Community and Protective Services Committee
Agenda 8
Special Meeting
Friday, 15 November 2019
9:30 AM
Andrew S. Haydon Hall, 110 Laurier Avenue West
Marc Desjardins, Standing Committee Coordinator
613-580-2424 ext 28821
Chair: Councillor
J. Sudds
Vice-Chair: Councillor K. Egli
Councillors: M. Luloff, E. El-Chantiry, D. Deans, M. Fleury,
C. McKenney, S. Blais, C. A. Meehan
Simultaneous interpretation in both official languages is available for any
specific agenda item by calling the committee information number at least 24
hours in advance of the meeting.
Accessible formats and communication supports
are available, upon request.
Community and Protective Services Committee recommend that Council:
1. Receive
the following reports related to the Rental Accommodations Study:
a. “Rental
Accommodations Literature Review and Inter-Jurisdictional Scan”, Prism
Economics and Analysis, 2019, attached as Document 3,
b. “City
of Ottawa Rental Market Analysis”, Prism Economics and Analysis, 2019,
attached as Document 4,
c. “Regulation
of Long-Term Rental Accommodations”, Maclaren Municipal Consulting Inc.,
September 23, 2019, attached as Document 7, and
d. “Regulation
of Short-Term Rental Accommodation”, Maclaren Municipal Consulting Inc.,
September 23, 2019, attached as Document 8, and
2. Approve
the recommended regulatory framework for Rental Housing as described in this
report and set out in Document 1 – Regulatory Regime for Rental Housing, and
a. direct
the General Manager of Emergency and Protective Services to develop the
proposed Rental Property Management By-law and related by-law amendments for
approval by the Community and Protective Services Committee and Council in
2020, as described in this report, and
b. approve,
for immediate implementation, an increased flat re-inspection fee of $500 in
Schedule A of the Property Standards By-law (2013-416, as amended), as
described in this report, and
3. Approve
the recommended regulatory framework for Short-Term Rental (STR)
Accommodations as described in this report and set out in Document 2
–Regulatory Regime for Short-Term Rentals, and
a. Direct
the General Manager of Emergency and Protective Services to develop the proposed
Short -Term Rental By-law and related by-law amendments for approval by the
Community and Protective Services Committee and Council, and
b. Direct
the General Manager of Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development to
develop a Temporary Use By-law for short-term rental use in residential
areas, for approval by Planning Committee and Council, as described in this
report, and
c. Direct
the City Treasurer and City Solicitor to conduct a review of the Municipal
Accommodations Tax revenues to fund the short-term rental requirements, and
if funds are not available, direct the City Treasurer and City Solicitor to
develop the required by-law to amend the Municipal Accommodations Tax By-law
in order to increase the Municipal Accommodations Tax by 0.25% with the
increase directed to the City and to be used to administer and enforce
proposed short-term rental regulations as described in this report, and that
such amendment be placed directly on the agenda of Council for enactment, as
described in this report; and
d. That
the timing of the required by-laws and by-law amendments set out in items a.,
b. and c. be designed and coordinated to come into force concurrently, as
further described in this report, and
4. Approve
2.0 temporary Full-Time Equivalents (FTEs) for Rental Housing enforcement and
administration, and 6.0 temporary FTEs and 1.0 additional temporary FTE
(first year of implementation only) for Short-Term Rental Accommodations
enforcement and administration, for a total of temporary 8.0 FTEs and 1.0 additional
temporary FTE (first year of implementation only), effective upon
implementation of the regulatory regimes set out in Recommendations 2 and 3,
to be funded through revenue generated from fees and the Municipal
Accommodation Tax, as described in this report.
Thursday, 21 November 2019 (BUDGET)
In Camera Items are not subject to public discussion or audience.
Any person has a right to request an independent investigation of the propriety
of dealing with matters in a closed session. A form requesting such a review
may be obtained, without charge, from the City’s website or in person from the
Chair of this meeting. Requests are kept confidential pending any report by the
Meetings Investigator and are conducted without charge to the Requestor.
Note: 1. Please note that any written or verbal submissions
(including your name but excluding personal contact information) will form part
of the public record and be made available to City Council and the public.
2. Except
where otherwise indicated, reports requiring Council consideration will be
presented to Council on Wednesday, 27 November 2019 in Community and Protective
Services Committee Report 8.
3. Items listed
under Communications and Information Previously Distributed do not form part of
the regular Agenda and will not be discussed by the Committee unless added to
the Agenda pursuant to Subsection 89.(3) of the Procedure By-law.