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Ottawa Public Library Board Meeting

Minutes 3

Tuesday, 3 March 2015

5:00 pm

Champlain Room, Ottawa City Hall, 110 Laurier Avenue West



Notes:             1.         Underlining indicates a new or amended recommendation approved by the Board.


Chair:  Tim Tierney
Vice-Chair:  André Bergeron
Trustees:  Steven Begg, Kathy Fisher, Allan Higdon,
Catherine McKenney, Scott Moffatt, Pamela Sweet, Marianne Wilkinson



No Declarations of Interest were filed.





Minutes 2 - Tuesday, 10 February 2015


Confidential Minutes 2 - Tuesday,10 February 2015








Chair Tierney asked that the Board take a moment to recognize the passing of a true library supporter, Mr. Ernest Côté. Mr. Côté passed away on February 25, 2015 at the age of 101. Mr. Côté was an active member of Ottawa’s library community, passionate and dedicated to advancing the library. He was a past Board Chair of the Ottawa Public Library (OPL), he co-founded the Friends of the Ottawa Public Library Association (FOPLA), as well as the FOPLA trust-fund. Outside the OPL, he sponsored a library scholarship at the University of Ottawa, and even authored a family history.

Le président Tierney a demandé au C.A. de prendre quelques instants pour souligner le décès de M. Ernest Côté, un véritable partisan de la bibliothèque, qui nous a quittés le 25 février 2015 à l’âge de 101 ans. M. Côté était un membre actif de la communauté des bibliothèques d’Ottawa, qui se passionnait pour l’essor de la BPO. Il fut président du C.A. de la Bibliothèque publique d’Ottawa (BPO), et cofondateur de l’Association des Amis de la Bibliothèque publique d’Ottawa (AABPO) et du fonds en fiducie de l’AABPO. En dehors de la BPO, il a parrainé une bourse d’études en bibliothéconomie à l’Université d’Ottawa, et a même écrit une histoire familiale.








Matthew Pritz, Portfolio Manager, Business Services in the Corporate Services Department provided a presentation of the Performance Measurement Framework. (Held on file with the Chief Executive Officer)

For comparative purposes, Trustee Sweet asked how performance measures relate to other libraries in Ontario and Canada. Mr. Pritz noted that in comparison to other libraries, the Ottawa Public Library’s (OPL) framework is different than most and relatively unique. Many other library systems use a balanced scorecard system but the reporting that they do in public is very textual in nature and not graphical.

In response to a question from Trustee Fisher in terms of the data that is collected for the Key Performance Indicators (KPI), Mr. Pritz mentioned that the data that is collected across the province but OPL applies the data strategically in a different way.

Discussions having concluded, Chair Tierney thanked Mr. Pritz and the presentation was RECEIVED.


MOTION OPL 20150303/1

That the Ottawa Public Library Board receive this presentation for information.













Chair Tierney noted that at the meeting of 10 February, the Board directed staff to revise the 2015 Draft Operating and Capital Budget in order to address the decision of the Ontario Pay Equity Hearings Tribunal.

Danielle McDonald, CEO, mentioned that the Board will be receiving a revised presentation of the draft budget as a result of the Board’s direction. Ms. McDonald thanked Monique Désormeaux and her team, who worked very closely with staff from the City’s financial services unit. Staff has done an admirable job, while respecting the targets, the important work to advance the Central Library file, and commitment to RFID and services.  Ms. McDonald explained the budget was not easy as a result of the fact that staff had to find another $250,000 within the operating envelope that was provided. Ms. McDonald explained that by approving this budget, the organization has to stay focused as there will not be a lot of room left and no ability to add in new services through the year unless choices are made and money is pulled from one area and switched.

Monique Désormeaux, Division Manager, Corporate Services provided a presentation overview of the2015 Budget. (Held on file with the Chief Executive Officer)

Key highlights:

Staff focused on two priorities, while staying within the funding envelope allocated by City Council:

  1. Minimizing the impact of the changes on direct service to the customer;
  2. Dealing with non-discretionary costs associated with maintaining existing services.

Staff is seeking to support key Board approved strategic and facilities priorities, including the advancement of RFID in six locations and beginning to address growth needs in the South Urban area of Ottawa. In order to accommodate the on-going $250K impact to OPL’s operating budget, staff is recommending reducing the amounts being permanently transferred from capital to operating, to offset the costs as shown in the report.

In response to a question from Trustee Sweet regarding the impact of the conversion of the Orléans Branch rather than the St-Laurent Branch, Ms. Désormeaux reported that RFID projects consist of three primary costs: technology, including whether there is a sorter, smart bins, etc.; capital fit-up costs in order to ensure the space can physically allow for that equipment to be installed; and finally; training required for staff to become more familiar both with technology but also with the service philosophy.

With respect to the conversion, Ms. Désormeaux described that St-Laurent and Orléans are essentially the same size and the cost would relatively net out for both branches. They would accommodate the same kind of technology but have different fit-up requirements and different staffing structure. Ms. Désormeaux explained that the Orléans branch has significantly a higher number of circulation assistants and when the technology is rolled out, there will be staff efficiencies to be had. She pointed out that that was how they were able to grow the staffing structure at the Beaverbrook branch by reaping the savings from the other branches that had converted.

In terms of cost, Ms. Désormeaux began by saying that some analysis was done on staffing cost in terms of what structure would be put in place in these branches. By converting the Orléans branch, they would see a savings of $100,000 on the compensation cost. Ms. Désormeaux stated that this being a late budget in the 2015 cycle, only half a year would be impacted; of that $100,000 savings would be cut in half towards the impact of Pay Equity.  Ms. Désormeaux advised that St-Laurent would likely be converted within the next two years and it is anticipated that all of the RFID’s in all of the locations will be accomplished by the end of 2017. She said that they have not had any additional funding from the City to offset the cost of implementing this technology and by self-funding, it allows OPL to harvest the savings into those priorities area. Last year, it was the re-opening of the Beaverbrook Branch, going from 11 FTE’s.

Trustee Wilkinson posed a question related to the $2.3 million dollars in the budget by asking where the adjustments in the report were. Ms. Désormeaux indicated that part of the $2.3 million dollars in retroactivity costs will be paid through the depletion of the library reserves, flowing through operating. It is anticipated that there will be deficit at the end the year.

In response to further questions posed by Trustee Wilkinson on whether there is money in the budget to pay the $2.3 million dollars and whether the $1.5 million dollars will be the first charge against next year’s budget, Ms. Désormeaux explained that at the end of the year when there is a deficit situation, practice is to go directly to the reserves to offset that deficit, which in this case is $1.5 million dollars. She pointed out that there is constant dialogue with colleagues at the City in terms of the balance of the retroactivity to see if there are corporate funds that can be used. She noted that depending on the efficiencies for 2015, the operating deficit may be less than anticipated because there are FTE positions that have yet be filled. Ms. Gorton, Financial Services added that the total cost of the Pay Equity decision should be known in the middle of the summer; which will be a one-time impact on controllable cost, that flows through operating. The $2.3 million dollars is a maximum estimate that could be lower. Ms. Gorton advised that discussions have been held with Marian Simulik, City Treasurer for funding for unforeseen opportunities and options will be looked at in the third quarter.  She added that the base budget has been adjusted with the new Pay Equity salary schedules.

In response to an inconsistency on page four of the report posed by Trustee Begg, the following will be implemented in the minutes :

Direction to staff:

The description in the second bullet of section 1 a) of the report should appropriately read:

·         Reducing the amounts required for technology licenses equipment/lifecycle and maintenance/hosting fees.

The Board heard from the following delegation:

·         Linda Hoad*, representing the community group Rosemount Expansion and Development (READ) spoke to the renewal of Rosemount branch being consistently and continuously on the OPL’s capital facilities priority list since first approved in 2012, and reconfirmed in the 2013 and 2014 budgets. She asked that Rosemount remain the highest branch renewal priority; that it be pursued in tandem with the work for a new central library, not in competition with, and that all facilities development be based on a integrated and holistic approach. Ms. Hoad advised that READ would like to assist with the Rosemount Branch redevelopment and expansion.

Trustee Wilkinson commented that the Rosemount elevator is scheduled for a modernization/retrofit of approximately $255,000.

Correspondence was also received from the following individual:

·         Mr. Mike Pyndus*

[     *Individuals / groups marked with an asterisk above either provided comments in writing or by email; all submissions are held on file with the CEO.]

There being no further discussion, Chair Tierney thanked the CEO, Ms. Désormeaux and her team. The report recommendations were put before the Board and were CARRIED, as presented. 


MOTION OPL 20150303/2

1.            That the Ottawa Public Library Board approve the closure of previously approved capital accounts (WIPS) in the amount of $0.330M to address one-time operating pressures in the following categories: RFID/SPOS training; one-time staffing for Materials Handling, and additional transit bins;

2.            That the Ottawa Public Library Board delegate authority to the CEO to exercise approved spending authority for all 2015 capital projects up to the annual approved capital amount; and

3.            That the Ottawa Public Library Board approve the revised 2015 OPL Draft Operating and Capital Budget and forward to City Council for consideration and final approval.










MOTION OPL 20150303/3

That the Ottawa Public Library Board receive the 2014 fourth quarter financial reports.













MOTION OPL 20150303/4

That the Ottawa Public Library Board receive this report for information.











MOTION OPL 20150303/5

Moved by Trustee Moffatt:

That the Ottawa Public Library Board move in camera in accordance with section 16.1 (4)(b) of the Public Libraries Act, to discuss the CEO’s executive performance review 2014.






Upon resuming in open session, the Board moved the following:

MOTION OPL 20150303/6

Moved by Vice-Chair Bergeron:

Therefore Be It Resolved that the Ottawa Public Library Board approve the Chief Executive Officer’s Individual Contribution Agreement and that the Board forward it to the City of Ottawa’s Human Resources department to be included in Danielle McDonald’s personnel file.






Note: In keeping with OPL Board policy 011-OPL-CEO Performance Management, Chair Tierney, Vice-Chair Bergeron, and Trustee Fisher were confirmed to sit on the ad-hoc committee responsible for the CEO’s annual performance evaluation process.




MOTION No. OPL 20150303/7

Moved by Vice-Chair Bergeron:

Therefore Be It Resolved that the verbatim announcement with respect to Mr. Ernest Côté be inserted in English and French in the Minutes.

*English and French announcement can be found on page two of these Minutes.






MOTION No. OPL 20150303/8

Be It Resolved that the Ottawa Public Library Board meeting be adjourned at 6:31 p.m.


Minutes approved by:

Original signed by                                                  Original signed by

Chair, Tim Tierney                                                  Danielle McDonald, CEO

_____________________________                    __________________________

Chair                                                                           Recording Secretary