Whereas the Official Plan in section 4.2.3 (2) sets as Council’s policy that
“The City recognizes emergency and transitional shelters and transitional supportive housing as a key component of the housing continuum, which shall, through the Zoning By-law:
- Permit emergency shelters and transitional shelters as a permitted use in all urban designations and zones;
- Permit emergency shelters and transitional shelters as an accessory or ancillary use to all institutional land uses; and
- Not establish restrictions, including minimum separation distances or caps, whose effect is to limit the opportunity to provide such shelter and housing forms”; and,
Whereas the City has proposed in the first draft of the proposed new Comprehensive Zoning By-law section 704 in order to ensure zoning consistency with the Official Plan that “(1) A shelter is permitted in all zones within the Downtown Core, Inner Urban, Outer Urban and Suburban transects as shown on Schedule A1 – Transects, other than the EP – Environmental Protection, ME – Mineral Extraction, and IH – Heavy Industrial zones, and are subject to the provisions of the zone in which they are located.”; and
Whereas the policies in Official Plan section 4.2.3 (2) recognize “emergency and transitional shelters and transitional supportive housing as a key component of the housing continuum and require that emergency shelters and transitional shelters be permitted in all urban designations and zones”; and,
Whereas the City of Ottawa has declared in 2018 a Housing and Homelessness Emergency; and
Whereas it is reasonably foreseeable that federal, provincial or other funding will become available in 2025 to address the housing and homelessness emergency that could include funding for the acquisition of existing housing to be converted to emergency and transitional shelter, in addition to building new such shelters; and,
Whereas some proposed locations where these funds may be used do not currently permit “shelter” use as defined in the Zoning By-law 2008-250 and would require a resource- and time-intensive process to complete staff-initiated re-zonings; and,
Whereas amending By-law 2008-250 to permit “shelter” use in all urban zones in accordance with Official Plan policies will facilitate a faster response to the current crisis and efficient use of City resources;
Therefore be it resolved that staff be directed to bring forward a proposed amendment to By-law 2008-250 that would permit shelter use in all urban zones, consistent with the proposal in the draft comprehensive zoning by-law and Official Plan, at the earliest opportunity; and,
Be it further resolved that “shelter” shall have the same definition as that in By-law 2008-250 until such time as that may be amended through a future new comprehensive zoning by-law.
Be it further resolved that regardless of the modification to By-law 2008-250 effected as a result of this motion, any shelter use at 40 Hearst Way would be required to seek a re-zoning to permit shelter as a use, and that staff provide the necessary zoning language to give effect to this direction.