WHEREAS, the New Official Plan designates the lands at 3809 Borrisokane Rd as Industrial and Logistics; and
Whereas these lands have direct access to municipal services; and
WHEREAS Barrhaven and rural South Ottawa would significantly benefit from additional economic activity should the exclusion lands begin development; and,
WHEREAS it is important to create economic development opportunities, especially ones that are within walking and biking distance of residents;
WHEREAS the New Official Plan includes item (10)prescribes these lands be included in the CDP for the residential expansion lands to the south, and that the
development of these lands can not proceed until the the CDP and associated studies have been approved; and,
Whereas Staff have identified that future development of these lands may be influenced by the need for watermain looping or enhanced infiltration of Stormwater
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council staff be directed to initiate an Official Plan Amendment to amend to enable development to proceed on 3809 Borrisokane Rd in advance of the CDP for the residential expansion lands to the south, and to ensure that adequate measures are taken to protect for
watermain looping and enhanced stormwater infiltration