Built Heritage Sub-Committee

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Built Heritage Sub-Committee


11 February 2020
9:30 am

Champlain Room, 110 Laurier Avenue W

Notes:    1.      Underlining indicates a new or amended recommendation approved by Committee.

               2.      Except where otherwise indicated, reports requiring Council consideration will be presented to Council on Wednesday February 26, 2020.


Chair: G. Gower
Vice-Chair: C. Quinn
Councillors: R. Brockington, C. McKenney, S. Moffatt
Public Members: A. Conforti, J. Halsall, B. Padolsky


R. Chiarelli  



See specific agenda item for declaration: Item 2 of the Built Heritage Sub-Committee Agenda (Application to Alter Two Heritage Properties, 35-37 William Street and 41-41 1/2 William Street, Designated Under Part V of the Ontario Heritage Act and Located in the Byward Market Heritage Conservation District, According to Plans by KWC Architects, Received in December 2019).



Minutes 10 – Tuesday, January 14, 2020










Designation of Hydro Ottawa Buildings, Under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act



Rideau-Vanier (12) Kitchissippi (15) Capital (17)


Report recommendations

That the Built Heritage Sub-Committee recommend that Council approve the issuance of Notices of Intention to Designate under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act for the following properties:
1.       247 Glebe Avenue, Sub-Station No. 2, according to the Statement of Cultural Heritage Value, attached as Document 4.
2.       340 Holland Avenue, Ottawa Electric Railway Powerhouse, according to the Statement of Cultural Heritage Value, attached as Document 5.
3.       1275 Carling Avenue, Sub-Station No. 3, according to the Statement of Cultural Heritage Value, attached as Document 6.
4.       351 King Edward Avenue, Sub-Station No. 4, according to the Statement of Cultural Heritage Value, attached as Document 7.


5.       39 Riverdale Avenue, Sub-Station No. 5 according to the Statement of Cultural Heritage Value, attached as Document 8.


Anne Fitzpatrick, Planner II, Right of Way, Heritage and Urban Design Services, presented an overview of the report recommendations and answered questions from the Committee.  A copy of her slide presentation is filed with the Office of the City Clerk.

Committee members received the following submissions in support of the designations, and a copy of each is filed in the City’s records:

  • Johanna Persohn and William Price (Glebe Community Association) email dated January 28
  • David Flemming (Heritage Ottawa) letter dated February 7

The Committee CARRIED the report recommendations as presented.



Application to Alter Two Heritage Properties, 35-37 William Street and 41-41 1/2 William Street, Designated Under Part V of the Ontario Heritage Act and Located in the Byward Market Heritage Conservation District, According to Plans by KWC Architects, Received in December 2019



Rideau-Vanier (12)



Member Barry Padolsky declared a pecuniary interest on item 2 on the Built Heritage Sub-Committee agenda 11 – Application to Alter Two Heritage Properties, 35-37 William Street and 41-41 1/2 William Street, Designated Under Part V of the Ontario Heritage Act and Located in the Byward Market Heritage Conservation District, According to Plans by KWC Architects, Received in December 2019 (ACS2020-PIE-RHU-0005) – as he is the owner of Barry Padolsky Associates Inc., Architects and his firm was retained to provide professional services in relation to the subject properties.

Members B. Padolsky did not take part in the discussion or vote on this item.



Report recommendations

That the Built Heritage Sub-Committee recommend that Planning Committee recommend that Council:
1. Approve the application to alter 35-37 William Street, a property located in the ByWard Market Heritage Conservation District, according to plans submitted by KWC Architects, received on December 19, 2019, see Elevations, Document 7 and Renderings, Document 8;
2. Approve the application to alter 41-41 ½ William Street, a property located in the ByWard Market Heritage Conservation District, according to plans submitted by KWC Architects, received on December 23, 2019, see Elevations, Document 11;


3. Delegate the authority for minor design changes to the General Manager, Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development;


4. Approve the issuance of the heritage permits for each application with a two-year expiry date from the date of issuance unless otherwise extended by Council.



(Note: The statutory 90-day timeline for consideration of these applications under the Ontario Heritage Act will expire on 35-37 William Street: March 17, 2020 and 41-41 ½ William Street: March 21, 2020.)
(Note: Approval to alter this property under the Ontario Heritage Act must not be construed to meet the requirements for the issuance of a building permit.)


Sally Coutts, Senior Heritage Planner, Right of Way, Heritage and Urban Design Services, presented an overview of the report recommendations, and answered questions from the Committee.  A copy of her slide presentation is filed with the Office of the City Clerk.

Committee members received a letter from David Flemming (Heritage Ottawa) dated February 7 in support of the report recommendations, and a copy is filed with the Office of the City Clerk.

Domenico Santaguida (Vittoria Trattoria), Andrew Glass (The Properties Group), Maurizio Martignago (KWC Architects), and Colleen Ivits (Holzman Consultants Inc.) were in attendance and in support of the report recommendations. Mr. Santaguida and Mr. Martignago answered questions from the Committee.

The Committee considered the following motion:

Motion No. BHSC 2020 11/1

Moved by Member J. Halsall

WHEREAS the ByWard Market Heritage Conservation District is an iconic, prominent, and beloved architectural and historic landscape in the City of Ottawa and the National Capital;

WHEREAS 35-37 William Street and 41-41 ½ William Street are designated under Part V of the Ontario Heritage Act, are identified as Category 2 Buildings within the ByWard Market Heritage Conservation District, and face directly onto the central Market Building designated under part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act;

WHEREAS William Street in this location features a series of two storey, flat roofed commercial buildings and that numbers 35-37 represent a significant heritage component of one of the most important commercial rows defining the market core;

WHEREAS the ByWard Market Heritage Conservation District Guidelines stipulate that infill in commercial areas must respect the scale and character of existing heritage properties and streetscapes, and that infill in mixed use and residential areas should respect the massing of adjacent heritage properties;

WHEREAS the identified properties are subject to the Heritage Overlay, which requires that development maintain the same character, scale, massing, volume, floor area, and footprint of the existing building;

WHEREAS the Downtown Ottawa Urban Design Study’s ByWard Market Precinct Plan guidelines stipulate that existing lower heights should be maintained at a scale that is compatible with the historic pattern of the area, and the former Ottawa Secondary Plan recommends ensuring low profile development immediately abutting the ByWard Market Square;

WHEREAS the application at 35-37 William Street will ensure the conservation of important heritage features while creating additional housing within the urban core;

WHEREAS the Built Heritage Subcommittee finds that the height described in the applicant’s proposal for 35-37 William Street does not confirm to the height restrictions within the heritage overlay;

WHEREAS the Built Heritage Sub-Committee finds that the height of the revised design is visually incompatible with the historic integrity of William Street, a significant heritage component of one of the most important commercial rows in the city; and,

WHEREAS the application’s benefits to heritage conservation and housing creation may be similarly achieved with a reduction in height to better compliment the ByWard Market’s unique heritage landscape;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Built Heritage Sub-Committee amend the report recommendation 1 as follows:

Approve the application to alter 35-37 William Street, a property located in the ByWard Market Heritage Conservation District, according to plans submitted by KWC Architects, received on December 19, 2019, see Elevations, Document 7 and Renderings, Document 8, on the condition that the proposed development is limited in height to one additional floor, as described by the submitted plans, for a total of three floors in height;

The Motion was LOST on the following division:

YEAS (2):

Member J. Halsall, Vice-Chair C. Quinn

NAYS (5):

Member A. Conforti, Councillors C. McKenney, R. Brockington, S. Moffatt, Chair G. Gower

The Committee then CARRIED the report recommendations as presented.




The meeting adjourned at 10:37 am.



_____________________________                    _____________________________

Committee Coordinator                                          Chair


No Item Selected