Special Joint Meeting of the
Planning Committee and the Community and Protective Services Committee
Agenda 1
Thursday, April 22, 2021
This meeting will take place ten (10) minutes following
the regular meeting of the Planning Committee
Electronic Participation
Meeting will be held through electronic participation in accordance with
Section 238 of the Municipal Act, 2001 as amended by the COVID-19
Economic Recovery Act, 2020.
This Meeting may be viewed online on the Ottawa City Council YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUR3i_hvk3-3i8vtrPg6v1Q
Persons wishing to provide comments on any of the items contained
herein should refer to the process detailed and attached to this agenda as
Annex A.
Melody Duffenais, Coordinator, Planning Committee
613-580-2424 x20113
Marc Desjardins, Coordinator, Community
and Protective Services Committee
613-580-2424 x28821
Committee Members:
Planning Committee Chair: Councillor J. Harder
Community and Protective Services Committee Chair: Councillor M. Luloff
Planning Committee Vice-Chair: Councillor G. Gower
Community and Protective Services Committee Vice-Chair: Councillor K. Egli
Community and Protective Services Committee and Planning Committee Members:
Councillors R. Brockington, J. Cloutier, D. Deans, L. Dudas,
E. El-Chantiry, M. Fleury, A. Hubley, T. Kavanagh, C. Kitts,
J. Leiper, C.McKenney, C. A. Meehan,
S. Moffatt, J. Sudds, T. Tierney
interpretation in both official languages is available for any specific agenda
item by calling the committee information number at least 72 hours
in advance of the meeting.
Accessible formats and communication supports are available, upon
That the Community and
Protective Services Committee and Planning Committee recommend that Council:
1. approve amendments
to Zoning By-law 2008-250 to modify existing definitions for Bed and
Breakfast and Hotel uses and introduce new definitions and provisions for
Short-term rental and Cottage rental, as detailed in Document 1;
2. approve a temporary
(three-year) amendment to Zoning By-law 2008 250 to permit the short-term
rental of residential dwelling units city wide, as detailed in Document 2;
3. that the temporary
Zoning By-law Amendment set out in Recommendation 2 be conditional upon the
coming into full force and effect of the related Short-Term Rental By-law
proposed in report ACS2021-EPS-PPD-0001.
That Community and Protective
Services Committee and Planning Committee recommend that Council approve:
1. the proposed
Short-Term Rental By-law as described in this report and in the general form
set out in Document 1;
2. six (6.0) temporary
full-time equivalents in By-law and Regulatory Services to enforce and
administer the Short-Term Rental By-law, to be funded on a cost-recovery
basis from user fees and municipal accommodation tax (MAT) revenue, as
further described in this report;
3. amendments to
By-law 2019-252 (Municipal Accommodation Tax) to align terminology and
definitions as further described in this report; and,
4. that the short-term
rental regulations set out in Recommendation 1 be conditional upon the coming
into full force of the related amendments to the Zoning By-law for short-term
rentals as proposed in Report ACS2021-PIE-EDP-0005.
In Camera Items are not subject to public
discussion or audience. Any person has a right to request an independent
investigation of the propriety of dealing with matters in a closed session. A
form requesting such a review may be obtained, without charge, from the City’s
website or in person from the Chair of this meeting. Requests are kept
confidential pending any report by the Meetings Investigator and are conducted
without charge to the Requestor.
Note: 1. Please note that any written or verbal submissions
(including your name but excluding personal contact information) will form part
of the public record and be made available to City Council and the public.
2. Except
where otherwise indicated, reports requiring Council consideration will be
presented to Council on April 28, 2021 in Joint Planning Committee and Community
and Protective Services Committee Report 1.
3. Items listed
under Communications and Information Previously Distributed do not form part of
the regular Agenda and will not be discussed by the Committee unless added to
the Agenda pursuant to Subsection 89.(3) of the Procedure By-law.
Annex – Remote Participation Details
This particular meeting will be hosted in Zoom. Participants may join the meeting by calling a
toll-free telephone number, or using Zoom software on a computer or mobile device.
Members of Committee and Council and Required
City Staff
The Committee Coordinator will send a Zoom link
and password prior to the meeting to Members of Committee and Council, and
staff who are required to participate.
Other City Staff, Media and General Public
Staff not participating in the meeting, the
media and the general public must view the meeting via the Ottawa City Council
YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUR3i_hvk3-3i8vtrPg6v1Q
Submissions to Committee
Members of the public may provide either written
or oral submissions (or both) to Committee for this meeting.
Written comments: Members of the public may submit written
comments by email to the Committee Coordinator, or by calling the Committee Coordinator
to have their comments transcribed. Both written and oral comments are given
equal consideration by the committee.
The deadline for comments is 4:00 PM on Wednesday,
April 21.
Oral comments:
Members of the public may register, by calling or emailing the Committee Coordinator,
to provide oral comments during the meeting using Zoom. They must include their
name, telephone number and email address. Registration is required so that the
Coordinator may provide Zoom meeting information to the speaker.
you wish to provide an oral submission during the meeting on April 22, you
may register with the Committee Coordinator by phone prior to 4:00 PM on
Wednesday, April 21, or by email prior to 8:30 AM on Thursday, April 22.
note that screen-sharing will not be enabled for participants during this meeting.
Those delegates who wish to provide a visual presentation (PowerPoint or other)
are required to register to speak and provide those materials to the committee coordinator prior to 4:00 PM on Wednesday, April 21 The
committee coordinator who is moderating the meeting will share your presentation
from his/her screen as you speak.
a computer, nor a video sharing device, is required to participate in the
meeting via Zoom. Participants may join the Zoom meeting by calling a
toll-free number.
After the above deadlines have passed, members
of the public may submit comments to the appropriate standing committee (if
applicable) and/or submit written comments to Council.