Sonia Bebbington, Chief Librarian/CEO provided opening remarks, after which Myra Skaronski, Division Manager, Branch Services, provided a PowerPoint presentation for Board Members with an overview of the changes to rural branch hours of operation to be implemented in 2025. In summary, Ms. Skaronski outlined:
- Community feedback about hours (consistency, longer hours, and additional programs for all ages);
- Planned changes to (Current hours, new hours, and differences);
- Additional programming opportunities; and,
- Next steps (resources and implementation, disbanding the Hours of Operation Ad hoc Committee).
Ms. Skaronski recognized the valuable contributions of three branch managers to this plan: Karen Beiles, Sharon Campbell and Shannon MacGillivray
Trustee Bradley shared her excitement regarding the expansion of services in rural communities, and inquired whether the mandate of the Hours of Operation Ad hoc Committee had been fulfilled. Ms. Bebbington indicated that since staff are not anticipating any further changes to hours of operation through the end of this term of board, it was, and for that reason staff recommend disbanding the Committee.
Trustee Bradley mentioned that there have been delegates before the Board in the past requesting increased hours of operation at branches across the city, particularly on Sundays. She asked what would determine the need for a new Ad hoc Committee, and Ms. Bebbington indicated that a decision to further review hours within existing funds is operational. Ms. Bebbington added that significantly increasing hours would require additional resources and could be a consideration in re-constituting an Ad hoc Committee, but ultimately the subject would appear before the Board.
In response to Trustee Bradley’s question regarding efficiencies that funded this expansion of rural hours, Ms. Skaronski noted that staff looked at staffing hours, branch hours in geographically proximate communities, and programming offered by other community organizations to identify the most optimal combination of hours for each branch. She reiterated that the changes demonstrate OPL’s commitment to ensuring more consistent access to OPL services.
As a follow-up, Trustee Bradley inquired whether the efficiencies with respect to vacancies included reducing vacancies or vacancy rates for 2025. Ms. Skaronski replied that reviewing needs as positions are vacated occurs on an ongoing basis and occurred as part of this process, with consideration of operational requirements.
Trustee Kitts thanked staff for their tremendous work on the expansion of rural hours. She noted that her presentation regarding this at the recent Rural Summit was well received. She inquired whether staff were exploring this prior to the councillor-led consultations ahead of the Rural Summit, and further inquired whether a fulsome review of this kind had occurred since amalgamation. Ms. Skaronski confirmed that staff were exploring this project as part of the approved 2024 Corporate Work Plan, prior to the feedback received from councillor-led sessions earlier this year. She further added that it was her understanding that a fulsome review had not been undertaken since amalgamation although some adjustments to rural hours were made in the past five years.
Trustee Kitts noted in closing that rural branches are a hub of activity in communities often without other programming and resources, and that she appreciated staff efforts to serve these communities. Ms. Skaronski thanked Trustee Kitts for her remarks and highlighted that staff confirm the desire for more programming in rural communities.
Chair Luloff thanked staff for the review of rural hours.
There being no further discussion, the report was RECEIVED and CARRIED as presented.
MOTION OPL 20241105/4
That the Ottawa Public Library Board:
- Receive this report for information; and,
- Approve disbanding the Hours of Operation Ad hoc Committee, as further described in this report.
Results: Received and Carried