Ottawa Police Services Board

Meeting #:
Electronic Participation
  • Chair: Salim Fakirani, 
  • Mayor Mark Sutcliffe, 
  • Councillor Cathy Curry, 
  • Councillor Marty Carr, 
  • Michael Doucet, 
  • Peter Henschel, 
  • and Dave Donaldson 

Krista Ferraro, Executive Director

(613) 560-1270


  • That the Ottawa Police Services Board confirm the amended agenda of the 25 March 2024 meeting.

  • That the Ottawa Police Services Board confirm Minutes #97 of the 26 February 2024 meeting.

The final public delegate list will be recorded as part of the final draft minutes for the March 25, 2024 meeting. 

Chair's report

  • That the Ottawa Police Services Board receive this report for information.

Chief's report

  • That the Ottawa Police Services Board receive this report for information.

Executive Director's report

  • That the Ottawa Police Services Board approve:

    1. The attendance of Chair S. Fakirani, Vice Chair M. Carr, Member D. Donaldson and Executive Director K. Ferraro at the Annual Conference of the Ontario Association of Police Services Boards, to be held in Blue Mountain Resort from June 3-5, 2024.
    2. A $1,500 Silver Sponsorship of the Ontario Association of Police Services Boards’ 2024 Annual Conference.

Executive Director's report

  • That the Ottawa Police Services Board approve the appointment of D. Donaldson to the Finance and Audit Committee as well as the Thomas G. Flanagan Scholarship Award Selection Committee.

Presentation & Chief's report (deferred from February)

  • That the Ottawa Police Services Board:

    1. Receive the February report for information.

    2. Receive the March report for information.

Chief’s report (deferred from February)

  • That the Ottawa Police Services Board approve the 2024 Internal Audit Work Plan as endorsed by the Finance and Audit Committee.

This item is before the Board for ratification following pre-approval on February 27,
2024, by electronic polling.

  • That the Ottawa Police Services Board delegate authority to the Chief of Police for the purchase of the Microsoft Canada Inc. Enterprise Agreement renewal for a five-year term from April 1, 2024 to March 31, 2029 for the upward amount of $8,363,015 net of HST.

Chief’s report (deferred from February)

  • That the Ottawa Police Services Board receive this report for information.

Chief’s report (deferred from February)

  • That the Ottawa Police Services Board receive this item for information.

Chief’s report (deferred from February)

  • That the Ottawa Police Services Board receive this report for information.

Chief’s report (deferred from February)

  • That the Ottawa Police Services Board receive this item for information.

Chief’s report (deferred from February)

  • That the Ottawa Police Services Board receive this item for information.

Chief’s report (deferred from February)

  • That the Ottawa Police Services Board receive this item for information.

Board Solicitor’s report (deferred from February)

  • That the Ottawa Police Services Board receive this item for information.

Executive Director's report

  • That the Ottawa Police Services Board:

    1. Receive the February report for information.

    2. Receive the March report for information.

Chief’s report

  • That the Ottawa Police Services Board:

    1. Receive the February report for information.

    2. Receive the March report for information.

Chief's report

  • That the Ottawa Police Services Board delegate authority to the Chief of Police to sign a contract for Digital Evidence Information Management System licences required to operationalize the Axon Digital Evidence Information Management System, for the amount of $1,106,622.27 before applicable taxes.

Please note that the in camera meeting was held prior to the public meeting and the following items were discussed: 

  1. Operational Update re: Major Events and Demonstrations
  2. Operational Matter
  3. Operational Matter
  4. 2023 Public Sector Salary Disclosure Act
  5. Labour Relations Matter
  6. Delay Application
  7. Complaints Committee Report
  8. Labour Relations Matter
  9. Labour Relations Matter
  10. Labour Relations Matter

Regular Meeting – Monday, April 22, 2024 - 4:00 PM

No Item Selected