Committee of Adjustment

Panel 2

Ben Franklin Place, The Chamber, Main Floor, 101 Centrepointe Drive, and by electronic participation

The hearing can be viewed on the Committee of Adjustment YouTube page. For more information, visit

Simultaneous interpretation in both official languages, accessible formats and communication supports are available for any specific agenda item by calling the Committee information number at least 72 hours in advance of the hearing.


Coordinator: Davette Nyota

Panel Members:

Chair: Fabian Poulin

Members: Jay Baltz, George Barrett, Heather MacLean, Julianne Wright

D08-01-25/B-00012 - 00013

Consent Applications

Applicant(s): 1001043242 Ontario Inc.
Agent: P. Hume

To sever the property into two lots for the construction of two long semi-detached dwellings secondary dwelling units, for a total of 12 units.


Minor Variance Application

Applicant(s): Patricia Sewell
Agent: J. Grant

To permit an increased lot coverage and increased driveway width for the construction of a detached garage.


Consent Application

Applicant(s): Catholic Congregational Legacy Charity
Agent: C. Homuth

To enter into a long-term lease in excess of 21 years for the future development of a seven-storey apartment building containing 133 units on the leased lands.


Minor Variance Application

Applicant(s): The Jewish Reform Congregation of Ottawa
Agent: R. Campos

To permit a reduced interior side yard for an addition on the south side of the existing building.


Consent Application

Applicant(s): Marissa and Mathieu Brisebois
Agent: K. Blakely

To subdivide the property into two parcels to create one new lot for future residential development.


Minor Variance Application

Applicant(s): Jean Michel Sauvé
Agent: A. Soor

To permit an increased number of accessory structures, reduced setbacks from interior side and rear lot lines, and reduced separation distances between existing accessory structures.