The procedural Motion (FCSC-2024-17-01) was introduced and Carried at the beginning of the meeting.
Items 5.1 “2 Proposed 2025 Budget Directions, Timeline and Consultation Process” and 5.2 “2024 Tax and Rate Operating and Capital Budget Q2 Status” were considered simultaneously.
Mr. Cyril Rogers, Interim General Manager and Chief Financial Officer, Finance and Corporate Services Department and Ms. Suzanne Schnob, Manager, Financial Service, spoke to a PowerPoint presentation, a copy of which is held on file with the City Clerk.
Committee heard from the following public delegation:
- Robin Browne
- Alex Cullen
- Andrew Lumsden
- Marko Miljusevic
- Juan Pedro (J. P.) Unger
- William van Geest, Ecology Ottawa
At the conclusion of questions to the delegations, Mr. Rogers, Mr. Alain Gonthier, General Manager, Public Works Department, Mr. Dan Chenier, General Manager, Recreation, Cultural and Facility Services, Ms. Renée Amilcar, General Manager, Transit Services Department and Stuart Huxley, City Solicitor, Legal Services responded to questions. After discussion, the Committee CARRIED on a vote of 9 Yeas to 3 Nays, with Councillor R. Brockington dissenting on recommendation 2.b. and Councillor G. Darouze dissenting on recommendation 2.g.