250 for 3030 St. Joseph Boulevard for the lands shown in Document 1 to amend the exception and schedule AM3[2705]S438 to permit an 18-storey mixed-use building, as detailed in Documents  3 and 4.
    2. That Planning and Housing Committee approve the Consultation Details Section of this report be included as part of the ‘brief explanation’ in the Summary of Written and Oral Public Submissions, to be prepared by the Office of the City Clerk and submitted to Council in the report titled, “Summary of Oral and Written Public Submissions for Items Subject to the Planning Act ‘Explanation Requirements’ at the City Council Meeting of July 10 subject to submissions received between the publication of this report and the time of Council’s decision.

ACS2024-PDB-PS-0058 - Bay (7)

Kimberley Baldwin, Planner, Planning, Development and Building Services (PDBS), provided an overview of the report and answered questions from the Committee.  A copy of the slide presentation is filed with the Office of the City Clerk.

The following staff were also present and responded to questions:


  • Kersten Nitsche, Manager, Development Review - West
  • Derrick Moodie, Director, Planning Services

The Applicant/Owner as represented by Tyler Yakichuk and Brian Casagrande, Fotenn and Richard Brisbin, BBB Architecture provided an overview of the Application and responded to questions from Committee.  A copy of the slide presentation is filed with the Office of the City Clerk.

The Committee heard from the following delegations:

  1. Marcelle Lafontaine noted traffic and safety concerns the development will cause to the area.  High-rise buildings are built near transit stations, as such, no parking should be provided, or rent to tenants that don’t drive.  As well, expressed noted the lack of affordable housing units included in the proposed development.
  2. Kate Twiss, Crystal Beach Lakeview Community Association questioned future intensification in the area that included what the plan is to add greenspace as it intensifies; if schedule 13, scenic routes, of the Official Plan is being considered in this development and if the City is confident in the technical decisions being made regarding geology, stormwater management and transportation.

The following written submissions were received by, and are filed with, the Office of the City Clerk, and distributed to Committee Members:

  • Email dated June 23, 2024 from Julia Douglas

Following discussion and questions of staff, the Committee carried the report recommendations as presented.

  • Report recommendation(s)

    1. That Planning and Housing Committee recommend Council approve an amendment to the Official Plan for 70 and 80 Woodridge Crescent, as shown in Document 1, to permit high-rise mixed-use development with a maximum height of 40 storeys and public realm improvements as detailed in Document 2.
    2. That Planning and Housing Committee recommend Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 for 70 and 80 Woodridge Crescent, as shown in Document 1, to permit high-rise mixed-use development with a maximum height of 40 storeys as detailed in Document 3.
    3. That Planning and Housing Committee recommend Council approve the Consultation Details Section of this report be included as part of the ‘brief explanation’ in the Summary of Written and Oral Public Submissions, to be prepared by the Office of the City Clerk and submitted to Council in the report titled, “Summary of Oral and Written Public Submissions for Items Subject to the Planning Act ‘Explanation Requirements’ at the City Council Meeting of July 10, 2024, subject to submissions received between the publication of this report and the time of Council’s decision.

ACS2024-PDB-PS-0078 - Rideau-Vanier (12), Rideau-Rockcliffe (13), Somerset (14), Kitchissippi (15) and Capital (17)

  • Report recommendation(s)

    That Planning and Housing Committee recommend Council approve an amendment to the Demolition Control By-law 2012-377 related to development applications and timing for demolition permits.

  • Motion No. PHC2024-30-01
    Moved byL. Johnson

    Be It Resolved that Item 4.5 on Planning and Housing Committee (PHC) agenda 30 entitled “Demolition Control By-law Amendment” be deferred to the September 11, 2024, PHC meeting.


ACS2024-PDB-PS-0080 - Citywide 

The Committee considered items 4.6 and 4.7 concurrently.

Direction to Staff - Councillor G. Gower

Direction that Staff consider how regular reporting such as Official Plan Monitoring, Annual Development, Economic Development and Residential Dwelling Approval Pipeline reporting may be organized on

Direction to Staff - Councillor T. Kavanagh

That staff be directed to monitor vacant properties and report back within all zones to consider future incentives to develop housing.

  • Report recommendation(s)

    That Planning and Housing Committee receive this report for information.


ACS2024-PDB-PS-0079 - Citywide 

The Committee considered items 4.6 and 4.7 concurrently.

  • Report recommendation (s)

    That Planning and Housing Committee receive this report for information.


There were no in camera items.

In 2001, City Council adopted a new Public Notification and Consultation Strategy that outlines how residents of Ottawa, including community organizations, are to be notified regarding development proposals and applications. Community organizations can register to be notified, but individuals cannot. 

This public notification system is manually maintained by Planning Staff. With over 200 community organizations registered in the system, almost every circulation notice reveals that some community organization has changed or become defunct. This requires staff time to confirm if the organization still exists and, if so, manually updating of the contact information. This is an inefficient use of staff time and could lead to organizations missing notifications.

Given that development consultation processes with communities have been negatively impacted by recent Provincial legislation, enhancing our automatic notification systems may allow for more residents to be better informed about potential developments and may save staff time, resulting in improved working relationships between residents, developers and the City. 

  1. What work has been done to enable community organizations to create LMS accounts, register for the notification system, including uploading documentation, setting their organizations preferences, and managing their contact information?
  2. Have changes on the website been implemented to reflect the 2022 changes to community organizations’ requirement for a minimum of 10 members?
  3. What steps have Staff taken to improve the filtering and search functionality of the existing DevApps?
  4. Have Staff explored including enhanced application information in the existing DevApps, such as file status and regulatory meeting dates?
  5. Have Staff considered allowing individuals to register? If not, why?

There was no other business.

Next Meeting

Wednesday, August 28, 2024.

The meeting adjourned at 12:15 pm.