WHEREAS Report ACS2023-PRE-PS-0137 (the ‘Report’) recommends amending the City of Ottawa’s Zoning By-law to permit the development of one mixed-use high-rise tower and a public park at Part of 780 Baseline Road and 7 and 9 Hilliard Avenue; and
WHEREAS there are existing houses at 7 and 9 Hilliard Avenue that the developer would like to continue to rent until the land is transferred to the City for parkland; and
WHEREAS rezoning the properties from Residential First Density zone, Subzone FF (R1FF) to Parks and Open Space zone (O1) would make the residential uses legal non-conforming.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Document 1 and Document 3 of the Report be replace by the attached Zoning Key Map and Schedule
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Document 2 of the Report be amended to replace Sections 1 and 2 as follows:
- Rezone the lands within Area A as shown in Document 1 from GM to GM [XXX1] SYYY
- Rezone the lands within Area B as shown in Document 1 from R1FF to O1 [XXX2]
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Document 2 of the Report be amended to revise Section 3 as follows:
Amend Section 239, Urban Exceptions, by adding a new exception [XXX1] with provisions similar in effect to the following:
- In Column II, “Applicable Zones”, add the text, “GM [XXX1] SYYY”
THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Document 2 of the Report be amended to add Section 4 as follows:
Amend Section 239, Urban Exceptions, by adding a new exception [XXX2] with provisions similar in effect to the following:
- In Column II, “Applicable Zones”, add the text, “O1 [XXX2]”
- In Column V, “Provisions”, add the text, “Detached dwellings existing as of the date of the passing of this by-law are permitted.”
THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that there be no further notice pursuant to Section 34(17) of the Planning Act.