WHEREAS the Front Ending Report -Design and Construction, Gloucester Urban Community, Interim Pond 2, Sanitary Sewer and Oversizing of Storm Sewer (ACS2024-PDB-PS-0085) will be considered by Planning and Housing Committee on July 9, 2024 and
WHEREAS the report requires an Executive Summary and a correction in Document 2;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the following Executive Summary form part of the report;
Approval is being sought to enter into a Front Ending Agreement with Ashcroft Eastboro Inc. (Ashboro) for the design and construction of the East Urban Community Pond 2, a sanitary sewer, and the oversizing of a storm sewer within the Navan Road right of way.
These works are in accordance with East Urban Community Phase 2 Community Design Plan, Infrastructure Servicing Study Update (ISSU) and the Environmental Management Plan that was issued in 2013.
If approved, staff would be authorized to enter into a front ending agreement and disburse funds, in accordance with standard front ending principals, to an upset limit of $30,213,280 inclusive of construction, applicable land, contingency,
engineering, project management amounts, plus applicable taxes.
This upset limit amount would be broken out as follows:
- $15,283,166 plus applicable taxes for the Interim Pond 2.
- $6,820,712 plus applicable taxes for the sanitary sewer
- $8,109,402 plus applicable taxes for oversizing of the storm sewer.
The report would also allow for an interest payment of four percent, from the date that an updated Development Charge Bylaw is adopted which would reflect the updated cost for the sanitary sewer, until the planned payback of March 31, 2027, provided the works result in the closure of Navan Rd for 6 months or less. If the closure takes more than 6 months, the interest would be forfeited.
Finally, the report would establish a value, in principal, for the land value of additional land required for the ultimate pond at $1,853,290 per hectare and authorize staff to approve the required road closures associated with the works described in the report.
THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that in Document 2-Front-Ending Agreement Principles, first bullet in 3.c., the words, ‘issuance of a commence work order by the City’ be deleted and replaced with ‘commencement of work’.