Ms. Esther Moghadam, Deputy Director and Chief Nursing
Officer, Health Promotion and System Support Branch, and Mr. Lou Flaborea,
Account Manager of Financial Services Unit spoke to a PowerPoint
presentation, which served to provide the Board with some context on this
report. A
copy of the presentation is held on file with the Board of Health Secretary.
The following delegations addressed
the Board on the
2016 Draft Operating Budget for the Ottawa Board of Health. Those persons
whose names are marked with an asterisk (*) have provided a presentation and
these documents are held on file with the Board of Health Secretary.
Seven delegates registered to speak in support of the MarketMobile
and the Good Food Markets programs:
1. Ms. Kaitrin Doll*,
Anti-Poverty Community Coordinator, Rideau Rockliffe Community Resource
Centre (abstained from commenting on the report recommendation). Ms. Doll
requested that Ottawa Public Health provide continued support for the Good
Food Markets and MarketMobile initiatives.
2. Ms. Nuala Grant, Accora
Village resident, Bay Ward, read a statement by Ms. Cheryl Andrew (abstained from
commenting on the report recommendation). Ms. Andrew indicated that the
MarketMobile has helped her and her family access fresh produce, which she
and her family otherwise not be able to access.
3. Ms. Donna Gray, Somerset
West Community Health Centre and Rochester Heights community and Good Food
Market Coordinator (agreed
with the report recommendation). Ms. Gray supports maintaining the Good Food
Markets across Ottawa to address food deserts in Ottawa.
4. Ms. Meagan Ann
O’Hare-Gordon and Ms. Sylvie Roussell* co-presented (abstained from commenting on the
report recommendation). Ms. O’Hare-Gordon and Ms. Roussell indicated that the
Good Food Market helps residents access fresh food at lower costs. The Good
Food Market also helps facilitate community connections among residents.
5. Ms. Beverley Putticomb,
community member of Accora Village, Bayshore (abstained from commenting on the
report recommendation). Ms. Putticomb indicated that many people in her area live
on a fixed income and the Market Mobile helps these individuals access
healthy foods.
6. Mr. Charles Black,
MarketMobile volunteer (abstained
from commenting on the report recommendation). Mr. Black shared his
experience with using the MarketMobile, particularly highlighting the social
aspects of the initiative and how it facilitates community sharing of
information. He also indicated that the project should seek to evolve.
Mark Cousineau, Ottawa Community Housing staff member and MarketMobile
volunteer (agreed
with the report recommendation). Mr. Cousineau indicated his support for the
MarketMobile and shared that there is less stigma using MarketMobile compared
to other food services, as well as a sense of pride in selecting and
purchasing fresh healthy food.
Following the public delegates, Ottawa Public Health
staff took questions from Board members. This discussion lasted approximately
115 minutes. Following the discussion, the report recommendation was then put
to the Board.