and Protective Services Committee
Agenda 12
Thursday, 20 August 2020
9:30 AM
Electronic Participation
This meeting will be held through
electronic participation in accordance with Section 238 of the Municipal
Act, 2001 as amended by Bill 197, the COVID-19 Economic Recovery Act,
Marc Desjardins, Standing Committee Coordinator
613-580-2424 x28821
Chair: Councillor
J. Sudds
Vice-Chair: Councillor K. Egli
Councillors: E. El-Chantiry, M. Fleury, M. Luloff, C. McKenney,
C. A. Meehan
Simultaneous interpretation in both official languages is available for any
specific agenda item by calling the committee information number at least 72
hours in advance of the meeting.
Accessible formats and communication supports
are available, upon request.
That Community and Protective Services Committee recommend that
Council approve the Rental Housing Property Management By-law attached as
Document 1 and an amendment to the Property Standards By-law (2013-416, as
amended) attached as Document 2, as described in this report.
That the Community and Protective Services Committee recommend
that Council approve the Accessibility Advisory Committee’s 2020-2022 work
plan, as detailed in Document 1.
RIVER (16)
That the Community and Protective Services Committee recommend
Council approve the proposal to name the meeting room in J.A. Dulude Arena
the “Julie Dunnigan Room”
That the Community and Protective Services Committee recommend
Council approve the proposal to name Carrière Park, located at 6601 Carrière
Street the “Laurier Carrière Park”
That the Community and Protective Services Committee recommend
Council approve the proposal to name the area that consists of the Minto and
Confederation Fields at Nepean Sportsplex, 1645 Woodroffe Ave, the “Sandy
Ruckstuhl Gridirons”
That the Community and Protective Services Committee recommend
Council approve the proposal to name the Lemieux Island Administrative
Building, 1 Onigam St., the “Steve Bonk Administrative Building”
That the Community and Protective Services Committee recommend
Council approve the proposal to name the Heron Corridor, located at 1612
Kilborn Avenue, “WRENS Way”
That the Community and Protective Services Committee recommend
Council approve the proposal to name Banner Park, located at 90 Banner Road,
the “George Brancato Park”
Thursday, 17 September 2020
In Camera Items are not subject to public discussion or
audience. Any person has a right to request an independent investigation of the
propriety of dealing with matters in a closed session. A form requesting such
a review may be obtained, without charge, from the City’s website or in person
from the Chair of this meeting. Requests are kept confidential pending any
report by the Meetings Investigator and are conducted without charge to the
Note: 1. Please note that any written or verbal submissions
(including your name but excluding personal contact information) will form part
of the public record and be made available to City Council and the public.
2. Except where otherwise
indicated, reports requiring Council consideration will be presented to Council
on 26 August 2020 in Community and Protective Services Committee Report 12.
3. Items listed
under Communications and Information Previously Distributed do not form part of
the regular Agenda and will not be discussed by the Committee unless added to
the Agenda pursuant to Subsection 89.(3) of the Procedure By-law.
Annex A – public
participation details
Community and Protective Services
Thursday, August 20, 2020
9:30 AM
meeting will consider the following reports:
- Item 1 – Rental
Housing Property Management By-law and Rental Accommodation Study Update
- Item 2 – Accessibility
Advisory Committee 2020-2022 Work Plan
- Item 3 – Commemorative
Naming Proposal – Julie Dunnigan Room
- Item 4 – Commemorative
Naming Proposal – Laurier Carrière Park
- Item 5 – Commemorative
Naming Proposal – Sandy Ruckstuhl Gridirons
- Item 6 – Commemorative
Naming Proposal – Steve Bonk Administrative Building
- Item 7 – Commemorative
Naming Proposal – WRENS Way
- Item 8 – Commemorative
Naming Proposal – George Brancato Park
This meeting will be held through electronic participation
in accordance with Section 238 of the Municipal Act, 2001 as amended by
Bill 197, the COVID-19 Economic Recovery Act, 2020.
Remote Participation – Elected Officials, City
staff, Media and General Public
The chosen technology for this particular meeting is Zoom, which allows for participation by telephone, as well as
by computers and mobile devices.
Community and Protective Services Committee Members and
essential staff deemed required to participate in the meeting, as well as any
other Members of Council wishing to participate, will be provided (by the
Committee Coordinator) a Zoom link and password prior the meeting. In an
effort to reduce the number of participants in the virtual meeting and allow
for a more efficient process, staff not participating in the meeting, as well
as the Media and the general public, will be asked to participate by viewing
the webcast via the Ottawa City Council YouTube channel:
Public Delegations
City Hall is temporarily closed to help stop the spread of COVID-19.
Although in-person Committee and Council meetings have been cancelled, there
are several ways in which the general public can provide submissions to the
Members of Committee and Council for the August 20 meeting, as follows:
Submit comments in
writing: submit comments in
writing, by email, to the Committee Coordinator. Comments received by 4:00
pm on Wednesday, August 19th will be provided to Members of
Committee and Council prior to the meeting. Comments received after this time
will be forwarded to Members of Committee and Council as soon as possible, and
prior to Council’s final consideration of the item on August 26th
but may not be received by Committee members prior to the August 20th
Submit verbal comments
in advance of the meeting (Prior to 4:00 pm on Wednesday, August 19th) you may call the Committee Coordinator to have comments transcribed
(contact details below)
Register to Speak at
the Committee Meeting:
to 4:00 pm on Wednesday, August 19th: To
register to speak during the committee meeting, please contact the Committee
Coordinator by email or telephone (at the coordinates listed
below). See details below on how to participate remotely in the meeting this
the deadlines noted above, public delegations are requested to register as soon
as possible in order to facilitate an orderly registration process and meeting.
participation for public delegations
Upon receipt of your registration to speak at
the meeting, by way of one of the procedures outlined above, delegates will be
provided the Zoom meeting details and password prior to the meeting, including
a link to educational resources for those who may be new to using Zoom.
Please note that neither a computer, nor a video
sharing device, is required to participate in the meeting via Zoom. You may
also opt to call in from a cell or landline. A toll-free number will be
provided for this purpose.
Persons who intend to participate during the
meeting may wish to register/sign up in Zoom, if they have not already done so. The following
information is provided for your consideration and guidance during remote
participation in the meeting:
As screen-sharing will
not be enabled for participants during this meeting, those delegates who wish
to provide a visual presentation (PowerPoint or other) must email it to one of
the committee coordinators prior to the start of the meeting. The committee coordinator who is moderating the
meeting will share your presentation from his/her screen as you speak.
Therefore, in order to allow sufficient time for set-up and testing in advance
of the meeting start time, those who wish to provide visual presentations are
required to register to speak and provide those materials to the committee
coordinator prior to 4:00
pm on Wednesday, August 19th.
When you join the meeting,
either by phone or online, you will be admitted in as an attendee. You will not
be greeted upon joining the call. You will be able to hear the meeting and see
the active speaker (if you have video capability), but your mic will be muted
until it is your turn to speak.
You may also follow along on
YouTube until you are called upon to speak (a separate device is best if you
are calling on a cell), but you must mute that feed when you are called on to
speak, in order to prevent feedback. Please note there may be a 5-30 second
delay between the live meeting and what you see on YouTube.
If you join the Zoom meeting
through your phone, please Do not put the phone on hold at any time, as
this will result in broadcasting “hold music” online once your mic function is
To optimize call quality
when using a laptop, a headset with microphone is best if available to you;
otherwise, whether using your laptop microphone or cell phone, please speak
directly into the receiver and do not use speaker phone
If you are having technical
difficulties on August 20, you may contact the Clerk’s Office at or 613-580-2424 x28136 .
Please be reminded that
the meeting will be live streamed and archived to YouTube. If you enable your
camera, you will appear to meeting participants and on the YouTube stream.
Please do not share the
Zoom meeting details with anyone or post through social media. These details are restricted to Members of
Committee and Council, specifically designated staff, and registered public
delegations. All others will be able to watch and listen to the meeting on the
Ottawa City Council YouTube Channel .
Public delegations will
be provided five (5) minutes
in which to make their comments once called upon to speak. Questioning of / debate with the members (or
staff) is not permitted. If you have questions, you may state them during
your five minutes. Your comments must be directly related to the content
of the report(s) to which you are speaking. The committee members may choose to
ask you follow-up questions following your remarks, comment, or ask staff to
respond to what you have said.
You are welcome to send
written comments for the committee’s consideration, either in addition to your
oral presentation or in lieu of (both are given equal consideration by the
committee), prior to the meeting. Please refer to the information provided
above on how to submit written comments/presentations.
When your five minutes are
up and after answering any questions that may be directed to you, the Committee
Coordinator will disconnect you from the Zoom meeting. You may continue to
follow along with the meeting via the YouTube feed.
For more information, please contact
- Marc Desjardins, Committee
Coordinator (613-580-2424, x28821) -