WHEREAS the City of Ottawa’s Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development Department has received an application for an Official Plan Amendment and Zoning Bylaw Amendment for 1452, 1460, 1470 Hunt Club Road and 1525, 1531 and 1545 Sieveright Ave to construct a six-storey residential care facility; and
WHEREAS an Official Plan Amendment was required in order for the applicant to undertake a Future Land Use Study for the subject properties on the north side of Sieveright Road as outlined in the South Keys to Blossom Park, Bank Street Community Design Plan; and
WHEREAS the CDP stated that the “Future Land Use Study for this area must include public participation in addition to any required public process to implement the studies through secondary plan or Zoning By-law amendments and will:
- Determine locations that may be appropriate for higher or lower buildings compared to the existing zoned maximum permitted building height and in consideration of lot depth and proximity to and the existing character of adjacent residential areas and Bank Street.
- Determine the appropriate land use and zoning for the area and if light industrial uses should continue to be permitted.
- Determine appropriate first storey finishes (windows and doors) for building walls to create a human-scale along the roadway and to prevent blank facades facing residential areas.
- Determine if parkland should be dedicated as land or cash-in-lieu in consideration of permitted uses of land.
- Consider potential transportation impacts related to increased density and measures to mitigate such impacts, and
- Implement any required changes to the CDP, to the Secondary Plan and to the Zoning By-law arising from the study”.
WHEREAS the CDP states that the “Future Land Use Study will be undertaken and implemented by the City or by a landowner in cooperation with and at the discretion of the City” (emphasis added); and
WHEREAS an applicant led process primarily serves the interests of the landowner and not the future interest on the community despite its long-term impacts on future development in the area including allocations of parkland, height allowances, land use and zoning, as well as transportation impacts; and
WHEREAS The recommendations in the Future Land Use Study prepared by the applicant have not been subject to sufficient public consultation and there was no opportunity for the community to provide meaningful input into the development of these plans; and
WHEREAS the community has requested that a separate consultation, led by the City, be undertaken on the Future Land Use Study for the subject lands on the north side of Sieveright Road, prior to Planning Committee’s consideration of the application for an Official Plan Amendment and Zoning Bylaw Amendment for 1452, 1460, 1470 Hunt Club Road and 1525, 1531 and 1545 Sieveright Ave; and
WHEREAS, the policy as set out in the CDP provides staff with the discretion to undertake a City led process for the Future Land Use Study.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT, with respect to report ACS2022-PIE-PS-0070, the application for an Official Plan Amendment and Zoning Bylaw Amendment for 1452, 1460, 1470 Hunt Club Road and 1525, 1531 and 1545 Sieveright Avenue be deferred until such time as consultation on the Future Land Use Study, led by the City, occurs.