WHEREAS ARAC was created to ensure that matters pertaining to rural Ottawa, including planning matters, are considered from a rural perspective, with a full appreciation of rural issues and impact; and
WHEREAS Bill 109 will impose stricter timelines related to zoning by-law amendments and site plan control applications; and
WHEREAS Bill 109 Implementation Phase 2 (ACS2023-PRE-GEN-0004) outlines staff requests for amendments to Council and committee governance processes, Terms of Reference, and the Procedure by-law in order to adhere to the provincial timelines; and
WHEREAS item 3.1 recommendation 8a asks the joint Agriculture and Rural Affairs (ARAC) and Planning and Housing Committee (PHC) to schedule Council and PHC bi-weekly on alternating Wednesdays in order to meet provincial timelines; and
WHEREAS Recommendation 8.d. asks the joint committee to enable all zoning matters in the City to have the ability to be considered at the PHC, allowing rural zoning files to be considered there if there are time pressures related to rural files that are unable to be considered at a regularly scheduled ARAC meeting; and
WHEREAS it is integral that Council aims to refer the appropriate items to their respective committee whenever possible to ensure that they are considered in their appropriate jurisdiction; and
WHEREAS ARAC is a proportionately smaller committee in comparison to other committees and there is a requirement of 3 members to have a quorum meaning it will ordinarily not be difficult to have a quorum during time sensitive circumstances;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that for items that are related to rural zoning matters, staff be directed to prioritize consideration at a Special Meeting of ARAC prior to considering routing to PHC; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Recommendation 8.d. be amended to read as follows:
“Enable all zoning matters in any area of the city to have the ability to be considered at Planning and Housing Committee, allowing a rural zoning file to go to Planning and Housing Committee instead of Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee, should there be a time pressure to meet the provincially imposed deadline, provided that the Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee is given the opportunity to hold a Special Meeting and is able to meet quorum to consider the matter.”
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the required Special meetings be regularly scheduled on the day Planning and Housing Committee is otherwise scheduled.