WHEREAS the proposed development at 12-24 Hawthorne Avenue is intended to provide significantly more residential parking spaces than are required by zoning by-law 2008-250; and,
WHEREAS the proposed parking garage will require a zoning amendment to include an above-grade portion; and,
WHEREAS there is insufficient distance between the parking garage wall and rear property line to allow the replacement of deep soil to either retain existing mature trees and landscaping or the replacement with trees that can grow into canopy trees when mature that have the potential to reduce the heat island effect in the urban area; and,
WHEREAS the Official Plan in section 4.8.2 prescribes that space be provided for “mature, healthy trees on private and public property, including the provision of adequate volumes of high-quality soil…” and that Council may refuse applications that result in avoidable tree loss; and,
WHEREAS the proposed development at 12-24 Hawthorne Avenue is within a centrally located, transit- and active-transportation-supportive geography in which private vehicle ownership is not a requirement for daily living; and
WHEREAS the Committee generally considers that the proposed density is appropriate to the site and wishes to preserve the number of housing units but that the loss of deep soil to accommodate parking spots is inappropriate during a housing emergency;
WHEREAS limiting parking at this site may allow for greater soil depth conducive to large, mature, healthy trees in line with the policies of the Official Plan;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning and Housing Committee recommend to Council that parking provided at 12-24 Hawthorne Ave be limited to the minimum requirement under the existing zoning by-law, and for this limitation to be fixed in the zoning by-law.