WHEREAS the 2022-2026 Council Governance review report recommends maintaining the Built Heritage Sub-committee, requiring most matters still to rise to Planning Committee to be considered and approved before rising to Council; and
WHEREAS as many as 14 other Ontario municipalities including Toronto, Waterloo, Guelph, and Kingston have heritage committees which report directly to their City Councils; and
WHEREAS heritage matters are not exclusively a subset of planning matters in the Province of Ontario and are governed by the Ontario Heritage Act; and
WHEREAS Ottawa is the Nation’s Capital, reposed with Canadian history and built heritage, which represent the rich cultural stories of our national collective past; and
WHEREAS Ottawa is also reposed with the rich local history and built history of the amalgamated villages, towns and cities which now form the City of Ottawa; and
WHEREAS the intention of the City’s heritage program is to become a corporate champion for equity and diversity through the narration of the history of marginalized and historically overlooked Ottawa residents, which will require strong leadership from the municipal heritage committee; and
WHEREAS changes to the Ontario Heritage Act through Bill 23 (More Homes Built Faster Act, 2022) have fundamentally impacted the City’s ability to recognize and protect significant cultural heritage resources; and
WHEREAS new statutory timelines and limitations imposed through Bill 23 (More Homes Built Faster Act, 2022), Bill 108 (More Homes, More Choice Act, 2019) and Bill 109 (More Homes for Everyone Act, 2022) will require the City of Ottawa to be more agile in dealing with heritage matters, which is made difficult through the Built Heritage Sub-committee structure which requires reporting through the Planning Committee; and
WHEREAS promoting the Sub-Committee to a full Standing Committee would demonstrate Council’s enhanced commitment to champion our City’s history, particularly considering the newfound limitations imposed by Bill 23 (More Homes Built Faster Act, 2022); and
WHEREAS the new Built Heritage Committee would be comprised of a combination of expertise from volunteer members with a majority of Councillors (five members), comprising a strong, capable committee to form its own decisions and advice to Council; and
WHEREAS of the five Council members on the new Built Heritage Committee, one member will sit on Planning Committee, and one will sit on the Agricultural and Rural Affairs Committee, allowing for cross pollination between committees; and
WHEREAS the new Built Heritage Committee would benefit from having more of an advocacy role, providing advice to Council on important heritage matters in the City and not just heritage applications under the Ontario Heritage Act.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the 2022-2026 Council Governance review report be amended to include the creation of a full Built Heritage Standing Committee, which will include:
1. Five (5) Members of Council including at least:
One (1) member of the Planning Committee
One (1) member of the Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee; and, One (1) member of Council whose ward encompasses a Heritage Conservation District; and,
Four (4) citizen members, with appropriate experience, appointed by Council with at least one of the citizen members that resides within a Heritage Conservation District.
The Mayor is an ex-officio member of the Committee.
2. Report directly to Council on Heritage matters; and
3. Where applicable, heritage applications that have an associated planning application would continue to be considered jointly by Planning Committee, as is current practice.