WHEREAS on November 7th, 2024, Community & Social Services staff, acting on Council’s delegated authority, recommended 1645 Woodroffe Avenue in Ward 9 (Knoxdale-Merivale) to be the location of the first Newcomer Reception Centre for the temporary housing of asylum seekers; and
WHEREAS the Newcomer Reception Centre system will help take pressure off Ottawa’s conventional shelter system and address the immediate increasing need for appropriate support for asylum seekers; and
WHEREAS the recommended site at 1645 Woodroffe is immediately adjacent to the Nepean Sportsplex, one of Ottawa’s most heavily used recreational facilities; and
WHEREAS the specific location of the Newcomer Reception Centre will result in the long-term loss of a sports field; and
WHEREAS the Newcomer Reception Centre is to be built in the form of a modular, pre-fabricated building structure, which has a potential life span of 25 years; and
WHEREAS residents across Ward 9 have expressed concerns about uncertainty over the long-term future use of the pre-fabricated building structure, and the impact that the Newcomer Reception Centre may have on the Nepean Sportsplex and its capacity to provide recreational programming in the area; and
WHEREAS the costs to procure, build and operate the Newcomer Reception Centre would be paid for through federal funding from IRCC’s IHAP program but the City of Ottawa will be permanent owner of the facility; and
WHEREAS the proposed development of a pre-fabricated building structure offers a unique opportunity to integrate a multi-purpose facility that can be easily reconfigured and repurposed to support community and/or recreational activities once its initial use as a Newcomer Reception Centre is concluded; and
WHEREAS other municipalities and jurisdictions already use pre-fabricated building structures for a wide range of community, recreational, and other public uses;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT city staff update Council and Committee on the Newcomer Reception Centre system, including the purchase and development of the pre-fabricated building structure, as part of the next Integrated Transition to Housing Strategy update report in 2025; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT within two years of the opening of the Newcomer Reception Centre at 1645 Woodroffe, city staff provide a review to Committee and Council on the results of the program, as well as a re-evaluation of the need to continue using the structure as part of the Newcomer Reception Centre system; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT any future use of the pre-fabricated building structure once the needs of the Newcomer Reception Centre are fulfilled prioritize recreational uses (e.g. pickleball courts, basketball courts, art studios, etc); and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT any future use of the pre-fabricated building structure be determined only after comprehensive engagement and consultation with local communities and the local Ward Councillor.