Submitted by Conseillére L. Johnson on behalf of T. Kavanagh
WHEREAS the Transportation Master Plan (TMP) outlines priority equity neighbourhoods in Annex A; and
WHEREAS the TMP Policy 2-4 "Accelerate Investments That Benefit Priority Neighbourhoods" states "The TMP will pursue a more equitable transportation system and combat 'mobility poverty' through investment in streets, sidewalks, the public realm, and other transportation improvements in the neighbourhoods with strong equity concerns”; and
WHEREAS the TMP Policy 7-1 prioritizes the creation of safe comfortable direct connected routes; and
WHEREAS the TMP priority equity neighbourhhoods are flagged in the Official Plan objective for 15-minute neighbourhoods; and
WHEREAS residents in priority neighbourhoods are less likely to own and drive cars and rely on transit, walking, and biking to reach their destinations; and
WHEREAS Carling Ave is a high-volume road with many amenities that residents require safe access to reach; and
WHEREAS Carling Ave is specifically mentioned in the TMP as a high-volume road that that “creates barriers to walkability and bikeability”; and
WHEREAS Carling Ave is a major arterial connecting many priority neighbourhoods, including Bayshore, Britannia Woods, Michele Heights, Eva Taylor Court, Winthrop Court, and Regina Towers, to amenities; and
WHEREAS Carling Ave is designated to be a major transit priority corridor, and as such will need separated bicycle lanes to ensure the safety of people on bicycles; and
WHEREAS Carling Ave’s reconstruction to ultimately include segregated cycling facilities will likely be implemented in phases due to its significant length, different land use context, varying redevelopment opportunities along the corridor, and that interim measures for cycling improvements could be part of the toolbox;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT consideration be given to prioritizing active transportation improvements for sections of Carling Ave that connect equity priority neighbourhoods.