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Ottawa Public Library Board Meeting

Minutes 13

Tuesday, 14 April 2020

5:03 p.m.

Electronic Participation



Notes:             1.         Underlining indicates a new or amended recommendation approved by the Board.

2.         The Ottawa Public Library Board Members participated virtually.


Prior to the Agenda business, Chair Luloff welcomed everyone listening in to the historic Ottawa Public Library Board virtual meeting; he also explained the legislative reasons for Members’ electronic participation. Chair Luloff reminded trustees that the Agenda is limited to key meeting items that are time-sensitive or require legislative approval. He said the CEO will present the Library’s response to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, and a policy revision will be tabled. He introduced Alexandra Yarrow, Program Manager, Board and Strategic Services as the meeting Moderator. Before turning it over to Ms. Yarrow for logistical instructions, the Chair proceeded with Roll Call by voice in alphabetic order.



Chair:  Matthew Luloff

Vice-Chair: Kathy Fisher

Trustees:  Steven Begg, Riley Brockington, Mary-Rose Brown, Allan Higdon, Harvey A. Slack, Tim Tierney


Carol Anne Meehan


Ms. Yarrow provided logistical details to the Members, specifically related to speaking order, technology, and voting. She reminded Members that the OPL Board Policy Amendment: CEO Succession Planning will be posted publicly after the meeting. The Moderator then turned the meeting over to the Chair.



No Declarations of Interest were filed.




Minutes 12 - Tuesday, 10 March 2020


Confidential Minutes 3, Tuesday, 10 March 2020


The CEO confirmed that a minor typo pointed out by Trustee Brockington was corrected on page three of the Confidential Minutes 3.










Danielle, McDonald, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) provided a verbal presentation with respect to the Library’s response to COVID-19. (Held on file with the Chief Executive Officer) She said the OPL Board’s Delegation of Authority Policy -002 provides the CEO the ability to act “within or outside of normal mandate” during “an emergency or special circumstances.” Ms. McDonald indicated that all actions have been reported immediately to the Chair and then to the Board and has maintained regular communications throughout the emergency period.
Ms. McDonald introduced the other presenters: Anna Basile, Division Manager, Corporate Services; Catherine Seaman, Division Manager, Customer Experience; Alexandra Yarrow, Program Manager, Board and Strategic Services; Donna Clark, Division Manager, Branch Operations; and Craig Ginther, A/Division Manager, Central Library Development Project.
Ms. McDonald and the team briefed the Board on the work that has been undertaken since mid-March and provided a sense of what is to come. The key highlights of the presentation included: strategies and guiding principles that informed senior management decision-making during the pandemic; the OPL COVID-19 planning approach (focusing on four key areas: respond, sustain, recovery, and beyond); and, a chart illustrating the governance and decision-making process. The presentation also featured information about the corporate context (employees, finances, facilities and technology), customer service, and community stakeholders.

Vice-Chair Fisher left the virtual meeting at 5:26 p.m.

Chair Luloff thanked staff for the presentation, and said he was supportive of OPL ensuring they do the most possible to support staff during these difficult times. The Chair highlighted the Employee Assistance Program wellness resources, available to all employees.

As per the process discussed and for simplicity, Members spoke in alphabetic order as called upon the Chair.

In response to a question from Trustee Begg regarding the impact of the Rosemount Revitalization project being suspended until further notice and the lease at the temporary location at 1207 Wellington West, Ms. Basile said she reached out to the landlord and does not see any problems extending the lease due.

Trustee Brown thanked Senior Management for managing through the pandemic.

Trustee Brockington asked what Branch Managers were focusing on while branches are closed. Ms. McDonald said Branch Manager tasks include supporting employees, taking inventory, and participating in recovery planning. She indicated that Ms. Basile is leading a project, in collaboration with Branch Managers, to assess the workforce for redeployment opportunities and to divert staff energy to virtual programming and services.  More details will be provided in an update in May.

In response to a question from Trustee Brockington regarding whether OPL had been approached to re-deploy staff to assist Ottawa Public Health with ongoing efforts, Ms. McDonald said she sits on the Emergency Operations Centre Operations Group and has an ability to provide input and monitor developments in City departments. With respect to re-deployment, OPL is a separate entity/employer; staff are assessing whether the Library can re-deploy employees to the City of Ottawa. More information will be shared next month.

Trustee Brockington inquired whether, given that the City has extended the closure to public libraries up to June 30, 2020 and hearing there are a number of libraries in the United States that are offering book delivery and pickups, OPL be looking at other opportunities to provide a safe way to make resources available? Ms. McDonald said that idea has been raised; however, under the current provincial emergency order, libraries are unable to do so. Ms. McDonald added that the United States is not a relevant comparison at the moment, but that OPL is engaged with fellow Canadian Urban Libraries Council members, and other levels of government, for guidance. Trustee Brockington felt that libraries should be able to deliver books and do pickups as they are an important service.

Vice-Chair Fisher returned to the virtual meeting at 5:41 p.m.

In response to a question from Trustee Brockington regarding the current budget and potential savings during the closure, Ms. McDonald said she is looking at financial management and a strategic assessment of options. Any savings now will better position the Library for the future.  Ms. Basile mentioned the goal is to have a solution that works for Ottawa, the taxpayers and OPL customers that the Library serves. The financial forecast for budget savings includes cost reductions due to closures, impact of spending deferrals in line with the City of Ottawa impact of three, six, and nine-month closures. She said staff continue to identify key strategies to address impacts.

Vice-Chair Fisher asked how staff will deliver alternative services in the future, how temporary card holders can transition into full memberships, and how many temporary cards OPL has issued in the pandemic period. Ms. McDonald said OPL delivery of services will likely never be the same for quite some time. Staff will build on the creative and innovative ideas, look at future opportunities, and research other measures that can be taken to offer different types of services and different ways to deliver those services. Ms. Yarrow mentioned there may be an additional increase in the need for alternative services; in addition to the needs of the older adult population, OPL may need to consider alternative services as a result of the current situation. Ms. Clark said the pandemic has demonstrated how important library services are in challenging times. Ms. Yarrow further added that branch staff continue to work with community contacts to share news, gather best practices, work together, and support residents. In response to temporary cards translating to full time cardholders, Ms. Seaman indicated that 284 temporary cards have been issued to customers to access virtual services. She said prior to the pandemic, staff issued a procurement process on ways customers can provide proof of identity to receive a library card and staff will report back.

In response to a question from Trustee Higdon on whether there is an impact on the Central Library Project and fundraising efforts. Ms. McDonald said the Central Library Project is a key priority and Mr. Ginther and his team continue to work with the City on deliverables. Planning and design efforts continue for this project and are underpinned by the complex governance agreement which binds all parties.  Staff recommend moving forward with the project in the hopes that if there is funding available, we would be shovel ready so to speak and the work would proceed through the process. Trustee Higdon commended staff on the excellent update.

Trustee Slack echoed the sentiments of his colleagues on the outstanding efforts of staff during these economic times. He was happy to hear that the Central Library Project is moving forward and once the emergency is over, OPL will have reason to celebrate later in the year with the re-opening of the Rosemount branch.

Trustee Tierney thanked staff for their tremendous work.


MOTION OPL 20200414/1

That the Ottawa Public Library Board receive this verbal presentation for information.










The CEO indicated that the proposed edits to OPL Board Policy 018, CEO Succession Planning will align the policy changes made to OPL’s organizational structure. The main change to the existing policy reflects the new composition of the senior management team as the Deputy CEO position no longer exists. As a result, edits are required to Appendix A (CEO Emergency Succession Plan) of the Policy, specifically under Section D, “Short-Term Temporary, Unplanned Absence.”

There being no further discussion, the report was RECEIVED and TABLED as presented.


MOTION OPL 20200414/2

That the Ottawa Public Library (OPL) Board receive and table the OPL Board Policy Amendment: CEO Succession Planning.







MOTION OPL 20200414/3

Be It Resolved that the Ottawa Public Library Board meeting be adjourned at 6:12 p.m.


Original signed by                                                  Original signed by

Matthew Luloff                                                        Danielle McDonald, CEO

_____________________________                    __________________________

Chair                                                                           Recording Secretary