Committee of Adjustment

Panel 3

Electronic Participation

This hearing will be held through electronic participation in accordance with the Statutory Powers Procedure Act. To help stop the spread of COVID-19, the Committee of Adjustment will continue to hold online hearings until further notice.

The hearing can be viewed on the Committee of Adjustment YouTube page. For more information, visit

Simultaneous interpretation in both official languages, accessible formats and communication supports are available for any specific agenda item by calling the Committee information number at least 72 hours in advance of the hearing.

Panel Members:

Chair:  Fabian Poulin

Members:  Jocelyn Chandler, Steven Lewis, Martin Vervoort, Terry Otto

(Trevor Timpson & Devon Anderson)

To subdivide the property into two lots to construct two detached dwellings with reduced lot widths.

(Agent:  G. Scott)

(Jacob Eades & Kasey Turner)

To permit a reduced distance for a septic system to the normal high water mark of any watercourse or water body and from the top of bank of a ditch for the construction of a new detached dwelling.

(Agent:  J. Eades)

(Luc & Julie Martin)

To subdivide the property into two separate parcels of land to create one new lot for the future construction of a new municipal transformer station.

(Agent:  B. Wagar)

(Jaron James Cotton)

To subdivide the property into two separate parcels of land to create one new lot for future development.

(Agent:  T. Freeman)

Adjourned from September 21, 2022

(1983832 Ontario Inc. under Agreement of Purchase & Sale)

To subdivide the property into three parcels of land for future residential development.

(Agent:  J. Shipman)

Remote Participation – Committee Members, Staff and General Public

Although in-person Committee of Adjustment hearings have been postponed until further notice, there are several ways in which the general public can participate in this electronic hearing.

The chosen technology for this hearing is Zoom ( which allows for participation by computers and mobile devices. To reduce the number of participants in the electronic hearing and to allow for a more efficient process, the general public will be asked to participate by viewing the webcast via the Committee of Adjustment YouTube channel at You can also contact to obtain the link.

Submit comments in writing: submit comments in writing, by email, to Comments received by noon (12 p.m.) the Monday before the hearing will be provided to Committee Members prior to the hearing. Comments received after this time will be forwarded to Committee Members as soon as possible but may not be received by Committee Members prior to the hearing.

Submit verbal comments in advance of the hearing (Prior to noon (12 p.m.) the Monday before the hearing) you may call the Coordinator to have comments transcribed (contact details below).

Register to Speak at the Committee Hearing prior to 4 p.m. the Monday before the hearing, by phone or e-mail by contacting the Coordinator (contact details below). Details for those wishing to make visual presentations to the Committee can be provided to you upon request, by email.

Upon receipt of your registration to speak at the hearing, delegates will be provided the Zoom hearing details and password prior to the hearing.

For more information, please contact the Coordinator by e-mail at or (613) 580-2436.

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