Report recommendation(s)
That at its meeting of January 29, 2025, Council consider and approve the following recommendations related to the Council and committee structure, policies, procedures and other related matters:
- Approve the mid-term renewal measures for standing committees as described in this report, including:
- The following Council committee structure for the remainder of the 2022-2026 Term of Council, effective immediately and including that the Light Rail Sub-Committee be dissolved and the Transit Commission be renamed as the Transit Committee, as described in this report:
- Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee;
- Audit Committee;
- Built Heritage Committee;
- Community Services Committee;
- Debenture Committee;
- Emergency Preparedness and Protective Services Committee;
- Environment and Climate Change Committee;
- Finance and Corporate Services Committee;
- Planning and Housing Committee;
- Transit Committee; and
- Transportation Committee;
- The revised meeting frequency for standing committees as outlined in this report; and
- The amendments and process to revise the 2025 meeting schedule, as described in this report;
2. That committee Terms of Reference, governance-related documents, and report routing processes be amended to provide for the following in relation to the Finance and Corporate Services Committee, as described in this report:
- That the Finance and Corporate Services Committee has the responsibility to review and make recommendations to Council on all matters and reports associated with all current and future Long Range Financial Plans;
- That the Finance and Corporate Services Committee has the responsibility to review and approve, as applicable, the following finance-related reports that shall be consolidated with existing reports from other City departments:
- Quarterly transit operating and capital status reports, and annual transit capital budget adjustments and closure reports;
- Semi-annual transit procurement reports; and
- Annual Revenue Services reports regarding the exercise of delegated authority with respect to write-offs of uncollectible OC Transpo customer accounts and uncollectible water utility customer accounts; and
- That the Finance and Corporate Services Committee’s role with respect to cybersecurity be formalized, with staff to provide training to ensure the committee has knowledge to receive and address reports relating to cybersecurity;
3. That responsibilities under the 2022-2024 Light Rail Sub-Committee’s mandate be added to the Transit Commission/Committee’s Terms of Reference, as described in this report;
4. That revised Terms of Reference for the Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee and Finance and Corporate Services Committee be submitted in draft form to the respective committees as soon as practicable but no later than June 30, 2025, for consideration and recommendation to Council for approval;
5. Approve the mandate and membership of the Agile Government Efficiency Review Working Group as described in this report;
6. Direct each advisory committee to adopt and provide to the Office of the City Clerk by no later than June 30, 2025, the mandatory revised procedure by-law minimum provisions attached in Document 3;
7. Receive for information the Department-led Working Groups Policy attached as Document 4, and the inventory of department-led working groups attached as Document 5; and
8. Confirm the appointment of members of the Community Safety and Well-Being Advisory Committee as set out in Document 6, further to the Terms of Reference approved on October 2, 2024, and approve the process and composition of the selection panel to be used for future appointments, as described in this report.
- Receive the 2024 Annual Report of the Integrity Commissioner, attached as Document 7;
- Approve the proposed Ethical Framework for Members’ Staff with implementation for the beginning of the 2026-2030 Term of Council, as described in this report and in Document 8; and
- Approve amendments to the Code of Conduct for Members of Council [By-law No. 2018-400] and the Code of Conduct for Citizen Members of the Built Heritage Committee [By-law No. 2022-413] as described in this report and in Document 9;
- Approve the following with respect to the ByWard Market District Authority Municipal Services Corporation:
- Direct staff to work with the ByWard Market District Authority to review and implement any procedural changes that would align the Annual Meeting of Members with established Council procedures, as described in this report; and
- Approve that the ByWard Market District Authority is eligible to participate in the Parking Initiatives Grant Program, as described in this report;
- Approve the Committee of Adjustment Terms of Reference attached in Document 12;
- Amend By-law No. 199-81 (being a by-law to establish a Board of Management for the Rideau Area Improvement Area), as amended, to provide that City Council shall appoint one Member of Council to the Board of Management for the Downtown Rideau Business Improvement Area (BIA), and rescind the appointment of the Ward 14 Councillor to the BIA board in accordance with the amended board composition; and
- Approve the following matters related to the Ottawa Police Service Board in accordance with statutory requirements under the new Community Safety and Policing Act, 2019, as described in this report:
- That the Ottawa Police Service Board shall continue to be composed of seven members; and
- The Diversity Plan set out in Document 14 to ensure that the members of the Ottawa Police Service Board appointed by Council are representative of the diversity of the population in the municipality, and delegate authority to the City Clerk to amend the Diversity Plan pursuant to any relevant statutory requirements or policy changes.
- Approve amendments to the City Manager By-law as described in this report and in Document 15;
- Approve amendments to the Delegation of Authority By-law as described in this report and in Document 16;
- Approve the revised Procedure By-law as described in this report and attached in Document 17;
- Approve amendments to the Procurement By-law as described in this report and in Document 18;
5. Approve amendments to the Accountability and Transparency Policy, and the repeal of By-law No. 2014-442, as described in this report and in Document 19;
6. Approve amendments to the Appointment Policy as described in this report and in Document 20;
7. Approve the revised Council Expense Policy as described in this report and attached in Document 21;
8. Approve amendments to the Council-Staff Relations Policy as described in this report and in Document 22;
9. Approve amendments to the Delegation of Powers Policy as described in this report and in Document 23;
10. Approve amendments to the Election-Related Resources Policy and Election-Related Blackout Period Procedures as described in this report and in Documents 24 and 25;
11. Approve amendments to the Petition Policy as described in this report and in Document 26;
12. Approve amendments to the Public Conduct Policy, and the revised Trespass to Property Procedures, as described in this report and in Documents 27 and 28;
13. Approve amendments to the Routine Disclosure and Active Dissemination Policy as described in this report and in Document 29; and
14. Approve amendments to the Statutory Officer Recruitment, Appointment and Contract Administration Policy and Procedures as described in this report and in Documents 30 and 31.
- Direct the City Clerk and City Treasurer to bring forward for committee and Council consideration no later than June 30, 2025, options to address the recommendations from the independent third-party reviewer (MNP Business Consulting and Advisory Services LLP) regarding the funding allocation for Members’ Constituency Services Budgets, as described in this report;
- Approve the revised Councillors’ Office Manual attached as Document 33;
- Approve the Elected Officials Records Management Policy attached as Document 34; and
- Approve that the City Clerk be delegated the authority to implement changes to all related processes, procedures, policies and Terms of Reference, and to bring forward by-laws as required to implement Council’s decisions further to the approval of this report and to reflect the current organizational alignment.