WHEREAS as a result of provincial legislative changes, the City is required to replace its existing Parkland Dedication by-law by September 18, 2022 providing an opportunity to revise the 13-year-old by-law and ensure Ottawa can continue using the alternative rate in their Cash-in-lieu of Parkland Funds Policy;
WHEREAS the current by-law does not yield enough parkland to meet the City’s target of two hectares of parkland per 1,000 residents within all transects, except the Rural transect; and,
WHEREAS the deficit is highest in the densest transects: Downtown Core, Inner Urban, and Outer Urban; and,
WHEREAS some stakeholders noted concerns that the provision of cash-in-lieu of parkland in areas where development is encouraged is high, and impacts the affordability of housing; and
WHEREAS the city is currently working on a new Zoning By-law for Ottawa to implement the new Official Plan; and
WHEREAS new provincial legislation under Bill 109, the More Homes for Everyone Act, will result in a number of changes to the community benefits authority under the Planning Act to help growth pay for growth; and
WHEREAS the Development Charge rate by-law will be reviewed in 2023 for replacement in 2024; and,
WHEREAS Council has adopted the High Performance Development Standards report that may have an impact on housing affordability; and,
WHEREAS staff is working on drafting Official Plan policies and Zoning provisions to implement Inclusionary Zoning (IZ) in Ottawa and create a new mechanism to encourage or require affordable housing to be developed in major transit areas;
WHEREAS there is no restriction on Council’s ability to amend the Parkland Dedication By-law subsequent to September 18, 2022
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that staff be directed to review the accumulated impact of these major legislative and policy changes, which are anticipated to have an impact on land prices and market conditions, and report back to committee and council on the accumulated impacts within three years and put forward recommendations to mitigate the impact on affordability if required.