Finance and Corporate Services Committee


Meeting #:
Champlain Room, 110 Laurier Avenue West, and by electronic participation
  • Chair: Mayor Mark Sutcliffe, 
  • Vice-Chair: Councillor Catherine Kitts, 
  • Councillor Matt Luloff, 
  • Councillor Laura Dudas, 
  • Councillor Cathy Curry, 
  • Councillor Glen Gower, 
  • Councillor Tim Tierney, 
  • Councillor Rawlson King, 
  • Councillor Jeff Leiper, 
  • Councillor Riley Brockington, 
  • Councillor Shawn Menard, 
  • and Councillor George Darouze 

Notices and meeting information are attached to the agenda and minutes, including: availability of simultaneous interpretation and accessibility accommodations; in camera meeting procedures; information items not subject to discussion; personal information disclaimer for correspondents and public speakers; notices regarding minutes; and remote participation details.

Accessible formats and communication supports are available, upon request.

Except where otherwise indicated, reports requiring Council consideration will be presented to Council on July 12, 2023 in Finance and Corporate Services Committee Report 6.

The deadline to register by phone to speak, or submit written comments or visual presentations is 4 pm on Friday, June 30, 2023, and the deadline to register by email to speak is 8:30 am on July 4, 2023.

No Declarations of Interest were filed.

File No.: ACS2023-FCS-FLT-0002 - City-wide

  • Report Recommendation

    That the Finance and Corporate Services Committee recommend that Council waive Subsection 41(4) of the City’s Procurement By-law 2000-50, as amended, and approve the donation of one decommissioned ambulance to St. John Ambulance, with the lost residual value to be funded from the Fleet Reserves.


File No.: ACS2023-OCC-GEN-0008 – City-wide

Mr. M. Rick O'Connor, City Clerk, Office of the City Clerk (OCC), Mr. Tyler Cox, Manager, Legislative Services (OCC) and Mr. Richard Holder, Director Engineering Services, Transit Services (TS) spoke to a PowerPoint presentation, a copy of which is held on file with the City Clerk.

Committee heard from the following public delegation:

  • Mr. Kris Nanda*
  • Ms. Trèva Cousineau, President, Council on Aging of Ottawa*
  • Ms. Angela Keller-Herzog, Executive Director, Community Associations for Environmental Sustainability (CAFES)
  • Ms. Carolyn Mackenzie

[ * Individuals / groups marked with an asterisk above either provided comments in writing or by e-mail; all submissions are held on file with the City Clerk. ]

Mr. O'Connor, Mr. Cox and Mr. Holder along with Mr. Don Herweyer, General Manager, PRED, Ms. Sarah Taylor, Director, Community Safety, Well-Being, Policy and Analytics, Community and Social Services Department (CSS) and Ms. Andrea Lanthier-Seymour, Chief Communications Officer, Public Info and Media Relations responded to questions.

At the conclusion of questions to the delegations and to staff, and following Committee discussion, the report recommendations were then put before Committee as amended by Motions FCSC 2023-06-02, 06-03 and 06-04 were Carried with the following directions to staff:

  • Report Recommendations

    That the Finance and Corporate Services Committee recommend City Council:

    1. Approve the revised structure establishing Advisory Committees as statutory and policy-based advisory bodies, as described in this report and set out in Document 1, as follows:
      1. The Accessibility Advisory Committee;
      2. The Community Safety and Well-Being Advisory Committee;
      3. The French Language Services Advisory Committee; and
      4. The Planning Advisory Committee;
    2. Approve the following for Advisory Committees and City staff, as described in this report:
      1. The procedural requirements for Advisory Committees and related matters described in this report and set out in Document 3, including:
        1. Direct each Advisory Committee to adopt and provide to the Office of the City Clerk by the end of Q3 of 2023 the mandatory governance documents and minimum provisions included in Document 3 to address statutory by-law and policy requirements;
        2. Repeal the Advisory Committee Procedure By-law (By-law No. 2019-44, as amended); and
        3. Direct the City Clerk to review the Advisory Committee procedural requirements and governance documents as part of the 2022-2026 Mid-term Governance Review;
      2. The per meeting honorarium for members of the Accessibility Advisory Committee, to be funded from existing resources;
      3. Amendments to the Terms of Reference for the Planning Advisory Committee, as set out in Document 4;
      4. Direct the City Clerk to consult with Members of Council regarding desired qualifications for Advisory Committee members as part of the 2022-2026 Mid-term Governance Review process; and
      5. Receive the update regarding interim changes to Advisory Committees made through the 2022-2026 Council Governance Review;
    3. Receive for information the general procedural guidance for the following ad hoc advisory bodies, as set out in Documents 5 and 6:
      1. Council Sponsors Groups; and
      2. Department-led Working Groups;
    4. Receive for information the mandate, membership and other details regarding the establishment of the Transit Working Group, as described in this report; and
    5. Approve that the City Clerk be delegated the authority to implement changes to all related processes, procedures, policies and Terms of Reference, and to bring forward by-laws as required to implement Council’s decisions further to the approval of this report and to reflect the current organizational alignment.
    Carried as amended
  • Motion No. FCSC2023 06-02
    Moved byC. Curry

    WHEREAS on July 4, 2023, the Finance and Corporate Services Committee considered the report from the Office of the City Clerk titled, “Advisory Body Review” (2023-OCC-GEN-0008), which makes various recommendations pertaining to the City’s Advisory Committees, Council Sponsors Groups, and Departmental Working Groups; and 

    WHEREAS advisory bodies should support Council with achieving its strategic priorities and adhering to its legislative requirements; and 

    WHEREAS there is an opportunity to develop performance measures and gather relevant data about these advisory bodies on how they support these City objectives (e.g. alignment with strategic and legislative objectives, contributions to reports, etc.); and

    WHEREAS there is an opportunity to further review these bodies as part of the 2022-2026 Mid-term Governance Review;

    THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City Clerk be directed to develop basic performance measures for these advisory bodies and include relevant reporting and analysis in the 2022-2026 Mid-term Governance Review Report, including any recommendations for further changes to advisory bodies. 

  • Motion No. FCSC2023 - 06-03
    Moved byC. Kitts

    WHEREAS Subsection 143(1) of the Police Services Act as amended by Bill 175, the Safer Ontario Act, 2018, requires City Council to prepare and, by resolution, adopt a community safety and well-being plan that identifies risk factors “including, without limitation, systemic discrimination and other social factors that contribute to crime, victimization, addiction, drug overdose and suicide and any other prescribed risk factors,” as well as related reduction priorities, strategies and outcomes; and 

    WHEREAS Section 145 of the Police Services Act requires a municipal council that prepares a community safety and well-being plan to establish an advisory committee that includes a specific minimum membership composition; and

    WHEREAS Crime Prevention Ottawa was established by City Council on February 1, 2005, as a “permanent crime prevention responsibility centre”; and

    WHEREAS on December 5, 2018, Council considered the 2018-2022 Council Governance Review report and approved amending Crime Prevention Ottawa’s Terms of Reference to provide Crime Prevention Ottawa with the responsibility to establish an advisory committee for the purposes of Bill 175; an

    WHEREAS on June 26, 2019, Council considered the staff report titled, “Crime Prevention Ottawa Terms of Reference,” and approved amendments to Crime Prevention Ottawa’s Terms of Reference, including an updated membership, which provided that the Crime Prevention Ottawa board of directors would act as the advisory committee for the preparation of the City of Ottawa’s Community Safety and Well-Being Plan; and 

    WHEREAS on October 27, 2021, Council approved the City’s Community Safety and Well-Being Plan and directed the General Manager of Community and Social Services “to develop a governance structure, an evaluation and performance measurement framework, and a financial strategy for the administration, implementation, evaluation, and funding of the Community Safety and Well-Being Plan ...”; and

    WHEREAS on April 27, 2022, Council considered the staff report titled, “Community Safety and Well-Being Plan Progress Update,” which stated that a new advisory committee was among entities being established for the governance structure of the Community Safety and Well-Being Plan; and 

    WHEREAS, given its role in the preparation of the Community Safety and Well-Being plan, much of Crime Prevention Ottawa’s membership composition now overlaps with the mandatory Community Safety and Well-Being Advisory Committee, as set out in Attachment 1; and 

    WHEREAS Crime Prevention Ottawa’s Terms of Reference include goals with respect to safety and crime prevention initiatives that can be undertaken by the Community and Social Services Department under the Community Safety and Well-Being Plan and related entities and activities; and

    WHEREAS the City of Ottawa Community Safety and Well-Being Plan and Crime Prevention Ottawa are closely related as they address social issues and promote community safety and well-being, prioritize collaboration, crime prevention, and community engagement through capacity building as key strategic strategies for promoting safety and well-being in communities and focus on improved safety for all residents; and

    WHEREAS Crime Prevention Ottawa is a “local board” of the City of Ottawa, as described in the 2022-2026 Council Governance Review report, and Subsection 216(1) of the Municipal Act, 2001 provides that Council may dissolve a local board; and 

    WHEREAS as set out in the 2023 Budget, Crime Prevention Ottawa has a staff complement of three Full-time Equivalent (FTE) positions and an annual budget of approximately $1.2 million, which can be incorporated in Community Safety, Well-Being, Policy and Analytics Services within the Community and Social Services Department to assist with achieving crime prevention goals while eliminating existing overlap and redundancies between Crime Prevention Ottawa and the statutory community safety and well-being plan regime;

    THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that City Council direct staff to:

    1. Begin the process of dissolving Crime Prevention Ottawa and allocating its current staff complement to the 2024 Budget Process and the $1.2 annual budget to Community Safety, Well-Being, Policy and Analytics Services within the Community and Social Services Department under the delegated authority of the General Manager of Community & Social Services.  Although operational and granting processes will continue through the transition phase, the Crime Prevention Ottawa Governance Board shall cease to exist as a structure and will cease to have any delegated authorities effective the approval of this motion at city council; 
    2. Report back to the Community Services Committee and Council no later than the 2022-2026 Mid-term Governance Review regarding actions the Community and Social Services Department has undertaken, or will undertake, that will address the goals set out in the mandate of the former Crime Prevention Ottawa; 
    3. Add to the terms of reference of the City of Ottawa Community Safety and Well-Being Plan language in support of crime prevention, community collaborations, research, funding, policy, and programme interventions that reduce harm as key strategies for reducing crime and improving community safety; and
    4. Ensure that agencies currently receiving funding through Crime Prevention Ottawa will continue to receive funding to the end of their current terms, after which these agencies will be considered for funding through the Community Safety and Well-Being plan.
  • Motion No. FCSC2023 06-04
    Moved byL. Dudas

    THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Ottawa establish a Council Liaison for Older Adults and that the City Clerk circulate an expression of interest to fill the position of Council Liaison for Older Adults. 

  • DIRECTION TO STAFF (Councillor J. Leiper)

    That staff be directed to undertake a circulation for expressions of interest for the Council Sponsors Group for the Comprehensive Zoning By-law review, and bring forward recommended appointments to the July 12 Council meeting in consultation with the Mayor and Chair of Planning and Housing Committee

  • DIRECTION TO STAFF (Councillor C. Kitts)

    1. The advisory component function that the CPO board provides should be sustained in the new structure – this was the strength of CPO, and will be of immeasurable benefit in both the transition and steady state going forward;
    2. That preventing crime be a functional and explicit objective within the community safety and wellbeing entity in addition to all other stated objectives;
    3. That subject to the directions of the annual budget process, the granting component of CPO be sustained as a line of operations within the community safety and wellbeing entity going forward with the goal of maintain funding to community organizations providing critical services for risk interventions”
  • DIRECTION TO STAFF (Councillor C. Curry)

    That the Office of the City Clerk seek a comment from Ottawa Police Services on the implications of the dissolution of Crime Prevention Ottawa prior to the July 12th Council meeting.

File No.: ACS2023-OCC-CCS-0092 - Citywide

  • Report Recommendation

    That the Finance and Corporate Services Committee receive this report for information.


File No.: ACS2023-PRE-GEN-0007 - City-wide

Ms. Meagan Brodie, By-Law Writer and Interpretations, Officer II, Planning, Real Estate and Economic Development (PRED) and Mr. Royce Fu, Manager, Policy Planning (PRED) spoke to a PowerPoint presentation, a copy of which is held on file with the City Clerk. Ms. Brodie, Mr. Fu along with Mr. Paul Lavigne, Director, Housing Community and Social Services Department (CSS) and Ms. Lauren Reeves, Manager, Affordable Housing responded to questions.

Committee heard from the following public delegation:

  • Mr. Dean Tester    

At the conclusion of questions to the delegations and to staff, and following Committee discussion, the report recommendations were then put before Committee and were Carried.

  • Report Recommendation

    That the Finance and Corporate Services Committee and the Planning and Housing Committee recommend that Council approve the Action Plan as contained in Document 1 of the Report.


File No.: ACS2023-PRE-CRO-0013 - Alta Vista (Ward 18)

Mr. Peter Radke, Director, Corporate Real Estate Office, Planning, Real Estate and Economic Development (PRED), Mr. Robin Souchen, Manager, Realty Services, PRED and Mr. Cyril Rogers, Interim General Manager and Chief Financial Officer, Finance and Corporate Services Department responded to questions. 

After discussion, the Committee CARRIED this item as presented, with Councillor R. Brockington dissenting on Recommendation 3. 

  • Report Recommendations

    That the Finance and Corporate Services Committee recommend Council:

    1. Direct staff to not exercise the City’s reversionary covenant to reacquire the Lands as shown in Document 1, being part of 1967 Riverside Drive;
    2. Approve the removal of the reversionary covenant from title to the Lands shown in Document 1;
    3. Direct staff to hold the estimated $12.9 million uplift in value of the covenant in a separate account until such time as the commercial contractual negotiations are finalized and Council considers a final direction regarding the Municipal local share contribution requested for the new Ottawa Hospital Civic Campus; and
    4. Delegate authority to the General Manager, Finance and Corporate Services Department to enter into, conclude, execute, amend and implement, on behalf of the City, an Agreement to remove the reversionary covenant as described in this report.
    For (8)M. Luloff, L. Dudas, G. Gower, T. Tierney, R. Brockington, C. Kitts, C. Curry, and M. Sutcliffe
    Against (3)R. King, J. Leiper, and S. Menard
    Carried (8 to 3)

ACS2023-PRE-EDP-0027 - Orléans East-Cumberland (1)

At the outset, Committee considered the motion (FCSC 2023-06-01) to approve the additional item to the agenda.

Committee heard from the following public delegation:

  • Brent Harden

The following written submissions were received by, and are filed with, the Office of the City Clerk, and distributed to Committee Members:

  • John Liptak - Submission received June 30, 2023
  • Dan Stankovic - Submission received June 30, 2023

At the conclusion of questions to the delegations, and following Committee discussion, the report recommendations were then put before Committee and were Carried.

  • Report recommendations

    That the Finance and Corporate Services Committee recommend Council:

    1. Approve the grant application submitted by Trim Works Developments Limited, in respect to 1280 Trim Road, in accordance with the Integrated Orléans Community Improvement Plan, not to exceed $1,257,737 over a maximum period of 10 years, subject to the establishment of, and in accordance with, the terms and conditions of a Community Improvement Plan Agreement; and
    2. Delegate authority to the General Manager, Planning, Real Estate and Economic Development, to finalize and execute an Integrated Orléans Community Improvement Plan Agreement with Trim Works Developments Limited, establishing the terms and conditions governing the payment of a grant for the redevelopment of 1280 Trim Road, to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Planning, Real Estate and Economic Development Department, the City Solicitor, and the Chief Financial Officer.
    For (10)M. Luloff, L. Dudas, G. Gower, T. Tierney, R. King, J. Leiper, R. Brockington, C. Kitts, G. Darouze, and C. Curry
    Against (2)S. Menard, and M. Sutcliffe
    Carried (10 to 2)
  • Motion No. FCSC2023 - 06-01
    Moved byM. Luloff

    WHEREAS in May, 2023, Finance and Corporate Services Committee and Council approved Motion FCSC 2023-04-01 providing that that the Community Improvement Plan (CIP) application for 1280 Trim Road could brought forward for consideration under the terms and conditions of the current Integrated Orléans CIP program; and  

    WHEREAS the applicant was anticipating that the report would be considered by Committee and Council prior to the summer legislative break; and

    WHEREAS staff report ACS2023-PRE-EDP-0027 Application by Trim Works Developments Limited for 1280 Trim Road was not finalized in time to be published with the Finance and Corporate Services Committee agenda on June 22, 2023;

    WHEREAS the report was issued to committee and a revised agenda published on June 29, 2023; and

    WHEREAS considering this application prior to the summer legislative break would mean the applicant can take next steps without further delay; 

    THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that that the Finance and Corporate Services Committee approve the addition of this item to the agenda for July 4, 2023, pursuant to Subsection 89(3) of the Procedure By-law. 


That, in accordance with Procedure By-law 2022-410, the Finance and Corporate Services Committee resolve to move In-Camera pursuant to Subsection 13(1)(a), to close part of a meeting to members of the public as the subject matter considered is “the security of the property of the City”, at which time a verbal update will be provided on cyber security and the external threat landscape, which is confidential and will not be reported out.

Committee resolved In Camera at 12:50 pm and resumed in open session at 2:06 pm.

Upon resuming in open session, Vice-Chair Kitts advised that the Finance and Economic Development Committee met In Camera to receive a presentation on the Technology Security - Verbal Update.

These matters will not be reported out as they relate to Subsection 13(1)(a) of the Procedure By-law, as the subject matter relates to the security of the property of the City.

During the in camera session, no votes were taken other than procedural motions and/or directions to staff. 

  • Motion No. FCSC2023 06-05
    Moved byC. Kitts

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Finance and Corporate Services Committee resolve in camera pursuant to Subsection 13(1)(a) of the Procedure By-law, as the subject matter relates to the security of the property of the City, to receive a presentation on cyber security and the external threat landscape, which is confidential and will not be reported out.


There were no Inquiries.

There was no other business.

Next Meeting

September 5, 2023.

The meeting adjourned at 2:13 pm.