Transit Commission
Minutes 29
Wednesday, November 3, 2021
12:50 pm
Electronic Participation
This Meeting will be
held through electronic participation in accordance with Section 238 of the Municipal
Act, 2001 as amended by the COVID-19 Economic Recovery Act, 2020.
Notes: 1. Underlining
indicates a new or amended recommendation approved by Commission.
2. Except where otherwise indicated,
reports requiring Council consideration will be presented to Council on December
8, 2021 in Transit Commission Report
A. Hubley (Chair),
J. Cloutier (Vice-Chair), G. Gower, T. Kavanagh, T. Tierney, C. McKenney, R.
Brockington, A. Carricato, M. Olsen, C. Kitts
members: L. Williams and S. Wright-Gilbert (as advised)
No Declarations of Interest were filed.
Ms. Amilcar,
General Manager, Transit Services Department (“TSD”), provided an overview of
the budget and answered high-level questions from the Commission. A copy of the slide presentation is filed with the Office of the
City Clerk.
The following
City staff also answered high-level questions:
- Pat Scrimgeour, Director, Transit Customer Systems and Planning,
Ms. Isabelle Jasmin, Deputy City Treasurer
Corporate Finance, Finance Services Department
TSD staff undertook to distribute to Council and Commission its comparison
of fare rates with other cities.
TSD staff further undertook to provide a one-page memorandum to
Commission and Council on its projections for post-secondary ridership and
federal government ridership.
The Commission considered the following motion:
Motion No. 2021 TTC-29-01
Moved by: Vice-Chair
J. Cloutier
RESOLVED THAT the Transit Commission receive, table and refer this item to its
meeting of 17 November 2021.
Moved by: Councillor
C. McKenney
Transit Commission at its meeting of November 18, 2020, established a working
group of its members to work with staff to review and recommend possible
modifications to the OC Transpo fare structure to reduce financial barriers
which reduce the ability to travel for those who need it the most and can
afford it the least; and
2022 draft budget includes a fare freeze for transit customers who purchase the
monthly Community Pass, the monthly Access Pass, or the monthly or single-ride
EquiPass fares; and
working group members agree that the fare freeze has been an appropriate way
during the current term of Council to respect and address the financial
challenges of people with disabilities and low-income residents; and
is anticipated that the 2022-2026 Term of Council Governance Review would
include high-level overview and recommendations regarding the anticipated
budget process for the next Term of Council, and that the Chief Financial
Officer / Treasurer would be bringing forward draft budget directions to
Council early in the new Term prior to tabling of the 2023 Budget;
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Transit Commission recommend Council direct the Chief
Financial Officer / Treasurer, General Manager of Transit Services and General
Manager of Community and Social Services to undertake a review of the Working
Group’s recommendation that the next Council consider a fare freeze for the
Community Pass, the Access Pass, and the EquiPass for the entire Term of Council;
FURTHER RESOLVED that staff report back on the results of this review as part
of the 2018-2022 Term of Council Governance Review so that Council may consider
this recommendation as soon as possible in the new Term of Council.
Moved by:
Councillor C. McKenney
City of Ottawa’s current transit funding model requires transit users to pay 55
percent of the cost of transit, with general property tax revenues paying the
rest; and
federal government’s national and international commitments to combat climate
change include support for public transit;
BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council direct the Mayor and Transit Commission Chair write
to the federal government requesting operational funding through the federal
gas tax or other channels to reduce the user share of the cost of public
transit so that we can reduce or eliminate user fees and encourage more transit
Moved by: Councillor
C. McKenney
Transit Commission at its meeting of November 18, 2020, established a working
group of its members to work with staff to review and recommend possible
modifications to the OC Transpo fare structure to reduce financial barriers
which reduce the ability to travel for those who need it the most and can afford
it the least; and
working group has met, has directed staff to conduct research, and has taken
into account the expressed views of social agencies providing emergency shelter
services; and
working group members agree that increased access to transit services for
emergency shelter clients provides a benefit not only to people experiencing
homelessnessbut also to the City as a whole; and
working group members agree that providing access to the transit system for emergency
shelter clients, who do not currently purchase transit fares and who cannot in
their circumstance afford to purchase transit fares, does not represent a loss
of revenue to the City; and
implementing this program would have no financial impact on the 2022 operating
budget and requires only amending the user fee table; and
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Transit Commission recommend Council approve as
1. That a program be
established for the issuance of weekly and monthly transit passes for emergency
shelter clients; and
2. That these passes be
provided at no charge to the social agencies providing emergency shelter
services, so that they may distribute them to their clients; and
3. That the agencies document the
procedures under which they will distribute and control the passes through
funding agreements with the City; and
4. That staff produce up to
2000 of these passes per period, in a mixture of weekly and monthly forms, that
matches the needs of the agencies; and
5. That staff develop and implement
appropriate procedures to monitor the use of these passes; and
6. That Schedule “C” (Fares
for Transit Services) of the Transit By-law (By-law No. 2007-268) be
amended accordingly to create a new category, Emergency Shelter Clients; and
RESOLVED THAT staff monitor the distribution and use of these passes and
provide further recommendations to the Transit Commission to expand or revise
the program as appropriate.
The meeting
was adjourned at 1:37 pm.
_____________________________ _____________________________
Committee Coordinator Chair