Special Meeting


Ottawa Police Services Board


Minutes 3


Wednesday, 4 February 2015, 8:30 a.m.


Champlain Room, 110 Laurier Avenue West, Ottawa




Present:        Councillor E. El-Chantiry (Chair), Councillor J. Harder, C. Nicholson, Councillor T. Tierney, L.A. Smallwood

Regrets:        J. Durrell (Vice Chair)






2015 Draft Operating & Capital Budget book tabled at the meeting



Chair El-Chantiry thanked everyone involved with the 2015 Budget process including OPS and City staff.  He recognized and thanked Director General D. Frazer and Mr. W. Salem, Acting Director, Financial Services and his team.


Chief Bordeleau recognized the excellent work that has been done to bring these documents together.  He also thanked Director General Frazer and Acting Finance Director Salem and his team for their efforts.  The development of the budget involved a great deal of participation from across the Service, with the Executive Command and the Superintendants playing important roles.  OPS members have a difficult, rewarding and sometimes dangerous job to do and the community relies on them to be there. This budget lays out the needs of the organization in order to deliver the policing services residents expect.


Chief Bordeleau and Director General Frazer presented a high-level overview of the 2015 Budget.  (A copy of the presentation will be kept on file with the Board’s Executive Director.


Chair El-Chantiry asked the Director General for a brief overview of next steps for the new OPS facility in the south end.  The Director General explained that a more detailed briefing would be coming forward to the Finance and Audit Committee during the first quarter of 2015.  Some of the work has been completed on the facility innovation plan including types of design, approach to construction development and management, and other standards needed to achieve the objective.  She explained the facility funding is split within two envelopes.  The first envelope contained $30 million allocated in 2013 which can be found within the Capital Budget under “Works in Progress”.  The second envelope is timed for 2017, the year the construction contract will be released.  In the interim, the site will be reviewed to ensure the chosen acreage is sufficient, as there is an additional five acres available at this time.  It will be home to the South Patrol Division as well as all emergency functions (currently located at Greenbank), the Comm. Centre and its IT infrastructure support.  Additional functions could be added to the facility such as the control centre as well as other key operational functions.  The OPS is using this opportunity to combine functions and create a way to save on project management costs and the cost of building multiple facilities. 


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            The meeting adjourned at 9:00 a.m.




            (original signed by)                                   (original signed by)

      ____________________________            _____________________________

      W. Fedec                                                          E. El-Chantiry

      Executive Director                                          Chair



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