Sonia Bebbington, Chief Librarian/CEO and Anna Basile, Division Manager, Corporate Services provided a presentation regarding the 2024 Draft Operating and Capital Budget Estimates and Four-Year Capital Forecast (held on file with the Chief Librarian/CEO). Ms. Bebbington noted she was pleased to present the 2024 budget, which was financially prudent, responsive to current pressures, and which provides for future needs. The budget is also built within the direction provided by Ottawa City Council, and reflects the growth previously approved by the Board in a responsible and incremental fashion. Quoting a recent report, “Overdue: The Case for Canada’s Public Libraries,” released by the Canadian Urban Institute, Ms. Bebbington reminded trustees and members of the public that “libraries are essential to Canada’s value proposition of an inclusive and prosperous country.” She added that the budget tabled this evening supports the 2023-2028 OPL Strategic Directions and Priorities as well as next steps regarding service frameworks, aligns with the 2023-2026 Term of Council priorities at the City, and addresses mandatory operating pressures that will help ensure that library services remain a vital part of the ecosystem of learning and literacy for the citizens of Ottawa.
Ms. Basile provided an overview of the draft budget details. The overall draft budget for 2024 represents a net increase of $2.37M dollars and allocates funding to advance the Board’s priorities by providing resources required for future development, demonstrating the value of OPL, and committing to staff and public safety by investing further in security services. Additionally, staff identified efficiencies to offset increases in costs associated with licensing and maintenance. She noted if approved, the budget will bring the total City investment in the library to $61.115M. Ms. Basile also highlighted the 2024 Operating Pressures. Ms. Bebbington highlighted the Full Time Equivalent (FTE) requests with a high-level overview of the eight permanent FTE requested to support the Central branch at Ādisōke. She noted that six of these are proposed to be used in a permanent capacity starting in 2024 to support program offerings prior to facility opening in 2026, and the remaining two positions will be used in a temporary capacity.
Ms. Basile then provided a summary of the 2024 Capital allocation by category, the four-year capital plan, and highlighted changes to user fees. She also noted that OPL’s Reserve Funds are anticipated, with this budget, to constitute approximately $6.11M. The Chief Librarian and CEO then summarized the next steps in the 2024 Draft Budget timeline. In her closing remarks, Ms. Bebbington reminded trustees that the draft budget, as tabled, was within the Council-directed range of $2.37M; fulfills OPL’s mandatory requirements and maintains current operations; fulfills maintenance obligations for Library assets via internal efficiencies; enhances the client experience; provides staff capacity for both current needs and future growth; and revises user fees in a manner that is equitable and in accordance with cost recovery.
Chair Luloff then opened the floor to questions from trustees, reminding the Board that only questions of clarification could be posed to staff at this time. Matthew Pritz, Program Manager, Finance and Business Services, and Diana Adjarska-Litzanova, Account Manager, Finance and Corporate Services Unit, City of Ottawa were also available to respond to questions.
The Chair commented that he was very impressed with the financial prudence of the organization as it demonstrates to the City of Ottawa that OPL acts with fiscal responsibility while balancing the need to prepare for the future, including the opening of the Central branch at Ādisōke.
Vice-Chair Fisher thanked staff for a comprehensive presentation. She inquired regarding the strategy for the $850K recommended to be transferred to Reserves for future human resource requirements. Ms. Bebbington indicated that staff are proposing to actively place those monies in the Library Reserve, which is a new strategy grounded in accepted accounting principles. Ms. Basile used the analogy of a personal savings account to illustrate the rationale for placing these funds in the Reserves until required in 2026.
Vice-Chair Fisher inquired whether the 2.5 per cent increase to meeting room rental rates was to align with the City of Ottawa practices and inquired regarding the impact of keeping the current rate. Ms. Basile confirmed that the increase aligns with the City of Ottawa rates and added that she would have to report back regarding the impact of retaining the current rates. Ms. Basile added that the increase would also help address inconsistencies in bookings, as some rooms co-located or linked with OPL facilities are booked through the City and not OPL directly.
There being no further discussion, the report was RECEIVED and TABLED as presented.
Note: The report was tabled at the meeting. Documentation was posted publicly upon commencement of item.
MOTION OPL 20231107/4
That the Ottawa Public Library Board:
- Receive and table the 2024 Draft Budget for Ottawa Public Library, and the four-year capital forecast; and,
- Direct staff to forward the 2024 Draft Budget for Ottawa Public Library to Ottawa City Council on November 8, 2023 as part of Ottawa City Council’s tabling of the City of Ottawa 2024 Draft Operating and Capital budget.
Results: Received and Tabled