Planning Committee and ARAC

Special Joint Meeting of the
Planning Committee and the Community and Protective Services Committee

Agenda 2

Thursday, June 16, 2022
9:30 AM

This Meeting will be held through electronic participation in accordance with Section 238 of the Municipal Act, 2001 as amended by the COVID-19 Economic Recovery Act, 2020.

Persons wishing to view the meeting or provide comments on any of the agenda items should refer to the process detailed in and attached to this agenda as an annex

Joey Anderson, CPSC
Committee Coordinator
613-580-2424 ext 21920
[email protected]

Kelly Crozier, PC Committee Coordinator
613-580-2424 ext. 16875
[email protected]

Committee Members:

Planning Committee Co-chairs: Councillor G. Gower and Councillor S. Moffatt
Community and Protective Services Committee Chair: Councillor M. Luloff
Community and Protective Services Committee Vice-Chair: Councillor K. Egli
Community and Protective Services Committee and Planning Committee Members: Councillors
R. Brockington, J. Cloutier, C. Curry, D. Deans, L. Dudas,
E. El-Chantiry, M. Fleury, A. Hubley, T. Kavanagh, C. Kitts, J. Leiper, C.McKenney, C. A. Meehan, S. Menard, T. Tierney

Simultaneous interpretation in both official languages can be requested by the public for any specific agenda item at Standing Committee or Advisory Committee meetings by calling the Committee Coordinator at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting. For requests made within 72 hours of the Committee meeting, staff will endeavour to arrange simultaneous interpretation requests whenever possible.

Accessible formats and communication supports are available, upon request.









City Wide


That the joint Community and Protective Services Committee and Planning Committee recommend Council:
1.         Request the Mayor, on behalf of Council, write to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, asking the Province to protect existing tenants and affordable rental housing stock by updating the Residential Tenancies Act, 2006 and other relevant legislation such as the Building Code Act, 1992 with the objective to:
a.         further prevent and prohibit instances of renovictions and protect existing affordable rental housing stock; and
b.         specifically address through legislative changes the instance specified in Motion 44/18 (City Council, November 25, 2020) when a landlord undertakes renovations to a rental property and then replaces the evicted tenants with those who would pay higher rents after the renovations are completed; and
2.         Direct Planning, Real Estate and Economic Development (PRED) and Community and Social Services (CSSD) Staff to, as a joint-departmental work plan item, explore the feasibility and identify potential resource implications to the adoption and implementation of a By-law under Section 99.1 of the Municipal Act, to prohibit without replacement the full or partial demolition or conversion of residential and rental housing of six or more units without a permit issued by the City, possibly by amending the Demolition Control By-law, and report back by Q2 2023.






City Wide


That the joint Community and Protective Services Committee and Planning Committee recommend that Council receive the Report on the status of inclusionary zoning and Document 1 – Framework and Guiding Principles for Inclusionary Zoning in Ottawa, and direct staff to move forward with further study, Official Plan and Zoning By-law amendments, and an implementation strategy to introduce inclusionary zoning in 2023.








In Camera Items are not subject to public discussion or audience.  Any person has a right to request an independent investigation of the propriety of dealing with matters in a closed session.  A form requesting such a review may be obtained, without charge, from the City’s website or in person from the Chair of this meeting. Requests are kept confidential pending any report by the Meetings Investigator and are conducted without charge to the Requestor.


Note:   1.   Please note that any written or verbal submissions (including your name but excluding personal contact information) will form part of the public record and be made available to City Council and the public.

            2.   Except where otherwise indicated, reports requiring Council consideration will be presented to Council on June 22, 2022 in Joint Planning Committee and Community and Protective Services Committee Report 2. 

3.   Items listed under Communications and Information Previously Distributed do not form part of the regular Agenda and will not be discussed by the Committee unless added to the Agenda pursuant to Subsection 89.(3) of the Procedure By-law.

Annex A - Remote Participation Details

This particular meeting will be hosted in Zoom. Participants may join the meeting by calling a toll-free telephone number or using Zoom software on a computer or mobile device.

Members of Committee and Council and Required City Staff:

The Committee Coordinator will send a Zoom link and password prior to the meeting to Members of Committee and Council, and staff who are required to participate.

Other City Staff, Media and General Public

Staff not participating in the meeting, the media and the general public must view the meeting via the Ottawa City Council YouTube channel.

Submissions to Committee

Members of the public may provide either written or oral submissions (or both) to Committee for this meeting.

  • Written comments: Members of the public may submit written comments by email to the Committee Coordinator, or by calling the Committee Coordinator to have their comments transcribed. Both written and oral comments are given equal consideration by the committee.

In order to ensure that written comments can be provided to the Committee prior to the meeting, the deadline for submitting written comments is 4:00 PM on the last business day prior to the meeting, being June 15, 2022

  • Oral comments (public delegations): Members of the public may register, by calling or emailing the Committee Coordinator, to provide oral comments during the meeting using Zoom. They must include their name, telephone number and email address (if available). Registration is required so that the Coordinator may provide Zoom meeting information to the speaker.

Please note that neither a computer, nor a video sharing device, is required to participate in the meeting via Zoom. Participants may join the Zoom meeting by calling a toll-free number.

Should you wish to speak for up to five minutes during the Committee meeting, you may register with the Committee Coordinator by phone prior to 4:00 PM on the last business day prior to the meeting, being June 15, 2022, or by email no later than one hour prior to the start time set for the meeting, being 8:30 on June 16, 2022.

Please note that screen-sharing will not be enabled for participants during this meeting. Those delegates who wish to provide a visual presentation (PowerPoint or other) are required to register to speak and provide those materials to the committee coordinator prior to 4:00 PM on the last business day prior to the meeting June 15, 2022.

The Committee Coordinator who is moderating the meeting will share your presentation from his/her screen as you speak.

After the above deadlines have passed, members of the public may submit comments to the appropriate Standing Committee (if applicable) and/or submit written comments to Council. Please note that comments received after the above deadlines have passed will be acknowledged by the Committee Coordinator and provided to all Members of Council as soon as possible prior to Council’s final consideration of the item on June 22, 2022 but may not be provided to the Community and Protective Services Committee prior to its meeting on June 16, 2022.