Ottawa Board of Health


Meeting #:
Electronic Participation
  • Chair Catherine Kitts, 
  • Vice-Chair: Tammy DeGiovanni, 
  • Member Elyse Banham, 
  • Member Marty Carr, 
  • Member Laura Dudas, 
  • Member Glen Gower, 
  • Member Theresa Kavanagh, 
  • Member Rawlson King, 
  • Member Lewis Leikin, 
  • Member Suzanne Pinel, 
  • and Member Peter Tilley 

Please see the attached document for public notices and meeting information, including: availability of simultaneous interpretation and accessibility accommodations; in camera meeting procedures; processes and timelines for written and oral submissions; personal information disclaimer for correspondents and public speakers; notices regarding minutes; and remote participation details.

Members Banham and Carr were absent during roll call.

Member Carr sent regrets

Member Leikin declared a deemed pecuniary interest on Ottawa Board of Health Agenda 3, Item 3 - 2023 Draft Operating Budget for the Ottawa Board of Health, Document 1, Page 4 - Ministry of Health Programs & Standards: Cost Shared Core Programs; and 100% City Programs, as a family member is an Ottawa Public Health employee working in these areas.

  • Confirmation of minutes of the meeting of January 30, 2023.


Two communication items have been received (held on file with the Board of Health Secretary).

  • Motion No. BOH03/01
    Moved byMember Rawlson King

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Chair of the Board of Health Verbal Report, the Medical Officer of Health Verbal Report, and the reports titled 2023 Draft Operating Budget for the Ottawa Board of Health and 2021 Annual Report and Attestation to the Ministry of Health, be received and considered.


File ACS2023-OPH-BOH-0004 – City-wide

Chair Kitts began her verbal report by talking about the February 3, 2023, Algonquin College Future of Health and Wellness Speaker Series where Dr. Etches was a panelist along with Dr. Lawrence Loh, Executive Director and CEO of the College of Family Physicians of Canada, and Dr. Gaynor Watson-Creed, Associate Dean with Dalhousie University’s Faculty of Medicine. She reported that on February 6, 2023, on behalf of Ottawa Public Health and the Ottawa Board of Health, she spoke in front of Ontario’s Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs as part of their pre-budget consultations. She highlighted that March is Nutrition Month and she thanked OPH’s dietitians for their role in improving the health of Ottawa’s population. Lastly, she noted that March is also Francophonie Month and she encouraged everyone to learn more about this by exploring some of our local resources.

The Board then voted to receive the Chair's Verbal Report. Discussions on this item lasted approximately 6 minutes. 

  • That the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit receive this verbal report for information.


File ACS2023-OPH-MOH-0002 – City-wide

Dr. Etches provided updates on the recently released report on the Ontario Student Drug Use and Mental Health Survey, our Cold Weather Response in collaboration with City partners, routine immunization, respiratory illnesses circulating in our community and the ongoing plan to keep people informed. She then talked about OPH’s Integrated Planning process and how we are working to align our organization’s efforts to re-imagine OPH work with feedback from employees and community partners, address workload pressures, adapt COVID-19 work and advance emerging strategic priorities within our budget envelope. 

Dr. Etches responded to questions arising from her verbal report. The Board then voted to received the Medical Officer of Health's Verbal Report. Discussions on this item lasted approximately 25 minutes.

  • That the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit receive this verbal report for information.


File ACS2023-OPH-PCS-0001 – City-wide

Ms. Jo-Anne Henderson-White, Manager of Performance & Corporate Services, spoke briefly to a PowerPoint presentation, which served to update the Board on the Budget approval process and timelines. A copy of her presentation is held on file with the Board of Health Secretary.

Member King introduced BOH Motion 03/02, after which staff responded to questions from Board members. 

The Board then proceeded to vote on Motions 03/02 and 03/03, as outlined below. The discussion on this item lasted approximately 50 minutes. 


Member Leikin submitted a deemed pecuniary interest on Ottawa Board of Health Agenda 3, Item 3 - 2023 Draft Operating Budget for the Ottawa Board of Health, Document 1, Page 4 - Ministry of Health Programs & Standards: Cost Shared Core Programs; and 100% City Programs, as a family member is an Ottawa Public Health employee working in these areas.

Member Leikin did not take part in the discussion or vote on these portions of the Budget.

  • That, at its meeting of February 27, 2023, the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit:

    1. Approve the 2023 Draft Operating Budget for the Ottawa Board of Health;
    2. Upon the Board of Health’s approval of the 2023 Draft Operating Budget for the Ottawa Board of Health, direct staff to forward the report to Ottawa City Council, for consideration on March 1, 2023, as part of the City Council’s approval of the City of Ottawa 2023 Draft Operating and Capital budget; and
    3. Upon approval of the 2023 Draft Operating Budget for the Ottawa Board of Health by the Board of Health and Ottawa City Council, direct the Medical Officer of Health (or delegate), on behalf of the Board of Health, to forward the 2023 Annual Service Plan and Budget Submission, to the Ontario Ministry of Health (MOH) for consideration based on the approved 2023 Operating Budget for the Ottawa Board of Health.
    Carried as amended
  • Motion No. BOH03/02
    Moved byMember Rawlson King

    WHEREAS Ottawa Public Health’s (OPH) 2023 Draft Operating Budget reflects a tax base and growth increase from the City that is aligned with City Council’s Budget Direction for 2023 and it assumes a 0% provincial base increase from the Province; 

    AND WHEREAS, year over year, the City of Ottawa has consistently provided for annual inflationary / growth increases of 2.5% to 3% to OPH’s operating budget while base budget increases from the provincial government have not been as consistent or reliable, leading to the budget being developed based on assumptions, which creates uncertainty; 

    AND WHEREAS in 2019, the Province announced a change in the provincial / municipal funding model for local public health units from up to 75% provincial and 25% municipal to up to 70% provincial and 30% municipal, with temporary mitigation funding to offset this increased pressure on municipalities through the last few years; 

    AND WHEREAS, to-date, neither OPH nor the City of Ottawa has received assurances from the Province that the mitigation funding will be increased from the 2018 level or continue beyond 2023, which represents a $3M pressure to the municipality if the Province ceases to provide the mitigation funding and does not revert to the previous 75/25 funding formula; 

    AND WHEREAS, in addition to providing for annual inflationary increases, the City of Ottawa provides in-kind supports to OPH for a wide range of administrative functions such as facility management, human resources and labour relations management, information technology, legal services, financial services and more, with an estimated value of $9.9M annually; 

    AND WHEREAS, just as hospitals have backlogs for surgical and other procedures, local public health units have catch-up work to do in areas such as dental screening and treatment, immunization, tuberculosis control, chronic disease and injury prevention initiatives and more; 

    AND WHEREAS the burden of infectious diseases continues at high levels with COVID-19 and other infections and base funding needs in this area are likely higher than they were pre-pandemic; 

    AND WHEREAS OPH also needs to account for population grown, inflation and increased demand for digital solutions; 

    AND WHEREAS, up to and including 2022, the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services’ budget allocation for OPH’s Healthy Babies Healthy Children (HBHC) program was $4.5 million, representing a zero percent increase since 2008, resulting in offering services to families based on their level of risk; 

    AND WHEREAS further requirements associated with HBHC screening and liaisons were added in 2013 and liaison work continues with four Ottawa hospital birth units; 

    AND WHEREAS, due to a lack of primary care providers who are able to accept newborns in Ottawa, OPH has seen an increased demand for home visits and drop-in clinics from parents and their young children, resulting in OPH being unable to meet the demand within its existing funding allocation, even for families at the highest levels of risk; 

    AND WHEREAS local public health units provide programs and services that promote well-being, prevent disease and injury, and protect population health, resulting in a healthier population, which conserves costly and increasingly scarce health care resources; 

    AND WHEREAS, to continue to plan for and provide the programs, services and supports residents need the most where they most need them, local public health units need sustainability and certainty from their funding partners; 

    AND WHEREAS investments in public health generate significant returns, including better health, lower health care costs, lower social services costs and a stronger economy; 

    THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit direct Councillor Catherine Kitts, Chair of the Board of Health, to write to the Premier of Ontario, the Ontario Minister of Health, and the Ontario Minister of Finance to request that the Province: 

    • Revert to the 75/25 funding formula for local public health units;
    • Commit to maintaining the current relationship between Ottawa Public Health and the City of Ottawa, recognizing the significant in-kind contribution the City makes to OPH, and building this into the cost-shared budget to ensure that, working together, OPH and the City of Ottawa can continue to meet residents needs when and where they are most needed; and 
    • Commit to providing some defined level of inflationary increase to local public health units’ annual base funding allocation going forward to ensure ongoing sustainability and reliable services to a growing population, as requested in the Association of Local Public Health Agencies’ (alPHa) 2023 Pre-Budget submission dated February 14, 2023; 

    AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit direct Councillor Catherine Kitts, Chair of the Board of Health, to write to the Premier of Ontario, the Ontario Minister of Children, Community and Social Services and the Ontario Minister of Finance to request that the Province:

    • Provide a one-time increase in the funding allocation for OPH’s Healthy Babies Healthy Children (HBHC) program to reflect the growing needs for these services and the fact that this funding has not increased since 2008; and 
    • Commit to providing some defined level of inflationary increase for this program’s annual funding allocation going forward to ensure ongoing sustainability and reliability; 

    AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit forward this motion to City Council in conjunction with Council’s consideration of the 2023 Draft Operating Budget for the Ottawa Board of Health and request that Council endorse the recommendations contained herein and further request that Mayor Mark Sutcliffe co-sign the above-referenced letters to the Province, demonstrating the City of Ottawa’s support for these requests. 

  • Motion No. BOH03/03
    Moved byMember Rawlson King

    That the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit:

    1. Approve the 2023 Draft Operating Budget for the Ottawa Board of Health, outlined at Document 1, as follows:
      1. Page 4 – Ministry of Health Programs & Standards:
        1. Cost Shared Core Programs *;
        2. Ontario Seniors Dental Care Program;
        3. Healthy Babies Healthy Children;
        4. 100% City Programs *; 
        5. Miscellaneous Programs;
        6. COVID-19 – One Time; and
      2. Page 10 – User Fees;
    2. Upon the Board of Health’s approval of the 2023 Draft Operating Budget for the Ottawa Board of Health, direct staff to forward the report to Ottawa City Council, for consideration on March 1, 2023 as part of the City Council’s approval of the City of Ottawa 2023 Draft Operating and Capital budget; and
    3. Upon approval of the 2023 Draft Operating Budget for the Ottawa Board of Health by the Board of Health and Ottawa City Council, direct the Medical Officer of Health (or delegate), on behalf of the Board of Health, to forward the 2023 Annual Service Plan and Budget Submission, to the Ontario Ministry of Health (OMOH) for consideration based on the approved 2023 Operating Budget for the Ottawa Board of Health.

File ACS2023-OPH-PCS-0002 – City-wide

  • That the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit receive this report for information.

  • Motion No. BOH03/04
    Moved byMember Rawlson King

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Chair of the Board of Health Verbal Report, the Medical Officer of Health Verbal Report, and the reports titled 2023 Draft Operating Budget for the Ottawa Board of Health and 2021 Annual Report and Attestation to the Ministry of Health, be received and adopted.


There were no motions requiring suspension of the rules. 

  • Motion No. BOH03/05
    Moved byMember Rawlson King

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Confirmation By-law no. 2023-2, a by-law of the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit to confirm the proceedings of the Ottawa Board of Health at its meeting of February 27, 2023, be read and passed.


There were no inquiries. 

The meeting adjourned at 6:20pm

Monday, April 17, 2023 - 5:00 PM