Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee


Meeting #:
Ben Franklin Place, The Chamber, Main Floor, 101 Centrepointe Drive, and by electronic participation
  • Chair George Darouze, 
  • Councillor David Brown, 
  • Councillor Catherine Kitts, 
  • and Councillor Matt Luloff 
  • Vice-Chair Clarke Kelly 

Notices and meeting information are attached to the agenda and minutes, including: availability of simultaneous interpretation and accessibility accommodations; in camera meeting procedures; information items not subject to discussion; personal information disclaimer for correspondents and public speakers; notices regarding minutes; and remote participation details.

Accessible formats and communication supports are available, upon request.

Except where otherwise indicated, reports requiring Council consideration will be presented to Council on May 10, 2023 in Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee Report 3.

The deadline to register by phone to speak, or submit written comments or visual presentations is 4 pm on Wednesday, May 3, 2023, and the deadline to register to speak by email is 9:00 am on Thursday, May 4, 2023.

This is a public meeting to consider the proposed Comprehensive Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments listed as Item 5.3 on today’s Agenda.

For the item just mentioned, only those who make oral submissions today or written submissions before the amendments are adopted may appeal the matter to the Ontario Land Tribunal. In addition, the applicant may appeal the matter to the Ontario Land Tribunal if Council does not adopt an amendment within 90 days of receipt of the application for a Zoning By-law Amendment and 120 days for an Official Plan Amendment.

To submit written comments on these amendments, prior to their consideration by City Council on May 10, 2023, please email or call the Committee or Council Coordinator.

No Declarations of Interest were filed.

ACS2023-PRE-EDP-0021 - Orléans East-Cumberland (1) West Carleton-March (5) Orléans South-Navan (19) Osgoode (20) Rideau-Jock (21)

  • Report Recommendation(s)

    That the Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee approve the recommendations on Rural Community-Building Grants Program applications as detailed in Document 1.  

    Carried as amended
  • Motion No. ARAC2023-03-01

    WHEREAS the Rural Ottawa Youth Mental Health Collective and their sponsor agency Nepean Rideau Osgoode Community Resource Centre are seeking funding under the Rural Community-Building Grants Program to support an outreach program for rural youth between the age of 12 and 24 from all five (5) rural wards this summer; and

    WHEREAS the Rural Affairs Office recognizes the service gaps and additional effort necessary to support rural youth mental health; and

    WHEREAS approval of this application is needed as soon as possible for this project to be viable; and

    WHEREAS the administration cost of $877.60 identified in the proposal falls beyond the guidelines of the RCBGP and the program does not typically provide funding for this type of cost.

    THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee approve the Rural Ottawa Youth Mental Health Collective’s Rural Community-Building Grants Program application for a total amount of $8,776.00, which does not include the proposed $877.60 administrative cost;

    AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the total amount of funding awarded under the RCBGP for Q1 2023 is $32,282.81 and Document 1 of ACS2023-PRE-EDP-0021 be updated to include the Project Summary, Project Cost and Staff Recommendation on Rural Ottawa Youth Mental Health Collective’s application.


ACS2023-PRE-EDP-0006 – City Wide

  • Report Recommendation(s)

    That Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee recommend Council approve amendments to Zoning By-law 2008-250, as shown in Documents 1 and 2, and detailed in Document 3. 


ACS2023-OCC-CCS-0062 - City Wide

  • Report Recommendation(s)

    That the Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee receive this report for information.


Committee will be requested to consider the following Motion, referred from the City Council meeting of April 12, 2023.

  • Moved byC. Kelly

    WHEREAS City Council approved the new Parkland Dedication By-law (No. 2022-280) on August 31, 2022; and

    WHEREAS the By-law now requires parkland conveyance or cash-in-lieu of parkland to be provided to the City before the issuance of a building permit for a new dwelling if it cannot be demonstrated that parkland dedication has been previously satisfied in accordance with the Planning Act; and

    WHEREAS the By-law requires conveyance of parkland or cash-in-lieu of parkland at 5% of the gross land area for low density residential uses; and 

    WHEREAS 60% of the funds paid are allocated to use in the Ward in which the development is located and forty percent 40% of the funds paid will be allocated for citywide purposes; and

    WHEREAS section 3(4) of the By-law permits Council to waive parkland dedication fees; and 

    THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that City Council waive the 60% of the cash-in-lieu of parkland fees required for the pending building permit at 5703 Loggers Way (being the Ward portion); and 

    BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that City Council direct Staff to review the Parkland Dedication By-law to determine whether the By-law should be amended to extend the transition clauses for rural building permits outside of Villages where lands were subdivided for individual residential lot purposes prior to the new By-law coming into force and report back to the Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee by Q3 2024.

  • Motion No. ARAC2023-03-02
    Moved byD. Brown

    WHEREAS the Motion from Councillor Kelly regarding Cash-in-Lieu of Parkland Fees – 5703 Loggers Way was referred to the Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee (ARAC) at the Council meeting of April 26, 2023; and

    WHEREAS areas within the Ward 5 have been directly impacted by flooding in late April and early May as a result of higher water levels in the Ottawa Waterways, and as a result the Ward Councillor is engaged in the community and unable to attend the ARAC Meeting; and

    THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Motion – Cash-in-Lieu of Parkland Fees – 5703 Loggers Way and related information report Request to reduce Cash-in-lieu of Parkland Contribution for New Construction at 5703 Loggers Way (ACS2023-RCF-GEN-0002) listed as items 7.1 and 7.2 on the Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee (ARAC) agenda for May 4, 2023 be deferred to the next regular ARAC meeting


ACS2023-RCF-GEN-0002 - West Carleton-March (5) 

  • Report Recommendation(s)

    That the Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee recommend that Council receive this report for information.

There were no in camera items.

There were no in camera items.

There were no Inquiries.

There was no other business.

Next Meeting

Tuesday, May 30, 2023 - Joint Planning and Housing Committee and Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee

Thursday, June 1, 2023 - Regular Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee

The meeting adjourned at 10:08 am.