Conseil municipal d’Ottawa


N ͦ   de la réunion :
Date :
Heure :
Endroit :
Salle Andrew-S.-Haydon, 110, avenue Laurier Ouest, et participation par voie électronique
Présents :
  • Mark Sutcliffe, maire, 
  • Laura Dudas, conseillère, 
  • David Hill, conseiller, 
  • Cathy Curry, conseillère, 
  • Clarke Kelly, conseiller, 
  • Glen Gower, conseiller , 
  • Theresa Kavanagh, conseillère, 
  • Laine Johnson, conseillère, 
  • Sean Devine, conseiller, 
  • Jessica Bradley, conseillère, 
  • Tim Tierney, conseiller, 
  • Stéphanie Plante, conseillère, 
  • Rawlson King, conseiller, 
  • Ariel Troster, conseillère, 
  • Jeff Leiper, conseiller, 
  • Riley Brockington, conseiller, 
  • Shawn Menard, conseiller, 
  • Catherine Kitts, conseillère, 
  • David Brown, conseiller, 
  • Steve Desroches, conseiller, 
  • Allan Hubley, conseiller, 
  • et Wilson Lo, conseiller 
  • Matt Luloff, conseiller , 
  • Marty Carr, conseillère, 
  • et George Darouze, conseiller 

Le Conseil municipal de la Ville d’Ottawa s’est réuni le mercredi xx 2023 à 10 h à la salle Andrew-S.-Haydon, 110, avenue Laurier Ouest, Ottawa. Le maire Mark Sutcliffe préside la réunion dans la salle du Conseil; certains membres y participent en personne, et les autres, à distance sur Zoom.

Le maire Sutcliffe invite les membres du Conseil à prendre un moment de réflexion.

Les avis et renseignements concernant la réunion sont joints à l’ordre du jour et au procès-verbal, y compris : la disponibilité des services d’interprétation simultanée et des mesures d’accessibilité; les procédures relatives aux réunions à huis clos; les points d’information qui ne font pas l’objet de discussions; les avis de non-responsabilité relativement aux renseignements personnels pour les correspondants; les avis relatifs aux procès-verbaux; les détails sur la participation à distance.

Des formats accessibles et des soutiens à la communication sont offerts sur demande.

Ce procès-verbal préliminaire contient un résumé des suites à donner relativement aux points et aux mesures prises lors de la réunion. Ce document ne contient pas tout le texte qui fera partie du procès-verbal définitif, comme la consignation des soumissions écrites. Les votes et les avis contraires consignés dans cette version provisoire du procès-verbal demeurent des données préliminaires jusqu’à ce que le procès-verbal soit confirmé par le sous-comité. Le procès-verbal définitif sera publié en même temps que l’ordre du jour de la prochaine réunion ordinaire du Conseil et, une fois confirmé, il remplacera le présent document.

Tous les membres du Conseil sont présents, à l’exception de M. Luloff, M. Carr et G. Darouze.

Aucune déclaration d’intérêt n’est déposée.

La conseillère M. Carr et le conseiller G. Darouze ont indiqué qu’ils seraient absents de la réunion extraordinaire du Conseil municipal du 5 mars 2025.

  • Recommandation 

    Que le Conseil étudie la question.

  • Motion n ͦ 2025-53-01
    Proposée parG. Gower
    Appuyée parM. Sutcliffe

    [La version française suivras]

    WHEREAS on Thursday, February 27, 2025, George Darouze was elected as Member of Provincial Parliament for the riding of Carleton; and

    WHEREAS, pursuant to Subsection 9(2) of the Legislative Assembly Act, a Member of Council may continue to hold municipal office “until the end of the day on which the return of the election of such person to the Assembly is published in The Ontario Gazette under Section 83 of the Election Act, at which time the member shall be deemed to have resigned such [municipal] office”; and

    WHEREAS in accordance with Section 262 of the Municipal Act, 2001, when a Member resigns or is deemed to have resigned, City Council is statutorily mandated to declare the Office to be vacant at its “next meeting”; and

    WHEREAS it is anticipated that Councillor Darouze will have resigned or have deemed to have resigned prior to the next regular City Council meeting of March 26, 2025, and Council will be in a position to declare the seat of City Councillor for Ward 20 (Osgoode) to be vacant at the March 26, 2025, Council meeting in accordance with Section 262 of the Municipal Act, 2001; and

    WHEREAS in accordance with Section 263 of the Municipal Act, 2001, within 60 days after Council declares the Office vacant, City Council shall either appoint a new Member, or pass a by-law requiring a by-election to be held in accordance with the Municipal Elections Act, 1996 (the MEA); and

    WHEREAS the Office of the City Clerk is finalizing a by-election delivery model and will establish a detailed schedule for a Ward 20 (Osgoode) by-election in accordance with the MEA; and

    WHEREAS to assist residents with day-to-day constituency matters, there are a number of legislative and administrative matters that must be dealt with in a timely manner while the Office of City Councillor for Ward 20 (Osgoode) is vacant; and

    WHEREAS various City procedures and processes provide for Ward Councillor approvals, concurrence, and / or comment; and

    WHEREAS there will be routine bills to pay from the Ward 20 (Osgoode) Constituency Services Budget and human resources matters relating to the Ward 20 (Osgoode) Office that need to be addressed;

    THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City Clerk report back with information on a by-election delivery model in accordance with the MEA to fill the upcoming vacancy in Ward 20 (Osgoode) at the next regular Council meeting on March 26, 2025; and

    BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that City Council approve the following interim delegations of authority with respect to Ward 20 (Osgoode) matters, to take effect upon Councillor Darouze’s resignation or deemed resignation, until such time as a new City Councillor is sworn in and takes Office:

    That concurrence and approval for Ward 20 (Osgoode) matters, as required, and the provision of Councillor comments on staff reports related to Ward 20 (Osgoode), be provided by Councillor David Brown and Councillor Catherine Kitts; and
    That the City Clerk and the Manager of Governance, Elected Officials, and Business Support Services be delegated the interim authority to approve the payment of expenses from the Ward 20 (Osgoode) Office Budget arising from routine matters, and to address human resources matters relating to the Ward 20 (Osgoode) Office; and

    BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk advise Council when Councillor Darouze has resigned or deemed to have resigned, and these interim delegations of authority are in effect.

  • Motion n ͦ 2025-53-02
    Proposée parT. Tierney
    Appuyée parC. Kitts

    [La version française suivras]

    WHEREAS on Thursday, February 27, 2025, George Darouze was elected as Member of Provincial Parliament for the riding of Carleton; and

    WHEREAS it is anticipated that Council will declare the Office of City Councillor for Ward 20 (Osgoode) to be vacant, in accordance with Section 262 of the Municipal Act at its next regular meeting; and

    WHEREAS Councillor Darouze, formerly the Chair of the Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee (ARAC), served on the Council Sponsors Group for the Transportation Master Plan, which was established to champion and help provide strategic direction for the Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Update; and

    WHEREAS Councillor Brown was appointed as the new Chair of ARAC on January 29, 2025; and

    WHEREAS it would be beneficial to continue with the Chair of ARAC’s participation on the TMP Council Sponsors Group;

    THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Council appoint Councillor Brown, as Chair of ARAC, to the Transportation Master Plan Council Sponsors Group.

  • Motion n ͦ 2025-53-03
    Proposée parD. Brown
    Appuyée parC. Curry

    Que le règlement suivant soit lu et adopté :

    Règlement ratifiant les délibérations du Conseil du 5 mars 2025.


La séance est levée à 9 h 09.

  • Motion n ͦ 2025-53-04
    Proposée parD. Brown
    Appuyée parC. Curry

    Que les délibérations de la réunion extraordinaire du Conseil municipal du 5 mars 2025 soient ajournées.

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