Planning and Housing Committee


Meeting #:
Champlain Room, 110 Laurier Avenue West, and by electronic participation
  • Chair: Councillor Jeff Leiper, 
  • Vice-chair: Councillor Glen Gower, 
  • Councillor Riley Brockington, 
  • Councillor Cathy Curry, 
  • Councillor Laura Dudas, 
  • Councillor Laine Johnson, 
  • Councillor Theresa Kavanagh, 
  • Councillor Clarke Kelly, 
  • Councillor Catherine Kitts, 
  • Councillor Wilson Lo, 
  • Councillor Tim Tierney, 
  • and Councillor Ariel Troster 

Notices and meeting information are attached to the agenda and minutes, including: availability of simultaneous interpretation and accessibility accommodations; in camera meeting procedures; information items not subject to discussion; personal information disclaimer for correspondents and public speakers; notices regarding minutes; and remote participation details.

Accessible formats and communication supports are available, upon request.

Except where otherwise indicated, reports requiring Council consideration will be presented to Council on June 14, 2023 in Planning and Housing Committee Report 10.

The deadline to register by phone to speak, or submit written comments or visual presentations is 4 pm on Tuesday, June 6, and the deadline to register by email is 8:30 am to speak is on Wednesday, June 7, 2023.

The Chair read the following statement at the outset of the meeting pursuant to the Planning Act:

This is a public meeting to consider the proposed Comprehensive Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments listed as Item(s) 4.1 – 4.5 and 5.1 on today’s Agenda.

For the item just mentioned, only those who make oral submissions today or written submissions before the amendments are adopted may appeal the matter to the Ontario Land Tribunal. In addition, the applicant may appeal the matter to the Ontario Land Tribunal if Council does not adopt an amendment within 90 days of receipt of the application for a Zoning By-law Amendment and 120 days for an Official Plan Amendment.

To submit written comments on these amendments, prior to their consideration by City Council on June 14, 2023, please email or call the Committee or Council Coordinator.

No Declarations of Interest were filed.

ACS2023-PRE-PS-0067 - Kanata South (23)

The Applicant, as represented Tamara Nahal and Miguel Tremblay, Fotenn, and Jenna MacLeod and Richard Stacey, Sensplex were present in support, and available to answer questions.  The Applicants advised that they did not need to address the Committee if the item carried.

The Committee carried the report recommendations as presented.

  • Report Recommendation(s)

    1. That Planning and Housing Committee recommend Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 for 1565 Maple Grove Road, as shown in Document 1, to permit a school within the existing Bell Sensplex building, as detailed in Document 2.
    2. That Planning and Housing Committee approve the Consultation Details Section of this report be included as part of the ‘brief explanation’ in the Summary of Written and Oral Public Submissions, to be prepared by the Office of the City Clerk and submitted to Council in the report titled, “Summary of Oral and Written Public Submissions for Items Subject to the Planning Act ‘Explanation Requirements’ at the City Council Meeting of June 14, 2023 subject to submissions received between the publication of this report and the time of Council’s decision.

ACS2023-PRE-PS-0072 - Kitchissippi (15)

The Applicant, as represented Tess Gilchrist, Arcadis was present in support, and available to answer questions.  The Applicant advised that they did not need to address the Committee if the item carried.

The following written submission was received by, and is filed with, the Office of the City Clerk, and distributed to Committee Members:

  • Email dated June 5, 2023 from Jonathon Cheng

The Committee carried the report recommendations as amended.

  • Report Recommendation(s)

    1. That Planning and Housing Committee recommend Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 for 1546 Scott Street, as shown in Document 1, from MC12[22] F(3.0) S99,100 (Mixed Use Centre Zone, Subzone 12, Exception 22, Floor Space Index 3.0, Schedules 99 and 100) to MC12[xxxx] (Mixed-Use Centre Zone, Subzone 12, Exception xxxx) to permit a 25-storey mixed-use building, as detailed in Document 2.
    2. That Planning and Housing approve the Consultation Details Section of this report be included as part of the ‘brief explanation’ in the Summary of Written and Oral Public Submissions, to be prepared by the Office of the City Clerk and submitted to Council in the report titled, “Summary of Oral and Written Public Submissions for Items Subject to the Planning Act ‘Explanation Requirements’ at the City Council Meeting of June 14, 2023,” subject to submissions received between the publication of this report and the time of Council’s decision.
    Carried as amended
  • Amendment:
    Motion No. PHC2023-10-02

    WHEREAS report ACS2023-PRE-PS-0072 seeks approval to permit a 25-storey mixed-use building; and 
    WHEREAS a technical amendment is required to correct one error in Document 2 of the report. 

    THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that, with respect to report ACS2023-PRE-PS-0072 Planning and Housing Committee, amend Document 2 by:

    Substituting section 2(c)(vi) “The tower portion of a building, which includes any portion above the fourth floor, must not have a floor plate larger than 750 square metres” with “Each floor of the tower portion of a building, which includes any portion above the fourth floor, must not have a total floor area larger than 750 square metres.”

    AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that pursuant to subsection 34(17) of the Planning Act, no further notice be given.


ACS2023-PRE-PS-0070 - Alta Vista (18)

The Applicants, as represented Thomas Freeman and Saide Sayah, Fotenn were present in support, and available to answer questions.  The Applicants advised that they did not need to address the Committee if the item carried.

The following written submission was received by, and is filed with, the Office of the City Clerk, and distributed to Committee Members:

  • Email dated June 5, 2023 from Douglas McKercher and Erin Scullion

The Committee carried the report recommendations as presented.

  • Report Recommendation(s)

    1. That Planning and Housing Committee recommend Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 for 1244 Kilborn Place, as shown in Document 1, from I1A zone to GM[XXXX] H(15) zone, to permit a low-rise mixed-use building, as detailed in Document 2.
    2. That Planning and Housing Committee approve the Consultation Details Section of this report be included as part of the ‘brief explanation’ in the Summary of Written and Oral Public Submissions, to be prepared by the Office of the City Clerk and submitted to Council in the report titled, “Summary of Oral and Written Public Submissions for Items Subject to the Planning Act ‘Explanation Requirements’ at the City Council Meeting of June 14, 2023,” subject to submissions received between the publication of this report and the time of Council’s decision.

ACS2023-PRE-PS-0058 - Riverside South-Findlay Creek (22)

The Applicants, as represented Evan Garfinkel, Regional Group and Greg Winters and James Ireland, Novatech were present in support, and available to answer questions.  The Applicants advised that they did not need to address the Committee if the item carried.

The Committee carried the report recommendations as presented.

  • Report Recommendation(s)

    1. That Planning and Housing Committee recommend Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 for 788 River Road and an unaddressed parcel, as shown in Document 1, from R1WW and DR zones to R3Z and O1 zones to permit the development of a subdivision with two new roads and 54 residential dwellings, as detailed in Document 2.
    2. That Planning and Housing Committee approve the Consultation Details Section of this report be included as part of the ‘brief explanation’ in the Summary of Written and Oral Public Submissions, to be prepared by the Office of the City Clerk and submitted to Council in the report titled, “Summary of Oral and Written Public Submissions for Items Subject to the Planning Act ‘Explanation Requirements’ at the City Council Meeting of June 14, 2023 subject to submissions received between the publication of this report and the time of Council’s decision.

ACS2023-PRE-PS-0071 - Capital (17)

The Applicants, as represented Tyler Yakichuk and Jaime Posen, Fotenn and Jacques Hamel, HDandP were present in support, and available to answer questions.  The Applicants advised that they did not need to address the Committee if the item carried.

The following written submissions was received by, and is filed with, the Office of the City Clerk, and distributed to Committee Members:

  • Email dated August 2022, May 26 and June 5, 2023 from Barb Popel
  • Email dated May 27, 2023 from Errol Mendes
  • Email dated June 3, 2023 from Pamela Jones

The Committee carried the report recommendations as presented.

  • Report Recommendation(s)

    1. That Planning and Housing Committee recommend Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 for 1 Old Sunset Boulevard, as shown in Document 1, from R1QQ (Residential First Density, Subzone QQ) to R2P[xxxx] (Residential Second Density, Subzone P, Exception xxxx) to permit a three-storey semi-detached dwelling with secondary units, as detailed in Document 2.
    2. That Planning and Housing Committee approve the Consultation Details Section of this report be included as part of the ‘brief explanation’ in the Summary of Written and Oral Public Submissions, to be prepared by the Office of the City Clerk and submitted to Council in the report titled, “Summary of Oral and Written Public Submissions for Items Subject to the Planning Act ‘Explanation Requirements’ at the City Council Meeting of June 14, 2023,” subject to submissions received between the publication of this report and the time of Council’s decision.

ACS2023-PRE-PS-0054 - Stittsville (6)

The Applicants, as represented Lisa Dalla Rosa and Carl Furney, Fotenn were present in support, and available to answer questions.  The Applicants advised that they did not need to address the Committee if the item carried.

The Committee carried the report recommendations as presented.

  • Report Recommendation(s)

    1. That Planning and Housing Committee recommend Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 for 5618 Hazeldean Road, as shown in Document 1, to permit the first phase of a residential subdivision, including one stormwater management block, 36 townhouse blocks, and 111 lots for detached dwellings as detailed in Document 2.
    2. Direct Staff to report back to Planning and Housing Committee with zoning details for the 0.5-hectare block at the intersection of Abbott Street East and the future Robert Grant Avenue extension at the time that a Zoning By-Law Amendment is brought to Planning and Housing Committee for Phase 2. The block is to accommodate commercial uses and will be zoned accordingly with Phase 2. It will remain zoned Development Reserve “DR” in the meantime. 
    3. That Planning and Housing Committee approve the Consultation Details Section of this report be included as part of the ‘brief explanation’ in the Summary of Written and Oral Public Submissions, to be prepared by the Office of the City Clerk and submitted to Council in the report titled, “Summary of Oral and Written Public Submissions for Items Subject to the Planning Act ‘Explanation Requirements’ at the City Council Meeting of June 7, 2023,” subject to submissions received between the publication of this report and the time of Council’s decision.

There were no in camera items.

Moved on behalf of Councillor. D. Hill.

  • Motion No. PHC2023-10-03

    WHEREAS, the New Official Plan designates the lands at 3809 Borrisokane Rd as Industrial and Logistics; and

    Whereas these lands have direct access to municipal services; and

    WHEREAS Barrhaven and rural South Ottawa would significantly benefit from additional economic activity should the exclusion lands begin development; and,

    WHEREAS it is important to create economic development opportunities, especially ones that are within walking and biking distance of residents;

    WHEREAS the New Official Plan includes item (10)prescribes these lands be included in the CDP for the residential expansion lands to the south, and that the
    development of these lands can not proceed until the the CDP and associated studies have been approved; and,

    Whereas Staff have identified that future development of these lands may be influenced by the need for watermain looping or enhanced infiltration of Stormwater

    THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council staff be directed to initiate an Official Plan Amendment to amend to enable development to proceed on 3809 Borrisokane Rd in advance of the CDP for the residential expansion lands to the south, and to ensure that adequate measures are taken to protect for
    watermain looping and enhanced stormwater infiltration

Submitted by Councillor C. Kitts 

I would like information regarding the number of approved applications that did not include traffic impact assessments.

  1. How many planning applications were approved within Ward 19 Orléans South—Navan between October 2018 and May 2023 (the newly configured version, including what was Ward 2 - Innes)?
  2. How many applications were approved without a comprehensive traffic impact assessment due to the application not meeting the traffic impact assessment threshold trigger?
  3. What is the total number of parking spots approved within the list of developments mentioned above?
  4. What would be the approximate cumulative peak-hour AM (morning) trips that have resulted from the approved developments?
  5. What would be the approximate cumulative peak-hour PM (afternoon/evening) trips that have resulted from the approved developments?

The Committee heard from the following Delegation:

Joseph Ostrovsky, Make Housing Affordable spoke to the Committee about the housing crisis the City of Ottawa is faced with, touching on supply of rentals and non-profit development as well as the opportunities provided by the CMHC Housing Accelerator Fund. properties. A copy of his slide presentation is held on file with the Office of the City Clerk.

The following Staff were present and responded to questions:

Planning, Real Estate and Economic Development 

  • Royce Fu, Manager, Policy Planning
  • Meagan Brodie, By-Law Writer & Interpretations Officer II
  • Peter Radke, Director, Corporate Real Estate Office

Community and Social Services:

  • Paul Lavigne, Director, Housing
  • Lauren Reeves, Manager, Affordable Housing
  • Motion No. PHC2023-10-01
    Moved byG. Gower

    WHEREAS on May 24, 2023, Council received a memorandum from the General Manager of Planning, Real Estate and Economic Development regarding the City of Ottawa’s CMHC Housing Accelerator Fund Application; and

    WHEREAS it would be beneficial for the Planning and Housing Committee to formally have the opportunity to ask questions of staff prior to the submission of the City’s application; 

    THEREFORE be it resolved that the Memorandum from the General Manager be added to the agenda for the June 7th Planning and Housing Committee Agenda, to be received as a communication and for discussion. 


Next Meeting

Wednesday, June 21, 2023.

The meeting adjourned at 10:39 am.