Ottawa Police Service Board


Meeting #:
Electronic Participation
  • Chair: Salim Fakirani, 
  • Mayor Mark Sutcliffe, 
  • Vice Chair: Marty Carr, 
  • Peter Henschel, 
  • and Dave Donaldson 
  • Councillor Cathy Curry 

This draft Minutes document contains a summary of the disposition of items and actions taken at the meeting. This document does not include all of the text that will be included in the final Minutes. Recorded votes and dissents contained in this draft Minutes document are draft until the Minutes of the meeting are confirmed by the Board. The final draft Minutes will be published with the agenda for the next regular Board meeting and, once confirmed, will replace this document.

  • That the Ottawa Police Service Board confirm the agenda of the 23 September 2024 meeting.

  • That the Ottawa Police Service Board confirm Minutes #105 of the 22 July 2024 meeting.


No Declarations of Interest were filed.

The final public delegate list will be recorded as part of the final draft minutes for the September 23, 2024 meeting. 

Member Carr

  1. Determination of Staffing Needs for Major Events
  • What factors does the Ottawa Police Service (OPS) consider when determining staffing needs for major events and demonstrations?
  • What role, if any, do event-specific risk assessments and after-action reviews from past events play in adjusting staffing assumptions for future major events?
  1. Major Events and Demonstrations: Data and Costs (September 1, 2023 – August 31, 2024)
  • How many major events and demonstrations were policed by OPS during this period?
  • How many officer hours were dedicated to these events, including regular hours and overtime?
  • What was the total cost to OPS for policing these events, including overtime and external assistance from other police services?
  • How many arrests and fines were issued during these events?
  • What revenue streams (e.g., federal/provincial funding, paid duties) contribute to covering these costs, and how much do they represent relative to the total expenses?
  • What is the scope of these revenue streams, and which events qualify for federal or provincial funding?
  • What criteria does OPS use to determine whether an event qualifies as a paid duty?
  • For events designated as paid duty, what costs, if any, are still borne by OPS?
  • Have there been observed trends in the number of officers volunteering for paid duties?
  • Please provide a breakdown of all the above data by event type, including recurring events (e.g., weekly Palestine protests), major annual events (e.g., Canada Day, Panda Games), and other categories of major events.
  1. Impact on Proactive Policing and Resource Allocation
  • How does the mobilization of resources for major events affect proactive policing efforts?
  • Which proactive units, in addition to Neighbourhood Resource Teams (NRTs) and Community Police Officers (CPOs), have been mobilized for major events?
  • How many hours have CPOs and NRT members spent away from their regular duties to police major events?
  • What are the current staffing levels of each Neighbourhood Resource Team compared to the required levels?

Chair's report

  • That the Ottawa Police Service Board receive this report for information.


Chief's report

  • That the Ottawa Police Service Board receive this report for information.


Acting Executive Director 's report

  • That the Ottawa Police Service Board approve the purchase of a table plus three extra tickets for the annual Ottawa Police Gala being held on November 2, 2024, at the Shaw Centre, at a cost of $2,600.


Acting Executive Director 's report

  • That the Ottawa Police Service Board approve a $2,000 Silver sponsorship for the Ontario Association of Police Service Boards’ 2024 Labour Conference being held on November 26 & 27, 2024.


Acting Executive Director 's report

  • That the Ottawa Police Service Board approve the attendance of M. Carr at the Building Bridges Evidence-Based Policing Conference being held in Blue Mountain, Ontario, from November 7-8, 2024.


Chief's report

  • That the Ottawa Police Service Board: 

    1. Receive this report for information.
    2. Appoint the individuals identified in Document 1 as police officers.

    Received and Carried

Chief's report

  • That the Ottawa Police Service Board receive this report for information.


Chief's report

  • That the Ottawa Police Service Board receive this report for information.


Chief's report

  • That the Ottawa Police Service Board receive this report for information.


Chief's report

  • That the Ottawa Police Service Board receive this report for information.


Chief's report

  • That the Ottawa Police Service Board receive this report for information.


Acting Executive Director 's report

  • That the Ottawa Police Service Board receive this report for information. 


Chief’s report

  • That the Ottawa Police Service Board receive this report for information. 


In accordance with Section 44 of the Community Safety and Policing Act, 2019, the Ottawa Police Service Board met in a closed session prior to the public meeting to discuss items pertaining to the following subject matter:

  1. Update On Demonstrations and Event Management
  2. Update On the Implementation of The Lansdowne Consulting Group Report Recommendations
  3. Delay Application
  4. Request for Temporary Assistance (CSPA, S. 19)
  5. Request for Temporary Assistance (CSPA, S. 19)
  6. Labour Relations Matter
  7. Request for Temporary Assistance (CSPA, S. 19)
  8. Request for Temporary Assistance (CSPA, S. 19)
  9. Request for Temporary Assistance (CSPA, S. 19)
  10. Labour Relations Matter
  11. Legal Matter
  12. Legal Matter
  13. Legal Matter
  14. Board Governance and Organizational Development
  15. Labour Relations Matter

The meeting adjourned at 5:17 pm.

Regular Meeting – Monday, October 28, 2024 - 4:00 PM

No Item Selected