Ottawa Board of Health Minutes 7 December 7 2015

Ottawa Board of Health
Monday, December 7, 2015, 9:30 AM
Champlain Room, 110 Laurier Avenue West
Contact for the Ottawa Board of Health:
Gillian Connelly, Board of Health Secretary
613-580-2424, ext. 21544

Board Members:

Chair: S. Qadri
Vice-Chair: J. Poirier
Members: D. Chernushenko, M. Fleury, A. Kapur, L. Leikin, C. McKenney, S. Pinel, M. Qaqish, M. Taylor, P. Tilley

The Ottawa Board of Health met in the Champlain Room, 110 Laurier Avenue West, Ottawa, on Monday, December 7, 2015 beginning at 9:30 a.m.

The Chair, Shad Qadri, presided over the meeting.





There were no announcements or ceremonial activities.



Members Kapur, Leikin and Pinel were absent from the meeting.



Members Kapur, Leikin and Pinel have sent their regrets.



Member Taylor submitted a deemed declaration of pecuniary interest on Agenda 7, Item 2, 2016 Draft Operating Budget for the Ottawa Board of Health, Document 1, Page 4 - Cost Shared Programs, Foundational Standards.



Confirmation of the Minutes of the meeting of November 9, 2015




Seven communication items have been received (held on file with the Board of Health Secretary).




MOTION 07/01

Moved by Member McKenney

BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Medical Officer of Health Verbal Report; the 2016 Draft Operating Budget for the Ottawa Board of Health; and Let’s Clear the Air 2.0: Consultation Plan be received and considered.









That the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit receive this report for information.


Dr. Isra Levy, Medical Officer of Health, provided the Board with an update on recent events. The attached memo includes the full Medical Officer of Health Verbal Update. This discussion lasted approximately 5 minutes.

Following the discussion, the report recommendation was then put to the Board.









That the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit:

1.    Receive and table the 2016 Draft Operating Budget for the Ottawa Board of Health;

2.    Direct staff to forward the 2016 Draft Operating Budget for the Ottawa Board of Health to Ottawa City Council for consideration on November 12, 2015, as part of the City Council’s tabling of the City of Ottawa 2016 Draft Operating and Capital budget; and,

That, at its meeting of December 7, 2015, the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit:

3.    Approve the 2016 Draft Operating Budget for the Ottawa Board of Health;

4.    Direct staff to explore opportunities for additional funding revenues for 2016;

5.    Upon the Board of Health’s approval of the 2016 Draft Operating Budget for the Ottawa Board of Health, direct staff to forward the report to Ottawa City Council, for consideration on December 9, 2015 as part of the City Council’s approval of the City of Ottawa 2016 Draft Operating and Capital budget; and,

6.    Upon approval of the 2016 Draft Operating Budget for the Ottawa Board of Health by the Board of Health and Ottawa City Council, direct staff to forward the approved 2016 Operating Budget for the Ottawa Board of Health to the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care (MOHLTC) for consideration as part of the Program-Based Grant application; and,

7.    Recommend that Council approve the creation of a reserve fund for the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit to address Information Technology (IT) requirements.


Ms. Esther Moghadam, Deputy Director and Chief Nursing Officer, Health Promotion and System Support Branch, and Mr. Lou Flaborea, Account Manager of Financial Services Unit spoke to a PowerPoint presentation, which served to provide the Board with some context on this report. A copy of the presentation is held on file with the Board of Health Secretary.

The following delegations addressed the Board on the 2016 Draft Operating Budget for the Ottawa Board of Health. Those persons whose names are marked with an asterisk (*) have provided a presentation and these documents are held on file with the Board of Health Secretary.

Seven delegates registered to speak in support of the MarketMobile and the Good Food Markets programs:

1.    Ms. Kaitrin Doll*, Anti-Poverty Community Coordinator, Rideau Rockliffe Community Resource Centre (abstained from commenting on the report recommendation). Ms. Doll requested that Ottawa Public Health provide continued support for the Good Food Markets and MarketMobile initiatives.

2.    Ms. Nuala Grant, Accora Village resident, Bay Ward, read a statement by Ms. Cheryl Andrew (abstained from commenting on the report recommendation). Ms. Andrew indicated that the MarketMobile has helped her and her family access fresh produce, which she and her family otherwise not be able to access.

3.    Ms. Donna Gray, Somerset West Community Health Centre and Rochester Heights community and Good Food Market Coordinator (agreed with the report recommendation). Ms. Gray supports maintaining the Good Food Markets across Ottawa to address food deserts in Ottawa.

4.    Ms. Meagan Ann O’Hare-Gordon and Ms. Sylvie Roussell* co-presented (abstained from commenting on the report recommendation). Ms. O’Hare-Gordon and Ms. Roussell indicated that the Good Food Market helps residents access fresh food at lower costs. The Good Food Market also helps facilitate community connections among residents.

5.    Ms. Beverley Putticomb, community member of Accora Village, Bayshore (abstained from commenting on the report recommendation). Ms. Putticomb indicated that many people in her area live on a fixed income and the Market Mobile helps these individuals access healthy foods.

6.    Mr. Charles Black, MarketMobile volunteer (abstained from commenting on the report recommendation). Mr. Black shared his experience with using the MarketMobile, particularly highlighting the social aspects of the initiative and how it facilitates community sharing of information. He also indicated that the project should seek to evolve.

7.    Mr. Mark Cousineau, Ottawa Community Housing staff member and MarketMobile volunteer (agreed with the report recommendation). Mr. Cousineau indicated his support for the MarketMobile and shared that there is less stigma using MarketMobile compared to other food services, as well as a sense of pride in selecting and purchasing fresh healthy food.

Following the public delegates, Ottawa Public Health staff took questions from Board members. This discussion lasted approximately 115 minutes. Following the discussion, the report recommendation was then put to the Board.


MOTION 07/02

Moved by Member McKenney


WHEREAS staff discovered errors within the Report presenting the 2016 Draft Operating Budget for the Ottawa Board of Health after the report was tabled at Council and referred to the Board;

AND WHEREAS the Board received a memo dated November 26, 2015 from the Board Secretary detailing these errors and circulating revised documents;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Health approve amendments to the 2016 Draft Operating Budget for the Ottawa Board of Health to:

·         Replace Report Recommendation 7 with the following:

That the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit recommend that City Council approve the creation of a reserve fund for the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit to address Information Technology (IT) requirements, as described in this report; and

·         Replace Page 10 of the report with the revised page appended to this Motion; and

·         Receive revised Document 1 to reflect the addition of page numbers




Following the approval of Motion 07/02, Motion 07/03 was put to the Board and was divided for voting purposes. Motion 07/03 replaces the report recommendations.


Member Taylor submitted a deemed declaration of pecuniary interest on Ottawa Board of Health Agenda 7, Item 2, 2016 Draft Operating Budget for the Ottawa Board of Health, Document 1, Page 4 - Cost Shared Programs, Foundational Standards, as his wife is an Ottawa Public Health employee working in this area.

Member Taylor did not take part in the discussion or vote on this portion of the Budget.


MOTION 07/03

(Roadmap Motion for Consideration of 2016 Draft Operating Budget)

Moved by Vice-Chair Poirier

That the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit:

1.    Recommend that City Council approve the creation of a reserve fund for the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit to address Information Technology (IT) requirements, as described in this report,  including amended page 10; and

2.    Approve the 2016 Draft Operating Budget for the Ottawa Board of Health set out in Document 1, as follows:

a.    User fees (p. 10);

b.    Cost Shared Programs Operating Resource Requirement – Foundational Standards (p. 4);

c.    Remaining 2016 Ottawa Public Health Operating Resource Requirement (p. 4); and

3.    Upon the Board of Health’s approval of the 2016 Draft Operating Budget for the Ottawa Board of Health, direct staff to forward the report to Ottawa City Council, for consideration on December 9, 2015 as part of the City Council’s approval of the City of Ottawa 2016 Draft Operating and Capital budget; and

4.    Upon approval of the 2016 Draft Operating Budget for the Ottawa Board of Health by the Board of Health and Ottawa City Council, direct staff to forward the approved 2016 Operating Budget for the Ottawa Board of Health to the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care (MOHLTC) for consideration as part of the Program-Based Grant application; and

5.    Direct staff to explore opportunities for additional funding revenues for 2016 for Ottawa Public Health programs.


Recommendations 1, 3, 4 and 5 CARRIED

Recommendation 2b - a separate vote was held on Page 4 - Cost Shared Programs, Foundational Standards and was CARRIED. Member Taylor did not take part in the discussion or vote on this portion (See Declarations of Pecuniary Interest).

Recommendations 2a and 2c CARRIED







That the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit

1.    Approve City Council’s request to the Board, outlined in the motion brought forward by Councillors Qadri and Fleury and approved at the November 25th, 2015 Council meeting, which:

a.    Directs staff to review and consult with relevant stakeholders on the potential to expand by-laws to regulate the use of electronic cigarettes and smoking of non-tobacco combustible substances in public places and work places; and

b.    Directs staff to report back to the Board of Health with recommendations for the Community and Protective Services Committee and Council in time to be implemented prior to Fall 2016; and

c.    Directs staff to work with By-Law & Regulatory Services and Legal Services to review and recommend any required updates to the smoke-free by-laws based on the review listed above, including any operational and enforcement considerations.

2.    Approve the proposed consultation plan, as outlined in the report.


Ms. Sherry Nigro, Manager, Health Promotion and Disease Prevention, and Ms. Hilda Chow, Program Manager, Chronic Disease Prevention, spoke to a PowerPoint presentation, which served to provide the Board with some context on this report. A copy of the presentation is held on file with the Board of Health Secretary.

The following delegations addressed the Board on Let’s Clear the Air 2.0: Consultation Plan:

·         Mr. Rob Cunningham, Senior Policy Analyst, Canadian Cancer Society (agreed with the report recommendation).  Mr. Cunningham expressed his support of the proposed consultation plan and of closing the loopholes in the current legislation.

·         Ms. Suzanne Friedlaender, Past President, Ottawa Council on Smoking or Health (agreed with the report recommendation). Ms. Friedlaender shared that she agrees with the regulation of e-cigarettes and non-tobacco combustible substances in public places, and is encouraged by this discussion and the consultation plan to expand smoke free bylaws in Ottawa. She recommended that the consultation plan include advertising of e-cigarettes and non-tobacco combustible substances, the use of herbal cigarettes in staged productions, as well as medicinal marijuana and other inhaled substances that can be consumed.  She also suggested further organizations that Ottawa Public Health should consult.

Following the public delegates, Ottawa Public Health staff took questions from Board members. This discussion lasted approximately 10 minutes. Following the discussion, the report recommendation was then put to the Board.








MOTION 07/04

Moved by Member McKenney

BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Medical Officer of Health Verbal Report; the 2016 Draft Operating Budget for the Ottawa Board of Health; and Let’s Clear the Air 2.0: Consultation Plan be received and adopted.





There were no motions which notice had been given previously.




MOTION 07/05

Moved by Member Qadri

That the Rules of Procedure be waived, due to timelines, to consider the following Motion:

WHEREAS Ottawa City Council appointed Member Suzanne Pinel to Ottawa Board of Health on 30 January 2015, for a term expiring 30 November 2018;

AND WHERAS Member Pinel has advised the Chair of a personal situation that may require her to be out of the City for extended periods over the coming year;

AND WHEREAS, Subsection 16 (3) of the Procedure By-law for the Board of Health states that if a Member is not present at meetings of the Board for three consecutive meetings without being authorized by a vote of the Council or the Board, such absence may be reported to the Council with a recommendation to Council to dismiss;

AND WHEREAS Member has indicated her interest in remaining on the Board, and has requesting a leave of absence of up to one year leave from attending all Board meetings;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of Health authorize a leave of absence of up to one year for Member Suzanne Pinel.





There were no motions (for consideration at subsequent meeting).











MOTION 07/06

Moved by Member McKenney

BE IT RESOLVED THAT Confirmation by-law no. 2015-7, a by-law of the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit to confirm the proceedings of the Ottawa Board of Health at its meeting of December 7, 2015, be read and passed.





There were no inquiries.



The Board adjourned the meeting at 11:52 a.m.



Regular Meeting

Monday, February 8, 2016 - 5:00 PM, Champlain Room














M E M O   /   N O T E   D E   S E R V I C E

TO: Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit

DESTINATAIRE : Conseil de santé de la circonscription sanitaire de la ville d’Ottawa

FROM: Dr. Isra Levy
Ottawa Public Health
Dr. Isra Levy
Medical Officer of Health
Ottawa Public Health
613-580-2424 ext. 23681

Santé publique Ottawa
Personne ressource :
Dr Isra Levy
Médecin chef en santé publique
Santé publique Ottawa
613-580-2424, poste 23681

DATE: December 7, 2015

7 décembre 2015




Check upon delivery

Good morning, bonjour,

Before you begin deliberations on the proposed 2016 Operating Budget, I would like to touch briefly on three items that have arisen since we met in November.

Firstly, Chair Qadri, Deputy Mayor Taylor and I were pleased to host the new Federal Minister of Health, the Honourable Jane Philpott, at one of our influenza vaccination clinics recently, where our team was happy to vaccinate the minister. I am grateful to Dr. Philpott for choosing to highlight the importance of vaccination at our clinic as her first public act in her new portfolio.

I also draw your attention to the promising information that we can glean from our new Prime Minister’s Mandate letter to Dr Philpott, which was made public late last month. The minister is charged, amongst other things, with advancing policy on many of the files this board cares deeply about. These include making high quality mental health services more available to Canadians who need them; and promoting public health, for example, by increasing vaccination rates and by introducing new restrictions on the commercial marketing of unhealthy food and beverages to children. You will appreciate that I am particularly pleased to learn of the prospect that the Federal Government may regulate marketing of unhealthy beverages and foods, and this aligns well with your strategic priorities of healthy eating and active living, as well as advocating for healthy public policy.

Secondly, I mentioned last month that senior officials at the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care continue to signal that 2016 will bring a substantial exercise to review and revise the Ontario Public Health Standards and the associated regulations. More recently, we have learned that Regulations for Food Premises; Public Pools; Public Spas; Recreational Camps; and Camps in Unorganized Territory will also be reviewed in the coming months. These regulations cover everything from public pay-per-use campgrounds to hot tubs at City recreation centres.

While change is likely to be burdensome, this is welcome news for Ottawa Public Health. Over the past few years, challenging issues have been identified that may be addressed in the review of these regulations.

The food premises regulation – for example – was last updated in 1991. The review and modernization will allow health departments to have input into clarifying requirements with regards to new and emerging issues, such as how best to approach home-based, online, food service establishments.

OPH staff will be participating in working groups regarding the review of these regulations, and of the Standards too.

Lastly, you will be aware of the planning that is taking place across the country to ensure that Canada is prepared for the successful absorption of refugees from Syria. As noted in the memo I sent to you the week before last, OPH is working with provincial, community and municipal partners to ensure that we are ready and able to contribute appropriately for the arrival of refugees in the city over the next few months. We are also working with our Local Health Integration Network (LHIN), as it is the LHIN which will have the lead in ensuring health services are wrapped around refugees according to their needs. At this time I am confident that we are ready to address any public health issues that may arise, and I expect smooth management of any such issues.

I will keep you abreast of developments of note on all of these matters, and would be happy to answer any questions at this time.



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