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Ottawa Public Library Board Meeting

Minutes 10

Tuesday, 10 November 2015

5:00 p.m.

Champlain Room, Ottawa City Hall, 110 Laurier Avenue West



Notes:             1.         Underlining indicates a new or amended recommendation approved by the Board.


Chair:  Tim Tierney

Trustees:  Steven Begg, Kathy Fisher, Allan Higdon, Catherine McKenney, Scott Moffatt, Marianne Wilkinson


Vice-Chair André Bergeron, Trustee Pamela Sweet



No Declarations of Interest were filed.




Minutes 9 - Tuesday, 13 October 2015






eBooks Fair Pricing Motion

Ottawa City Council approved the eBooks Fair Pricing motion, and a letter will be sent on behalf of Ottawa City Council by the Mayor to the Department of Canadian Heritage and Industry Canada.

eResources Funding

With the announcement of sun-setting of the public library eResource funding by end of year, Chair Tierney will send a letter to the Provincial Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport outlining the impact of the reduced funding to the support for homework help, adult literacy and higher-education online, as well as to access to digital content.


The Ontario Municipal Benchmarking Initiative (OMBI) results were released earlier in November. The Ottawa Public Library had the second highest annual library uses per capita, the second highest electronic library uses per capita, and the second lowest OMBI total library operating costs per use.


MOTION OPL 20151110/1

That the Ottawa Public Library Board receive the Chair’s verbal update for information.








Remembrance Day

The Ottawa Public Library will be closed on Wednesday to acknowledge the courage and sacrifice of those who served their country.

Ministry of Tourism, Sport and Culture – Culture Talks

The Ministry of Tourism, Sport and Culture held a Culture Talks session on November 4, 2015 to gather public input to shape Ontario’s first culture strategy. OPL staff participated in the Ottawa discussion presenting four key areas where public libraries and culture align: Youth and Culture Engagement, Promoting Diversity, Digital Transformation, and Sustainable Culture Sector.

Action: Danielle McDonald, CEO to share with the Board the details of the Province’s draft strategy once it has been released.


Ontario Library Month

Throughout Library Month (October), OPL conducted a social media campaign to promote services. More than 300 likes, tweets, and retweets were received. Staff surprised customers at a few branches asking them to share what the Library means to them, touching on the important role to work toward the vision to build communities, and transform lives. Ms. McDonald presented a video highlighting customer’s honest and heartfelt responses. (Video available on youtube).

Action: Staff will continue to promote the Library month video on social media.


MOTION OPL 20151110/2

That the Ottawa Public Library Board receive the CEO’s update for information.















MOTION OPL 20151110/3

That the Ottawa Public Library Board approve the 2016 regular meeting schedule as proposed in Document 1.












MOTION OPL 20151110/4

That the Ottawa Public Library Board receive this report for information.











Ms. McDonald introduced the budget by providing procedural context for the tabling of the budget, vis-à-vis approval at the December Board meeting, and outlined the recommendations.

Monique Désormeaux, Deputy CEO outlined the approach taken in developing the draft budget. She reviewed the direction provided by Ottawa City Council in October, summarized an overview of the budget details, examined the proposed funding strategy to sustain planning for the Central Library Development Project, and concluded with the recommendations to the Board.  A presentation overview of the 2016 Draft Operating and Capital Budget was provided. (Held on file with the Chief Executive Officer)

Chair Tierney expressed pride in the Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) project, which showed leadership to provide the services needed to enable staff to interact with the customers on the floor.

Chair Tierney asked how the $3.9M for the Central Library Development Project will be spent in going forward, and how it compared to other large city projects. Ms. McDonald stated that staff worked with city colleagues from Infrastructure Services, Supply Branch, Real Estate Partnership and Development Office, and Finance to seek their expertise on funding for large capital projects, using information gathered from past experience.

Chair Tierney also noted that that the budget maintains the existing staffing complement with no new request for FTE’s since 2009.

In response to a question from Trustee Wilkinson as to why the FTE numbers vary in the budget documents, Ms. Désormeaux advised that there can be some discrepancies as it is a snapshot in time (September 30, 2015). Through the Public Libraries Act staff is delegated through the public library board to the CEO to manage the FTEs, whereby all vacant positions are examined and adjustments made if needed, within the compensation budget.

Trustee Wilkinson pointed out that the proposed 2016 budget is less than the actual spent in 2015 and asked if action is being taken to make sure there aren’t any issues at the end of 2016. Brenda Gorton, Account Manager, Financial Services Unit stated that $1.6M in 2015 is a one-time retroactive payout for the Pay Equity decision. Trustee Wilkinson asked why that number is not reflected in the salary and wage adjustment for 2016. Ms. Gorton noted that salaries were adjusted in 2015 and that the compensation amount in 2016 includes potential contractual increases for 2016.

Trustee Wilkinson asked about the $500K reduction of the materials budget, indicating that with the $500K reduction in 2014 it represented a total of $1M. Chair Tierney indicated that he did not recall a reduction in 2014.  Ms. Gorton further clarified that there was no materials budget reduction in 2014, only in 2015.  She further explained that the line item referenced in the budget book includes a number of different items such as purchases and services, material and supplies, fixed assets, etc.  Ms. Gorton added that is a net of the $500K plus the one-time increases for RFID training, etc. Trustee Wilkinson said that she would like a breakdown on the budget line.

Action: Staff to provide a breakdown of budget lines when associated with a number of different one-time item requests for budgets.


Trustee Wilkinson inquired about changing the rate for meeting rooms from four-hour bookings to hourly rates, specifically with respect to consistency and equity in renting rooms across the city. Ms. Désormeaux referred to the table format on page 16 of the budget report and stated that multiplying the amount by four, would add up to the rate. Trustee Wilkinson was concerned with the rates and cost for the size of the meeting rooms at the Beaverbrook and Nepean Centrepointe branches. Ms. McDonald advised that staff would need to review the size details for those specific branches and report back. Ms. Désormeaux added that in some shared facilities there is a price differential where OPL aligns with the City.

Action: Ms. McDonald advised that staff will review the meeting room sizes at Beaverbrook and Nepean Centrepointe and report back to the Board.

Chair Tierney said this change will bring OPL in line with the city with respect to hourly rates. He reminded the Board that these questions are technical in nature and ward/branch specific, and should be brought back at the December meeting.

Trustee Fisher thanked staff for providing a breakdown of the activities that would be covered with respect to the $3.9M for the Central Library and asked if there is a balance between external costs and cost recovery from services or activities that would be carried out by the City. Elaine Condos, Division Manager, Central Library Development Project advised that cost recovery is applied in some areas and a number of city departments are providing significant resources to the project at no direct charge to the library. Trustee Fisher asked whether the figure identified in 2016 is part of the city cost recovery or if funds will be used for external contracts. Ms. Condos said that it is part city cost recovery and part external contracts as staff are engaging professional services where required.

Trustee Fisher asked staff to explain the item “land acquisition legacy.” Ms. Gorton noted that it is debt financing for the potential acquisition of land for a former capital project. As it is debt financing, it is on the budget and remains available. Trustee Fisher asked about the expenditure against the line item.  Ms. Condos advised that there were expenditures for legal services related to work completed at that time and not associated with the current project.

Trustee Moffatt referenced the 2012 facilities renewal priorities listing and asked about the plan for the North Gower Branch which ranked higher than the Orléans Branch in the listing, noting that work has already been done to Orléans. Ms. Désormeaux advised that funds will be requested through the Friends of the Ottawa Public Library Association to reshape or reimage North Gower. Trustee Moffatt was encouraged to hear that news but did not want the branch to be forgotten. Ms. McDonald said that staff will review this as no funds were allocated for each priority.

Direction to staff: That staff review the facilities renewal priorities listing and report back to the Board.

There being no further discussion, the report was tabled and received as presented.

MOTION OPL 20151110/5


1.            That the Ottawa Public Library (OPL) Board receive and table the 2016 Draft Operating and Capital Budget Estimates;


2.            That the 2016 Draft Operating and Capital Budget Estimates be tabled at City Council for consideration at its meeting of November 12, 2015;


3.            That the Ottawa Public Library Board receive the draft funding request for $3.9M to further the work required for the Central Library Development Project; that in addition to OPL funds of $1M for the project, the OPL request that Ottawa City Council fund the balance of $2.9M from city reserves; and,


4.            That the Ottawa Public Library Board receive the three-year capital forecast for information.











MOTION OPL 20151110/6

That the Ottawa Public Library Board receive the 2015 third quarter financial reports.











MOTION OPL 20151110/7

That the Ottawa Public Library Board receive the 2014 Ottawa Public Library Financial Statements.









Trustees Fisher provided a verbal report of the FOPL Board of Director’s meeting. A copy of her report was provided earlier to the Board. (Held on file with the Chief Executive Officer).

MOTION OPL 20151110/8

That the Ottawa Public Library Board receive this verbal report for information.







MOTION OPL 20151110/9

Be It Resolved that the Ottawa Public Library Board meeting be adjourned at 5:55 p.m.


Original signed by                                                  Original signed by

Tim Tierney                                                              Danielle McDonald, CEO

_____________________________                    __________________________

Chair                                                                           Recording Secretary