Planning Advisory CommitteeAgendaMeeting #:3Date:Thursday, February 27, 2025Time: 5:30 P.m. - 8:30 P.m.Location:Electronic ParticipationMembers:Chair Carolyn Mackenzie, Vice-Chair Colin White, Alexus Ball, Jason Burggraaf, Jason Huang, Dean Karakasis, Anna Lenk, Busingye Nurudin, Francois Rivest, Josiane Roberds, and Changhong Sun Non-voting member:Councillor Jeff Leiper Eric Pelot, Committee Coordinator(613) 580-2424, ext. 22953, eric.pelot@ottawa.ca1.Notices and meeting information for meeting participants and the public 1.Public Notices French - AC Virtual.pdf2.Public Notices English - AC Virtual.pdfMembers of Committee and Council, City staff, media and the general public may join the meeting with this link:Zoom webinar ID: 839 3507 3360Those who require a telephone number to call into the Zoom meeting may contact the committee coordinator.This meeting will be live streamed and archived to the Ottawa City Council YouTube channel. This meeting’s recording will also be uploaded to the City’s agendas and minutes web portal (eScribe) after the meeting. Notices and meeting information are attached to the agenda and minutes, including: availability of simultaneous interpretation and accessibility accommodations; personal information disclaimer for correspondents and public speakers; notices regarding minutes; and remote participation details.Accessible formats and communication supports are available, upon request.The deadline to register to speak by phone or email, or submit written comments or visual presentations is 4 pm on the day of the meeting.2.Declarations of Interest 3.Confirmation of Minutes 3.1PAC Minutes 2 – December 17, 2024 1.English Minutes PAC 2_2024.pdf2.French Minutes PAC 2_2024.pdf4.Office of the City Clerk 4.1Adoption of Planning Advisory Committee Procedure By-law 1.Report - Procedure By-law for the Planning Advisory Committee.pdf2.Document 1 - Revised Procedure By-law for the Planning Advisory Committee.pdfFile No. ACS2025-OCC-CCS-0029 – City-wideReport recommendation(s) That, as set out in the 2022-2026 Mid-term Governance Review report (ACS2025-OCC-GEN-0001), approved by City Council on January 29, 2025, the Planning Advisory Committee approve the replacement Planning Advisory Committee Procedure By-law (Document 1).5.Planning, Development and Building Services Department 5.1Presentation of the draft 2025 Work Program for the Planning, Development and Building Services Department Recommendation That the Planning Advisory Committee receive the presentation for information.6.Notices of Motions (For Consideration at Subsequent Meeting) 7.Inquiries 8.Other Business 9.Adjournment Next Meeting: to be determined.No Item Selected This item has no attachments.1.English Minutes PAC 2_2024.pdf2.French Minutes PAC 2_2024.pdf1.Report - Procedure By-law for the Planning Advisory Committee.pdf2.Document 1 - Revised Procedure By-law for the Planning Advisory Committee.pdf1.Public Notices French - AC Virtual.pdf2.Public Notices English - AC Virtual.pdf