The Applicant/Owner as represented by Carly Forrester, Kindred Works, Kinan Hewitt, KPMB and Andrew Hannaford, MHBC were present and responded to questions from Committee.
The following staff were present and responded to questions:
Planner, Planning Services, Planning, Real Estate and Economic Development Department (PRED):
- Lucy Ramirez, Planner
- Geraldine Wildman, Manager, Development Review - East
- Derrick Moodie, Director, Planning Services
Innovative Client Services:
- Tim Marc, Senior Legal Counsel, Planning, Development & Real Estate
The following speaker addressed the Committee to speak to the Application:
- Jim Rycroft* outlined reasons the committee should not approve the application in it’s current form, touching on risk management implications, community engagement and traffic and parking concerns.
- Gisèle Doyle* spoke in support of the application, particularly having the opportunity for individuals with development and neurological disabilities the options to live in an inclusive and affordable home is important.
- Richard Rice* spoke to the different lifestyles of urban vs suburban residents, noting the latter are not in favour of intensification and reject the idealistic concept of the 15 minute “urban village”. Housing is needed, however the City is urged to build with the community, not against it.
- Miranda Gray spoke in support of the application, noting it is not impossible to live in the suburbs without a vehicle, and noted most issues with cars in the neighbourhood are from recreational facilities as opposed to homes and urged the Committee to support the staff recommendation without further delays.
- Brandon Bay noted this development is a Church trying to do right by its community during a housing crisis. It is good suburban intensification; it maintains parking for rental units while moves towards safer streets with fewer cars and urged committee to approve the application.
- Joseph Ostrovsky spoke in favour of the application, noting it will provide 81 families the opportunity to live in Ottawa, including 25 families who are struggling who live anywhere. This development will help make Ottawa into the intensified, walkable, transit-oriented city that residents here passionately believe in.
[ Individuals / groups, as marked above, either provided comments (*) in writing or by e-mail; all submissions and presentations (+) are held on file with the Office of the City Clerk. ]
The following written submission was received by, and is filed with, the Office of the City Clerk, and distributed to Committee Members:
- Email dated March 10, 2023 from James and Sandra Menard
- Email dated March 11, 2023 from Brian and Connie Dooks
- Email dated March 13, 2023 from Randa El-Kadi
- Email dated March 13, 2023 from Victoria Swinburne-Kennelly
- Email dated March 13, 2023 from France Bidal
- Email dated March 13 and 14, 2023 from Jim Rycroft
- Email dated March 14, 2023 from Shayne Salovaara
- Email dated March 15, 2023 from Gisele Doyle
- Email dated March 16, 2023 from Jim Webber
- Email dated March 16, 2023 from Carly Forrester, Kindred Works
- Email dated March 17, 2023 from Farangis Faezi
- Email dated March 17, 2023 from Jim Brown
- Email dated March 18, 2023 from Fraser Maher
- Email dated March 20, 2023 from Debbie Barbesin
Following discussion and questions to staff, the Committee CARRIED the report recommendations as presented.