Ottawa Board of Health


Meeting #:
Champlain Room, 110 Laurier Avenue West, and by electronic participation
  • Chair Catherine Kitts, 
  • Member Elyse Banham, 
  • Member Brent Bauer, 
  • Member Danielle Brown-Shreves, 
  • Member Marty Carr, 
  • Member Sabrina Chung, 
  • Member Tammy DeGiovanni, 
  • Member Laura Dudas, 
  • Member Glen Gower, 
  • Member Theresa Kavanagh, 
  • and Member Rawlson King 

Please see the attached document for public notices and meeting information, including: availability of simultaneous interpretation and accessibility accommodations; in camera meeting procedures; processes and timelines for written and oral submissions; personal information disclaimer for correspondents and public speakers; notices regarding minutes; and remote participation details.

Declarations of Office - Public Members

Members Banham, Bauer, Brown-Shreves, Chung and DeGiovanni read their Declarations of Office and were sworn in as new Board members

Member Brown-Shreves was absent during the roll call

No regrets were filed. 

No Declarations of Interest were filed.

  • Confirmation of minutes of the meeting of February 27, 2023.


Eight communication items have been received (held on file with the Board of Health Secretary).

  • Motion No. BOH04/01
    Moved byMember Elyse Banham

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT the reports titled: Election of a Chair and Vice-Chair, Chair of the Board of Health Verbal Report, Medical Officer of Health Verbal Report, Ottawa Public Health 2022 Annual Report, Update on Ottawa Public Health’s Dental Health Services Program, Emergency Management at Ottawa Public Health – Annual Update, Ottawa Public Health’s Strategic Plan for 2019-2022 – Update from Quarter Four of 2022, Ontario Ministry of Health Accountability and Reporting Requirements – Q4 2022 Standard Activity Report, 2022 Operating & Capital Budget Year-End Results – Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit Status Report, Delegation of Authority – Contracts Awarded for the Period of July 1 to December 31, 2022, and Attendance at the Association of Local Public Health Agencies’ (alPHa) 2023 Annual General Meeting and Conference and Board of Health Section Meeting, be received and considered.


File ACS2023-OPH-BOH-0005 – City-wide

The Board of Health Secretary presided over the beginning of the meeting, up to and including the election of a Chair. 

Following her nomination, Member Kitts accepted the nomination for the position of Chair. 

The Board Secretary called for any additional nominations three times before calling for a motion to close the nominations. 

Following her election as Chair, Chair Kitts took over as presiding officer and chaired the balance of the meeting. 

Following her nomination, Member DeGiovanni accepted the nomination for the position of Vice-Chair. 

Chair Kitts called for any additional nominations three times before calling for a motion to close the nominations for the position of Vice-Chair. 

  • That the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit elect a Chair and Vice-Chair for the remainder of the 2022-2026 term, to be confirmed at the first meeting of each year as required by the Health Protection and Promotion Act.

    Carried as amended
  • Motion No. BOH04/02
    Moved byMember Elyse Banham

    I move that Councillor Catherine Kitts be nominated for the position of Chair for the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit, to be confirmed at the first meeting of each year as required by the Health Protection and Promotion Act.

  • Motion No. BOH04/03
    Moved byMember Elyse Banham

    I move that the nominations for the position of Chair be closed.

  • Motion No. BOH04/04
    Moved byMember Elyse Banham

    I move that the Board of Health appoint Councillor Catherine Kitts as Chair for the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit, to be confirmed at the first meeting of each year as required by the Health Protection and Promotion Act.

  • Motion No. BOH04/05
    Moved byMember Elyse Banham

    I move that Member Tammy DeGiovanni be nominated for the position of Vice-Chair for the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit, to be confirmed at the first meeting of each year as required by the Health Protection and Promotion Act.

  • Motion No. BOH04/06
    Moved byMember Elyse Banham

    I move that the nominations for the position of Vice-Chair be closed.

  • Motion No. BOH04/07
    Moved byMember Elyse Banham

    I move that the Board of Health appoint Member Tammy DeGiovanni as Vice-Chair for the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit, to be confirmed at the first meeting of each year as required by the Health Protection and Promotion Act.


File ACS2023-OPH-BOH-0006 – City-wide

As part of her verbal report, Chair Kitts welcomed new Board Members and thanked them for their interest in public health and their willingness to contribute their time, knowledge and expertise towards guiding Ottawa Public Health (OPH) over the next fours years and she talked about the work ahead for the Board and for OPH. She then provided an update on recently announced Provincial and Federal budgets and their potential implications for public health. In closing, she highlighted some notable events, namely World Tuberculosis Day (March 24), National Immunization Awareness Week (April 24 to 30), Mental Health Week (May 1 to 7), National Day of Awareness for MMIWG2S (May 5), Emergency Preparedness Week (May 7 to 13) and National Nursing Week (May 8 to 14).  

The Board then voted to receive the Chair's Verbal Report. Discussions on this item lasted approximately 10 minutes. 

  • That the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit receive this verbal report for information.


File ACS2023-OPH-MOH-0003 – City-wide

Dr. Etches began her verbal report with updates on mental health, addictions and substance use health. Specifically, she talked about collaborative work with the Rural Ottawa Youth Mental Health Collective to provide suicide-prevention training to 30 youth mentors, work to promote and raise awareness of the new Farmer Wellness Initiative from the Canadian Mental Health Association, and the launch of the new Mental Health, Addictions and Substance Use Health dashboard, which is the result of a multi-year collaboration among a broad coalition of health-system partners, including people with lived and living experience of substance use, community providers of mental health and substance use health services, hospitals, police, paramedics and OPH. The dashboard is the first of its kind in the Province and it provides information to better plan, develop and coordinate services by using a common dataset to track and measure the status and outcomes of Ottawa’s population on mental health, addictions, and substance-use health. 

Dr. Etches then talked about the Ontario Chief Medical Officer of Health’s 2022 Annual Report, released in March, titled “Being Ready: Ensuring Public Health Preparedness for Infectious Outbreaks and Pandemics”. She highlighted some of the report’s recommendations and noted how these resonate with OPH and how the organization is adapting its programs, policies and services to meet the community’s evolving needs. 

In closing, Dr. Etches provided an update on Ontario’s latest recommendations for the COVID-19 booster vaccine. 

Dr. Etches responded to questions arising from her verbal report. The Board then voted to receive the Medical Officer of Health's Verbal Report. Discussions on this item lasted approximately 18 minutes.

  • That the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit receive this verbal report for information.


File ACS2023-OPH-MOH-0004 – City-wide

  • That the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit: 

    1. Receive Ottawa Public Health’s 2022 Annual Report; and 
    2. Approve that it be forwarded to Ottawa City Council for information, in accordance with the City of Ottawa Act, 1999.

File ACS2023-OPH-HPP-0001 – City-wide

Nancy Kennedy, Program Manager of Dental Health Services, responded to Board Members’ questions.

The Board then voted to receive the report. Discussions on this item lasted approximately 10 minutes.

  • That the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit receive this report for information.


File ACS2023-OPH-HPS-0002 – City-wide

  • That the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit receive this report for information.


File ACS2023-OPH-KPQ-0002 – City-wide

  • That the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit receive this report for information.


File ACS2023-OPH-KPQ-0001 – City-wide

  • That the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit receive this report for information.


File ACS2023-OPH-PCS-0003 – City-wide

  • That the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit receive the 2022 budget year-end results for information.


File ACS2023-OPH-PCS-0004 – City-wide

  • That the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit receive this report for information.


File ACS2023-OPH-BOH-0007 – City-wide

  • That the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit approve the attendance of Chair Kitts at the Association of Local Public Health Agencies’ (alPHa) 2023 Annual General Meeting and Conference and Board of Health Section Meeting, to be held June 13 and 14, 2023 in Toronto.

    Carried as amended
  • Motion No. BOH04/08
    Moved byMember Elyse Banham

    WHEREAS Members of the Board of Health were canvassed for their interest in attending the alPHa General Meeting and Conference ahead of new public Members being appointed to the Ottawa Board of Health;

    AND WHEREAS, following the appointment of new public Members to the Ottawa Board of Health, Members were re-canvassed in order to ensure that newly appointed public Members also had an opportunity to participate, in the event that they are available and interested;

    AND WHEREAS, following this second canvassing for expressions of interest, two (2) Members indicated that they are available and interested in attending this upcoming event;

    THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the recommendation of the report titled “Attendance at the Association of Local Public Health Agencies’ (alPHa) 2023 Annual General Meeting and Conference and Board of Health Section Meeting” be amended to add the names of Members Elyse Banham and Danielle Brown-Shreves as attendees at the Association of Local Public Health Agencies’ (alPHa) 2023 Annual General Meeting and Conference and Board of Health Section Meeting, to be held June 13 and 14, 2023 in Toronto.

  • Motion No. BOH04/09
    Moved byMember Elyse Banham

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT the reports titled: Election of a Chair and Vice-Chair, Chair of the Board of Health Verbal Report, Medical Officer of Health Verbal Report, Ottawa Public Health 2022 Annual Report, Update on Ottawa Public Health’s Dental Health Services Program, Emergency Management at Ottawa Public Health – Annual Update, Ottawa Public Health’s Strategic Plan for 2019-2022 – Update from Quarter Four of 2022, Ontario Ministry of Health Accountability and Reporting Requirements – Q4 2022 Standard Activity Report, 2022 Operating & Capital Budget Year-End Results – Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit Status Report, Delegation of Authority – Contracts Awarded for the Period of July 1 to December 31, 2022, and Attendance at the Association of Local Public Health Agencies’ (alPHa) 2023 Annual General Meeting and Conference and Board of Health Section Meeting, be received and adopted.


There were no motions requiring suspension of the rules. 

  • Motion No. BOH04/10
    Moved byMember Elyse Banham

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Confirmation By-law no. 2023-3, a by-law of the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit to confirm the proceedings of the Ottawa Board of Health at its meeting of April 17, 2023, be read and passed.


There were no inquiries. 

The Board adjourned the meeting at 6:13 p.m.

Monday, June 19, 2023 - 5:00 PM