Committee of Adjustment

Panel 1

Ben Franklin Place, The Chamber, Main Floor, 101 Centrepointe Drive, and by electronic participation

The hearing can be viewed on the Committee of Adjustment YouTube page. For more information, visit

Simultaneous interpretation in both official languages, accessible formats and communication supports are available for any specific agenda item by calling the Committee information number at least 72 hours in advance of the hearing.


Coordinator: Geoff Huson

Panel Members:

Chair: Ann M. Tremblay 

Members: John Blatherwick, Simon Coakeley, Arto Keklikian, Sharon Lécuyer


Minor Variance Application

Applicant(s): Thusanth Thuraisingam
Agent: N. Luettge

To permit a reduced corner side yard setback for the construction of a three storey, eight-unit, low-rise apartment building.


Minor Variance Application

Applicant(s): Dan Bleichman

To permit the construction of an addition at the rear of the existing duplex dwelling, converting it into a six unit, low-rise, apartment building with reduced rear yard and interior side yard setbacks.

3.1  D08-01-24/B-00283 - 00285

3.2  D08-02-24/A-00329 - 00330

Consent & Minor Variance Applications

Applicant(s): Bourk's Property Management Limited
Agent: U. Melinz

To create two new parcels for two second floor office units and to establish an access easement. The new parcels would have reductions in parking and no frontage on a public street.


Minor Variance Application

Applicant(s): Rohit at Wateridge 6 Ltd.
Agent: P. Robinson

To permit the construction of two, four-storey apartment buildings with reduced interior side and rear yard setbacks and a communal amenity area located in the interior yard.


Minor Variance Application

Applicant(s): 30 Railway Holding Inc.
Agent: P. Robinson

To permit a reduced lot area, lot width, and rear yard setback for the construction of a nine-unit, low-rise, apartment building.