WHEREAS in post-WWII Ottawa, renowned French planner, Jacques Gréber was tasked by Prime Minister MacKenzie King with planning our National Capital in memory of Canadian’s who gave their lives in WWII and to accommodate population growth while accentuating Ottawa’s natural beauty; and,
WHEREAS the Gréber Report retained and enhanced Ottawa’s green spaces including Grasshopper Hill Park; and,
WHEREAS in 1995 a commemorative plaque was established in Grasshopper Hill Park recognizing this work; and,
WHEREAS a memorial tree was planted on May 5, 1995 “to honour those brave Canadians” for whom the report was designed in memory of; and,
WHEREAS the current plaque and tree commemorating the Gréber report enacted by the Mackenzie King Government in honour of WWII soldiers has reached their end of life; and
WHEREAS the Greenspace Stewardship Committee, aligned through the Alta Vista Community Association have championed the replacement, relocation and updated version of this commemoration including text in both Canada’s official languages; and
WHEREAS the cost of the Commemorative Tree, planted in the fall of 2022, and accompanying plaque will be paid for by the Greenspace Stewardship Committee; and
WHEREAS City Staff have worked with the community to agree upon a suitable location nearby and in the same park space as the old commemorative plaque and tree,
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that City Council approve the relocation and installation of a new tree and updated plaque in Grasshopper Hill Park; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the plaque read “The Mackenzie King Government dedicated the planning of the National Capital to the memory of Canadians who gave their lives to the Nation in the Second World War. (Gréber Report). This memorial was placed on Grasshopper Hill to honour those brave Canadians. Take a moment, feel the peace and consider their sacrifice.”.
“Le gouvernement de Mackenzie King a dédié le plan d’aménagement de la capitale nationale à la mémoire des Canadiens et des Canadiennes qui ont perdu la vie au service de leur pays pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale (Rapport Gréber). Cette plaque commémorative, est un hommage à ces braves Canadiens et Canadiennes. Profitez d’un moment de calme pour réfléchir et honorer leur sacrifice”.