WHEREAS Report ACS2023-PRE-PS-0024 (the “Report”) recommends amending the City of Ottawa’s Zoning By-law to permit a car wash as an ancillary use to a gas bar on part of the lands municipally known as 8605 Campeau Drive; and
WHEREAS the current version of the Report contains certain errors that would unintentionally apply changes to the Zoning By-law other than the changes recommended by staff; and
WHEREAS a technical amendment is required to exclude these unintended changes from the proposed amendment to the Zoning By-law;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Planning and Housing Committee amend the Report in Planning and Housing Committee Agenda 4, Item 4.7 by:
1. Replacing the text of Report Recommendation 1 with the following text:
“1. That Planning and Housing Committee recommend Council approve an amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 for 8605 Campeau Drive, as shown in Document 1, by adding a new exception to permit a car wash as an ancillary use to a gas bar, as detailed in Document 2.”
; and
2. Replacing the text on Page 8 that reads:
“Exception 2598
Additionally, staff recommend minor changes to the provisions of Exception 2598 to clarify the wording without changing the original intent.”
with the following text:
“New Exception
Additionally, staff recommend adding a new urban exception in order to permit a car wash as an ancillary use to a gas bar on the lands subject to this application but not on lands that are currently zoned Urban Exception 2598 and are not subject to this application.”
; and
3. Replacing Document 1 – Location Map and Zoning Key Map with Attachment 1 to this Motion; and
4. Replacing Document 2 – Details of Recommended Zoning with Attachment 2 to this Motion.
; and
THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that there be no further notice pursuant to Section 34(17) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13, as amended.