WHEREAS the Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee (ARAC) is recommending to City Council the approval of its Terms of Reference (TOR); and
WHEREAS ARAC has a mandate for ensuring that the unique interests and requirements of the rural areas are taken into account and for making recommendations on issues and programs pertaining to rural communities;
WHEREAS ARAC has a role in maintaining and strengthening the character of the City’s rural areas, but should also have a role in protecting the rural areas;
WHEREAS the TORs provide that ARAC is responsible for promoting servicing policies for the City’s hamlets and villages, but is silent on the four designated rural employment areas identified in the Official Plan that are not within any hamlets or villages; and
WHEREAS there is an opportunity to clarify ARAC’s role in these matters through the Terms of Reference;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the following additions be made to the Specific Responsibilities section of the Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee’s Terms of Reference:
Specific Responsibilities
12. Encourage the orderly development and management of growth that protects, maintains, and strengthens the character of the City’s rural areas, including its hamlets and villages, and promotes the concentration of growth within established and planned settlements.
13. Promote a cost-effective, environmentally sound, comprehensive servicing policy for the City’s hamlets and villages and designated rural economic development areas.
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Item #3 under Specific Responsibilities, “Identify ways to promote an understanding of the rural and agricultural communities and their issues”, be moved to the Mandate section of the Terms of Reference.